
Anti-Muslim Crusaders Make Millions Spreading Fear

Anti-Muslim Crusaders Make Millions Spreading Fear

By Bob Smietana • THE TENNESSEAN • October 24, 2010

First of Two Parts

Steven Emerson has 3,390,000 reasons to fear Muslims.

That's how many dollars Emerson's for-profit company — Washington-based SAE Productions — collected in 2008 for researching alleged ties between American Muslims and overseas terrorism. The payment came from the Investigative Project on Terrorism Foundation, a nonprofit charity Emerson also founded, which solicits money by telling donors they're in imminent danger from Muslims.

Emerson is a leading member of a multimillion-dollar industry of self-proclaimed experts who spread hate toward Muslims in books and movies, on websites and through speaking appearances.

Huffington Post Determined to Preserve "basic historic" Lies About 9/11

Preserving 9/11's Authentic History

by Joe Daniels, Huffington Post

Yesterday, the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, used a speech at the United Nations General Assembly to express his belief that "the majority of the American people, as well as most nations and politicians around the world agree" that "some segments within the U.S. governments orchestrated" the 9/11 terrorist attacks. His speech was a grievous insult to the families and friends of those who lost their lives that tragic Tuesday, as well as to a nation and world that remain outraged by the indefensible terrorist attacks perpetrated by al Qaeda.

NYT Op-Ed attacks Gage and truth movement

From the article:

I distanced myself from my discomfort by regarding the event as theater and inventorying the dramatis personae. They were straight out of central casting. Sander Hicks, the master of ceremonies, looked like an amalgam of Johnny Depp, Sean Penn and Matt Dillon; he kept things moving and implored “put your hands together” as each speaker came to the podium. Paul Zarembka played (and was) the left-leaning academic economist. He said, “The ruling class will do anything to keep in power.” The Rev. Ian Alterman preached gentleness, humility and respect. He said that those who have an investment in the official lies because that’s all they’ve ever heard cannot be approached in a confrontational manner.


"If it is your desire to understand how we are manipulated into believing the things we do -- watch this film. Every American should see it...for the sake of our future."
- Timothy Gatto, fmr Chairman, Liberal Party of America


I'm pleased to present the first feature in my documentary series, entitled Psywar ("The real battlefield is the mind"). It premiered on Global Research and should be appearing on some other alternative news websites in the coming days.

The film explores the evolution of propaganda and public relations in the United States, with an emphasis on the “elitist theory of democracy” and the relationship between war, propaganda and class.

This is not a high budget affair, but was financed via a blue collar job, and is being released online for free. The interviews contained within are original and were conducted by proxy.

The Toronto G20 Riot Fraud

The Toronto G20 Riot Fraud

by Terry Burrows

June 26, 2010.

Toronto is right now in the midst of a massive government / media propaganda fraud. As events unfold, it is becoming increasingly clear that the 'Black Bloc' are undercover police operatives engaged in purposeful provocations to eclipse and invalidate legitimate G20 citizen protest by starting a riot. Government agents have been caught doing this before in Canada.

Podcast Show #29: The Boiling Frogs Presents Peter Phillips

Podcast Show #29: The Boiling Frogs Presents Peter Phillips

Peter Phillips describes Project Censored, its mission, operational style and funding, then talks about what he has coined as ‘Truth Emergency,’ and provides examples such as the intentional misreporting of the number of civilian deaths in the Iraq war, and government insider media groups such as the Rendon Group. Mr. Phillips talks about the findings of his project’s studies and research of some of the more visible left-leaning alternative media with propaganda patterns similar to the mainstream outlets, especially on issues such as Israel, 9/11, and elections, and discusses the notions of objectivity, partisanship, and conspiracy when it comes to the media today, and more!

The Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Al Qaeda: Israeli propaganda exposed

The Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Al Qaeda
Israeli Propaganda Exposed

by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, Global Resarch, 8 June 2010

"Tel Aviv deliberately invoked Al-Qaeda, the horrors of Auschwitz, and the tragic attacks of September 11, 2001 to demonize the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, but in so doing it has revealed its machinations and fabrications."

link to the article:

Plan to Build Mosque Near Ground Zero Riles Families of 9/11 Victims

(I'm finding it hard to not throw up reading this. The 'outraged' family members are no different than the "good Germans" of the 1930's and Fox News is nothing short of a Ministry of Propaganda. Incidentally, has there been any attempt to reach out to the hard core OCT supporting family members like Debra Burlingame? Would she really suggest that 1,000 architects and engineers are all wrong?)

Outraged family members and community groups are accusing a Muslim group of trying to rewrite history with its plans to build a 13-story mosque and cultural center just two blocks from Ground Zero, where Islamic extremists flew two planes into the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

"This is a place which is 600 feet from where almost 3,000 people were torn to pieces by Islamic extremists," said Debra Burlingame, whose brother died in the attack on the Pentagon that day.

