
First INTERVIEW: CBS 8.52 am. 911

INTERVIEW: CBS 8.52 am live feed Bryan Gumble talking to a man named ‘Stuart’:”we have an eyewitness on the phone....."
Transcription of the first interview by Bryan that day.
It was phone-recorded audio live feed while first images of Tower 1 played on screen,
so essentially, these are the first CBS moments regarding the 911 atrocity.
and can be heard at link:

BG. Whats your name?
BG. Stuart. Where are you right now?
S. I’m working at a restaurant in Soho.
BG. alright. so. tell us what you saw if you would.
S. I literally - I was waiting a table and I literally saw...it seemed to be a like a small plane...I just heard a couple of noises and it looked like it just bounced off the building and then I heard a....I just saw a huge like ball of fire on top, and then the smoke seemed to simmer down and it just, um, you know, alot of smoke just coming out and, thats pretty much the extent of what I saw.
BG. A private aircraft?
S that, umm, I’m not sure if it was....it just seemed like a smaller plane and I don’t think it was anything commercial.

Truth News Radio Australia features Craig Ranke of CIT

Truth News Radio Australia features Craig Ranke of CIT

Hereward Fenton with TNRA welcomes Craig Ranke to discuss the important evidence CIT presents in their latest video National Security Alert and to address the latest paper by Australian truth movement personality Frank Legge.

For those fence sitters who haven't taken the time and have only a vague idea of what CIT's research is about, perhaps based on a quick skim of the blogs, and aren't sure whether CIT or their opposition are closer to the truth, it is interesting to note that within the first couple minutes of the show, the host makes it clear that he takes a very strong stand against disinformation. He points out that the "no planes at the WTC" is a blatant example. Then he makes clear that the Pentagon is another story, and indeed, that the video National Security Alert goes beyond speculation; it provides a very fine compilation of verifiable information.

Anthony Cipriano 9/11 first Plane witness

Anthony Cipriano was working at Madison Square Garden on the morning of september 11th 2001. He witnessed the first plane fly over his head and hit tower 1. Several weeks later he worked clean up near ground zero. He recalls his thoughts about the steam that was rising from the pile in mid October the plight of the first responders and the need for a new investigation into 9/11.


All the best


Rick Renzi - Key 9/11/01 Eyewitness' Indicted for Fraud

AZ Congressman and state co-chair for John McCain's Arizona leadership team was also a key eyewitness who claims to have seen Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. Under the circumstances, his credibility seems to have gone down the toilet.

Feb 22, 2008

According to Friday's indictment of Renzi, the Arizona Republican "concealed his misappropriation and embezzlement by filing Federal Election Commission Form 3, Reports of Receipts and Disbursements, on or about Jan. 24, 2002, for the final quarter of 2001. During the period Dec. 11, 2001 through Dec. 31, 2001, Renzi claimed total receipts of $404,090.00, all of which he claimed to be loans from himself. In fact, as as Renzi well knew, more than $300,000.00 of those funds constituted insurance premiums that were neither the property of Renzi nor of Renzi and Company."

In total, Renzi allegedly steered $422,000 in embezzled funds to his campaign between Dec. 2001 and March 2002, according to the indictment. Beardall allegedly assisted Renzi in covering up the embezzlement from state insurance regulators in Florida and Virginia.


9/11 Commission Report bars 503 1st responder eyewitnesses

[Part 1 of 2; Part 2: First Responders Testimony] Video prepared for the Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference, June 22-24, 2007 / snowshoefilms

MacQueen's statement was drafted for the Vancouver 9/11 Conference, June 22-24, 2007. Snowshoe Documentary films (part 2 of 3)

New Footage

Here is a never before-released video of the WTC attacks. This has to be the clearest and most detailed video surrounding the terrorist attack on the towers. The video is graphic in depicting the collapse of the first tower. 9/11 Was An Inside Job

What We Saw Never before-released video of the WTC attacks
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5474006551011489413&hl=en 26 min

Loose Change: Final Cut Footage
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1375208054676470714 1 hour

Shankville Residents Speak Out about 9/11

Shanksville Residents speak out about 9/11

The Purbaugh's

March 27 2007 - audio download link:

right click link below and save target as to download:


March 28 2007:

right click and save target as to download !

Where Are the 9/11 Whistleblowers?

