Hereward Fenton

News Corp Allows an Alternate Historical View of the 9/11 Events - The Punch - "Why I Became a September 11 Truther"

Why I became a September 11 truther

by Hereward Fenton

Hereward Fenton

12 Sep 05:50am - Source

On this sad anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in post-war history I am reminded of the prophetic words spoken by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in his farewell address to the nation in 1961: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist”.

Eisenhower was the supreme commander in western Europe who had led America to victory against one of the most evil regimes in history, a man who had witnessed the depths of human depravity, and wanted finally to warn us that the war machine which had been created to defend freedom in WWII could equally be used for the opposite purpose, and that it was up to the American people to guard against this possibility.

Eisenhower coined the phrase “military industrial complex” which became the catch-cry of the anti-war movement of the 1960s, describing an economic and political fusion of power involving armaments manufacturers, construction companies, banks, democratic governments and puppet dictatorships.

As Marine Major General Smedley Butler put it, “War is a Racket”. In his seminal book on the subject Butler declares, “I spent 33 years in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints.”

These and other observations about the racketeering, lying and theft that is the essence of war have informed many of us around the world who today call ourselves “9/11 truthers”.

Herald Sun Poll: 65% Agree that the Official 9/11 Story does not Stand up to Scientific Scrutiny


22 October 2010

As of 10:00AM this morning a Herald sun poll is showing that over 65% of respondents agree with Union leader Kevin Bracken's view that the official explanation of 9/11 does not stand up to scientific scrutiny.

Radio host John Faine previously attacked Bracken's views on air over two days, describing him as a nutter and an extremist, and stating that his views were "offensive".

In Parliament on Wednesday Australian PM Julia Gillard stated that Bracken's views were "stupid and wrong".

Poll Screen Shot: 5:30pm 22nd of October 2010
30pm 22nd October 2010
Note: 911oz Editor would like you to comment at the site for the historical record!

Australian 9/11 truth movement statement | 11 September 2010

Australian 9/11 truth movement statement | 11 September 2010

On 11 September 11, 2010 The Sydney 9/11 truth movement gathered outside the ANZAC War Memorial in Sydney's Hyde Park.

Sydney 9/11 Event Creates Serious Main Stream Media Ripples!

Story by John Bursill
22nd of July, 2010

Australia's number one talk back Radio Station 2GB, have reported on the Prof. Niels Harritt Lecture on the 17th of July, 2010 at the Sydney Mechanic's School of Arts during their late night show with Brian Wilshire. Sydney's most popular late night show's regular guest, Prof. Keith Suter who attended the Harritt Lecture, has expressed his fascination with the issue of the World Trade Center 7 collapse on the afternoon of September 11, 2001.

Audio sourced by Hereward Fenton, Editor and

Truth News Radio Australia features Craig Ranke of CIT

Truth News Radio Australia features Craig Ranke of CIT

Hereward Fenton with TNRA welcomes Craig Ranke to discuss the important evidence CIT presents in their latest video National Security Alert and to address the latest paper by Australian truth movement personality Frank Legge.

For those fence sitters who haven't taken the time and have only a vague idea of what CIT's research is about, perhaps based on a quick skim of the blogs, and aren't sure whether CIT or their opposition are closer to the truth, it is interesting to note that within the first couple minutes of the show, the host makes it clear that he takes a very strong stand against disinformation. He points out that the "no planes at the WTC" is a blatant example. Then he makes clear that the Pentagon is another story, and indeed, that the video National Security Alert goes beyond speculation; it provides a very fine compilation of verifiable information.