"Crybaby “Sir” Bernie Kerik, 9/11 And America’s Controlled Press"

"The Myth Of Poor Bernie Kerik And The 9/11 Cover-Up

By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor

One of the strangest things seen in America in recent days was the press coverage of the sentencing of Bernie Kerik as a crooked cop. Day in, day out, Fox News does little but talk up the heroics of Bernie Kerik and how he is being wrongfully persecuted by the courts. There is much more to this story than Fox will report or than Fox is able to hide.

What is now obvious is that Kerik’s threat is that he is the only important character central to the 9/11 case to be going to jail.

How did a poor boy with a GED go from dog handler for the army in Korea to, according to Rupert Murdoch, “one of America’s greatest heroes?” According to Kerik’s bio, his 3 year stint as a dog handler had him as one of the most experienced trainers of Special Forces though he was neither Ranger nor Special Forces qualified, thus making his bio a total fiction.

Compare the fates of Kerik and Erik Prince of Blackwater. ABC News accusations tied Prince to murders and gun running as part of a “crusade to eliminate Muslims.” Witnesses mysteriously disappeared and Blackwater was tied to one scandal after another. Prince, millionaire long before Blackwater and son in law of the Amway/GOP Christian extremist billionaire, Dick DeVos of Grand Rapids, Michigan, simply changed the name of his company, first Xe, then Parvel and the billions keep rolling in. Kerik, for 1% of Prince’s transgressions goes to prison.

What was Kerik really and why is Fox News so terrified of him and what he could say?

Ministry of Propaganda - Fox News - on full attack mode

As expected, Fox leads the pack with the most openly transparent propaganda.

John Bolton espouses the notion that the Iranian President's views on both the holocaust and 9/11 are proof that he is not to be trusted with nuclear weapons, and justification of UN sanctions.

Watch the latest news video at

Disinformation Tactics: The Methods Used To Keep You In The Dark

Here is an outstanding article posted by Sakerfa at that was sent to me today. This is well worth a thorough reading by all grass roots activists no matter their issue.

Disinformation Tactics: The Methods Used To Keep You In The Dark
Posted by sakerfa on February 8, 2010

Defending the empire - The Daily Texan

The following article was published in today's opinion section of The Daily Texan, the school newspaper of the University of Texas at Austin. The Texan has a daily circulation of about 30,000, is the biggest student-run newspaper in the South, and has a large online following - so it's all about getting the word out.

Defending the empire
by Calvin Sloan

"According to professor Robert Jensen of the School of Journalism, “As long as the United States is an empire, government officials will try to keep the public in the dark about the nature of the empire.”

Given the 865 military bases abroad, the euphemistic “Overseas Contingency Operations,” and the military strategy of “full-spectrum dominance” that the United States oversees, our country is without a doubt the global hegemon of the day. Given the us-versus-them framework that is propagated by our politicians and mainstream media outlets alike to simplify, or outright falsify, the nature of our imperial ambitions, the powers that be are without a doubt attempting to keep the U.S. citizenry out of the know.

When independent journalists challenge US wars, government propagandists attack in the comments

hyperlinks live at source:

The US Senate Church Committee disclosed in 1975 that more than over 400 government propagandists had infiltrated American corporate media to manipulate public opinion on key policies, including war. CIA Director William Colby testified that Operation Mockingbird had been operational since the late 1940s to control what was reported through American television, newspapers, and magazines. President Ford fired Colby after his testimony and replaced him with George H. W. Bush. Bush Sr. ended the CIA’s testimony, stating that there were no other programs of concern to disclose and promised that the CIA would no longer influence the media (for Bush Sr.’s lies to initiate the first war with Iraq, click here).

SMH hit piece on Jan Utzon

Utzon's son signs up for September 11 conspiracy theory

AS CONSPIRACY theories go, it is up there with the CIA assassination of president John Kennedy and the faked moon landings. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, have spawned a cottage industry devoted to questioning whether they were the work of al-Qaeda and hinting that it was ''an inside job''.

Now a lead figure in the self-described ''9/11 truth movement'', an American architect, Richard Gage, has revealed one of its most high-profile adherents to date: Jan Utzon, son of the world-famous designer of the Sydney Opera House, Joern Utzon.

In a video posted on YouTube during his current visit to Sydney, Mr Utzon is interviewed by Mr Gage and endorses his call for a new inquiry into the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Prostitution "journalism": Yup, mainstream media is intentional propaganda. Accept the evidence

hyperlinks and video live at source:

Please click and read the outstanding work of Stephen Lendman in Paid lying – what passes for major media journalism. Stephen documents major areas of propaganda. I also recommend the work of PuppetGov to artistically represent the fact of Americans being played by political “leadership” and their media whores. An example of their video work is below in powerful beauty (warning: some strong language).

In my work, to just consider one area of easily-demonstrated intentional lies of omission and commission, propaganda: I’ve previously documented the two principle fears some Americans espouse with Iran and threaten war to prove beyond doubt they are without basis in fact: