
Finally, an apology from the National Geographic Channel

Six days after September 11th, National Geographic Today (NGT) published one of the very first descriptions of the official myth for what happened to the World Trade Center (WTC) towers.[1] This article exaggerated the little known facts about the fires in the towers, equated gas temperatures with steel temperatures, and detailed the long-surviving but incorrect Pancake Theory of “collapse.” Since that time, millions of people have been killed or injured in the 9/11 Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that originated from the official myth about 9/11.[2,3] Fortunately, this week it was announced that the NGT’s parent, the National Geographic Channel (NG Channel), is scheduled to broadcast a new television special covering the science behind the events of 9/11. We can only assume that this new show is meant to correct the record and apologize for the company’s false statements that contributed to the ongoing wars.

Video shows aftermath of 9/11 collapses

Source: http://www.jconline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070613/NEWS0501/706130332

Video shows aftermath of 9/11 collapses

June 13, 2007

Purdue faculty members have created a scientific animation of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center that shows what happened to the towers after planes crashed into them. The project was funded in part by the National Science Foundation.


The animation shows how a plane went through several stories of the north tower and the effect the plane's body and fuel had on the structure as well as the effects of glass, dust and other factors in the destruction of the tower.

The simulation found that the planes peeled away shortly after impact and the engines flew through the building like bullets.


Confirming another simulation, the Purdue model showed that it was the 10,000 gallons of fuel that caused the most damage, knocking out essential structural columns and removing fireproof insulation.