A common objection to the idea that 9/11 was an inside job is that hundreds, if not thousands, of people would have to have been involved. "Someone would have talked ... and we would have all heard know about it if they did." Although this objection sounds sophisticated, it is completely uninformed on several counts. And yet, most people who have stated this objection find it so compelling that they cut off the discussion at that point. So I decided to look at the objection more closely and write a paper about it.

To support my ongoing research, I am asking $9.50 for the essay. It comes with both a money-back guarantee and a free upgrade to the second edition when it's ready.

Please visit http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/roberts/index.html for a more extensive description of the essay and how to order it.

Gregg Roberts
Associate Editor

Two 9/11 Eyewitnesses Interviewed on TV are Lawyers for President Bush

Did the General Counsel of the firm that manages George Bush's money and signs his tax returns telephone Bryant Gumbel on the morning of 9/11 and sell the official story as an "eyewitness" from his office in Rockefeller Center?

911logic.blogspot.com has an interesting profile of 9/11 "eyewitness" Richard Davis and his obvious attempt to sell the official story to the public.


As it turns out, this supposed eyewitness to the first and second WTC strikes was previously partner at a law firm that manages multi-billion dollar oil and gas deals. As if that is not enough, the eyewitness appears to be the chief lawyer at the firm that manages the "blind trust" that contains the bulk of the Bush family fortune.


"George Bush chose Bessemer Trust, a blueblood firm where the average account is $22 million. Ronald Reagan turned to a tight group of millionaire businessmen."

Is it a mere coincidence that the lawyer who represented Gerorge W Bush in the battle for the presidency in 2000 is the Solicitor General of the United States who called CNN to tell a story about hijackers with boxcutters? Is it also a coincidence that the lawyer who manages the Bush Family fortune just happened to call in to Bryant Gumbel on the morning of September 11th to sell the story that planes "very deliberately" attacked the World Trade Centers? In his statements to Gumbel, he makes claims about things that he could not possibly know, such as the condition of the airplanes used in the attacks. Listen to the conversation between Gumbel and Davis and decide for yourself.

Compelling Video at Google

"What We Saw" by Bob and Bri is a compelling 26 minute eyewitness video shot on the morning of 9/11 from a the 36th floor of a high-rise apartment about 500 yards Northwest of WTC 1.


Pay particular attention at Minute 11:48 to 12:19 when the videographer witnesses the second plane impact and almost immediately calls it a "military plane".

Again, pay particular attention at Minute 14:07 which is the commencement of the collapse of WTC 2. The camera is aimed at street level prior to the top of WTC 2 cascading and the camera picks up a very curious dust cloud at the base of the towers prior to any material traveling down from above. In "9/11 Eyewitness", videographer Rick Siegal caught this same phenomenon on video from across the Hudson River. This looks like it is possible confirmation that Rick Siegal correctly identified a smoke/dust plume at the street level just prior to the collapse of WTC 2.

This video does not provide the sort of analysis that we might see in other documentaries. This is raw footage shot on the morning of 9/11 with no overdubbing and minimal editing.

If anyone reading this happens to know the filmmakers, please indicate this in the comments section.

Newly Released 30 Minute Amateur Video of WTC Attack

I just saw this video, made by a couple whose apartment offered an incredible view of the North Tower. There are several interesting things about it that I caught on an initial viewing: witness describes "military plane" hitting South Tower (no shot of it, though), another witness describes plane as "really big," intense shots of the pyroclastic flows, shot of the "spire" component of the structure (left after collapse almost complete) seeming to collapse straight down rather than topple.


"9/11 Eyewitness" is Probably Disinformation


"Blue Star Media Group" and Rick Siegel are suspect. Look at the speculative, misleading crap in the above trailer for "WMD at the WTC." The film actually claims that "directed energy hydrogen fusion" or thermonuclear devices were used to bring down the towers.

While their production quality and promotion is surprisingly strong (well funded) they seem to make up most of their "evidence" out of thin air.

The original "9/11 Eyewitness" arrived on the scene last year out of nowhere with a slick promotional burst and wide distribution. The "new evidence" in the movie seemed to be stretching it (to say the least) and the myopic focus on controlled demolition was quite suspicious.

Rick Siegel and friends appear to maintain the following slick websites:


None of these sites seem to link to credible 9/11 research and they all appear to be template module sites meant to look professional, respectable, and active. They mostly only link to each other and repeat the same content.