
Deflating the HYPE - Can the Seemingly Imminent War with Iran be Stopped?

Article by John Bursill

Unfortunately it now appears that a war between the US and it's allies with Iran is imminent. By any military analysts assessment this has a real chance of changing the current multi-theatre war against terrorism and so called rogue/terrorist states into a real World War III scenario!

Following the Main Stream Media (MSM) in the west over the last few months, you would be sensing that many things have happened to support the war with Iran rationale, hearing that Iran wants a Nuclear bomb and would be prepared to use it against Israel and the US. Other alarming stories include Iran trading in weapons with "rogue states", Iran killing innocent people abroad, Iran's President is insane and wants to "wipe Israel off the map", Iran has been involved in terrorist plots/bombings and may attack inside the US and Iran is trading drugs. The list of baseless accusation goes on and on.

Sydney's #1 Talk Station Hosts 9/11 Debate "Arguments Rage over 9/11"

Sydney Live with Ben Fordham hosts 9/11 debate - John Bursill vs. Mike King

9/11 Twin Towers

September 5, 2011 - Source

Nearly 10 years on, many still argue who was really behind the 9/11 attacks....Ben Fordham investigates.

This excellent debate can be heard at 2GB, Sydney's number 1 rated talk station which has been broadcasting for over 80 years, part of Macquarie Radio Network, hosted by 2GB's show, "The Lounge", or via upload to YouTube here (Audio Part 1, Audio Part 2)
Sydney Live 3 till 6 is presented by Walkley award winning reporter Ben Fordham.

Australian 9/11 truth movement statement | 11 September 2010

Australian 9/11 truth movement statement | 11 September 2010

On 11 September 11, 2010 The Sydney 9/11 truth movement gathered outside the ANZAC War Memorial in Sydney's Hyde Park.

Two major stories on 9/11 truth printed today in the Sydney Morning Herald

These stories were printed on p.9 of the SMH today. Together they occupy a full half page on the newspaper, including a large photo of the WTC7 debris pile as you can see in the image below:

Sydney Morning Herald 25 November 2009 - articles about Jan Utzon, Richard Gage and the 9/11 truth movement

This is pretty significant in my opinion.

It is the first time to my knowledge that the Sydney Morning Herald (one of the top broadsheets in the country) has covered the topic.

November 25, 2009

NO PLANE flew into Building 7 at the World Trade Centre. But seven hours after the Twin Towers collapsed in flames on September 11, 2001, this third skyscraper fell too.

Like its larger neighbours, it fell rapidly, vertically, almost symmetrically, like an implosion. It took 5.4 seconds for its 47 storeys to complete their fiery descent.

Rally for 9/11 Truth | ABC Studios | Sydney | 11-09-09

The Sydney 9/11 Truth Action Group will be outside ABC studios all day on 11 September.

When: September 11, 2009 11:00 AM

ABC Studios Ultimo
700 Harris St Ultimo NSW 2007
Sydney, Australia

NOTE: ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) is not connected with ABC in the United States - it is wholly government owned like the BBC.

ABC Studios Ultimo

The objective is to get the ABC to fulfill their charter as a tax payer funded broadcaster and cover the real news about 9/11 - with special emphasis on the petition from and the recent peer reviewed paper:

9/11 Truth Street Action - 11 December 2008

9/11 Truth Street Action - 11 December 2008

From 911oz

On 11 December the Sydney 9/11 Action group were outside Parliament house, Sydney.

We had a chance to interview a representative of the Wilderness society protesting that day who gave us the thumbs up.

Additional Info on the Sydney, Australia, Conference - March, 2008.

This in from John Bursill, one of the organizers of the Australian Truth Now Tour.

Here is the main website for the conference;

You can contact John for information at this email address;