Jan Utzon

Two major stories on 9/11 truth printed today in the Sydney Morning Herald

These stories were printed on p.9 of the SMH today. Together they occupy a full half page on the newspaper, including a large photo of the WTC7 debris pile as you can see in the image below:

Sydney Morning Herald 25 November 2009 - articles about Jan Utzon, Richard Gage and the 9/11 truth movement

This is pretty significant in my opinion.

It is the first time to my knowledge that the Sydney Morning Herald (one of the top broadsheets in the country) has covered the topic.


November 25, 2009

NO PLANE flew into Building 7 at the World Trade Centre. But seven hours after the Twin Towers collapsed in flames on September 11, 2001, this third skyscraper fell too.

Like its larger neighbours, it fell rapidly, vertically, almost symmetrically, like an implosion. It took 5.4 seconds for its 47 storeys to complete their fiery descent.

SMH hit piece on Jan Utzon


Utzon's son signs up for September 11 conspiracy theory

AS CONSPIRACY theories go, it is up there with the CIA assassination of president John Kennedy and the faked moon landings. The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, have spawned a cottage industry devoted to questioning whether they were the work of al-Qaeda and hinting that it was ''an inside job''.

Now a lead figure in the self-described ''9/11 truth movement'', an American architect, Richard Gage, has revealed one of its most high-profile adherents to date: Jan Utzon, son of the world-famous designer of the Sydney Opera House, Joern Utzon.

In a video posted on YouTube during his current visit to Sydney, Mr Utzon is interviewed by Mr Gage and endorses his call for a new inquiry into the September 11, 2001, attacks.

Richard Gage AIA and Jan Utzon of Sydney Opera House discuss 9/11 truth


Richard Gage AIA, of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, talks to architect Jan Utzon, son of Joern Utzon, the architect of the Sydney Opera House.

Like 964 other professional architects and engineers Mr Utzon has signed the ae911truth.org petition demanding of Congress an independent investigation into the collapse of the 3 World Trade Center buildings in New York on September 11, 2001

Please circulate this video widely.

A big thanks to EVERYONE who helped make this happen (:

Best regards,
Hereward Fenton