The Pentagon

Bin Laden in Soviet-Afghan War, Day of 9/11 - Additions as of October 5, 2008

Several new entries have been added this week about Osama bin Laden during the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan. In 1986, his brother Salem asked the Pentagon to supply him with missiles, but received no reply, although a Pentagon official did later ask Afghan commanders if resources should be diverted to the Arab Afghans. The bin Laden brothers purchased some anti-aircraft missiles in London and, in May, Osama led a group of Arab fighters into Afghanistan, but the mission ended in failure.

Catherine Austin Fitts talks about why building 7 was brought down

Catherine Austin Fitts discusses 2.3 trillion dollars missing on 9/10/01, building 7 and pentagon record destruction to cover this up.
Pertinent content starts at about 3 minutes and 45 seconds in to this video

9/11 Truth in New Video About Bailout

The Corbett Report has created a new video explaining why people should be angry about more than just the proposed $700 billion bailout of Wall Street. One reason, of course, is the $2.3 trillion missing from the Pentagon the day before 9/11, when the Pentagon's Budget Analyst Office was destroyed. Watch the video below:

Davison Army Airfield and the 12th Aviation Battalion on 9/11: Pentagon Attack Oral Histories Reveal New Details

Minutes after the Pentagon was hit on September 11, two aircraft were seen on the radar screen at a nearby Army airfield, circling the Pentagon and rapidly descending, with one of them emitting an emergency distress signal. The identities of these aircraft are unclear, as is the reason one of them was emitting the distress signal. These and other details about the 9/11 Pentagon attack were revealed by a supervisor of air traffic control at the airfield, in one of over 1,300 oral histories relating to the attack that were recorded by military employees. To date, only a small number of the oral histories have been publicly released, which raises questions about what important details might be in the other, unreleased interviews.


9/11 Arlington County Police Dispatch Audio

9/11 Arlington County Police Dispatch Audio

By Arabesque

John Farmer has posted an audio file of a Arlington County Police Dispatch on 9/11. Farmer explained to me that the availability of this recording has been restricted:

It has always been available if someone wants to go [to the Arlington County Emergency Communications Center] and listen to it and do a transcript by hand (no recording permitted)... I can’t say they have never released it beyond the building before... I acquired it through the AC Police department after a great deal of advance work.

Farmer explains the content of the recording:

Pentagon C-Ring Exit Hole Mystery

Note: This was originally posted on Scholars for 911 Truth, but since that site is down, I am reposting it here (it was originally posted in 2006). I owe much gratitude to Russell Pickering (of site is now down, links active) for critiques, input, and encouragement.

Pentagon C Ring Exit Hole Mystery

Detailed below is a revised write up [from “A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon”] regarding the unexplained Pentagon C-ring exit hole. I have received valuable feedback on my previous write up, from many 911 researchers. I have included numerous clarifications and details, and have directly addressed some of the main stream media explanations regarding the C-Ring Exit Hole.

An Interesting Conversation With A Soldier

Well I was visited by a young man that I hadn't seen for sometime. He stopped by my place of employment in his military issued apparel and looked in great shape. He was dressed in his Army issue sweater and impeccable pants. As he walked in, I jumped up and shook his hand. The goober looking kid I once knew had now transformed into a man.

His first warning was to not get upset if the FBI contacted me. I looked at him curiously and he said, "Oh its not like that. I used you as a reference so the FBI maybe contacting you."

"Oh ok. I've done that before with a best friend in the Navy when he was issued an advanced security clearance so I know what to expect.", I replied. He said, "Ok, cool, so you won't like freak out." "Naww.", I said.
He walked over to the computer to check out what I was looking at. He pointed to what I was looking at which was a yellow line which was the official 9/11 flight path into the Pentagon. I told him as such and he snickered like what the hell does the 9/11 Commission know? I agreed.

The Andrews Air Force Base Stand Down: How the 'Capital Guardians' Failed to Guard the Capital on 9/11

"Thank God that guy's there! Where has he been?"

- Firefighter Mike Smith, upon seeing the first military fighter jetarriving over the Pentagon, 10:40 a.m., September 11, 2001

At the time the 9/11 attacks began, many of the pilots with the District of Columbia Air National Guard (DCANG) were in the headquarters of the 121st Fighter Squadron at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. They had been suspicious upon learning of the first crash in New York, but when a second plane hit the World Trade Center the emergency became obvious. "We're under a terrorist attack!" someone yelled. One DCANG officer at the base exclaimed, "Well, holy shit, if this is a terrorist attack, we need to get something in the air!" According to Lt. Col. Steve Chase, who was at the operations desk there: "People just launched into action. There was a buzz in the unit." [1]

9/11 Truth, Part 4 of 11- What Did They Know & When Did They Know It- and What Were They Doing?

feedback, ideas, criticism, etc. appreciated

9/11 Truth, Part 4 of 11- What Did They Know & When Did They Know It- and What Were They Doing?

Whole series (so far) accessible from this page

This article reviews some of US administration’s and defense, intelligence & law enforcement agencies actions in the years and months before 9/11. The public record of government reports and statements so far makes clear that there were many, many warning signs that Al Qaeda was plotting attacks, and that policy makers in these administrations and agencies were aware of this; why didn’t they stop the attacks?

The Bush Administration & Pentagon Policy in 2001: Ignore Terrorist Threats & Plan for War in Iraq & Afghanistan:

Pentagon began project to replicate deadly anthrax strain before 9/11

Ivins did not have the ways and means to weaponize his anthrax. But West Jefferson, Ohio, laboratory of the Battelle Memorial Institute, a military contractor that has been selected to create the genetically altered anthrax did.


SEP 04, 2001

U.S. Germ Warfare Research Pushes Treaty Limits

This article was reported and written by Judith Miller, Stephen Engelberg and William J. Broad.

Over the past several years, the United States has embarked on a program of secret research on biological weapons that, some officials say, tests the limits of the global treaty banning such weapons.

The 1972 treaty forbids nations from developing or acquiring weapons that spread disease, but it allows work on vaccines and other protective measures. Government officials said the secret research, which mimicked the major steps a state or terrorist would take to create a biological arsenal, was aimed at better understanding the threat.

The projects, which have not been previously disclosed, were begun under President Clinton and have been embraced by the Bush administration, which intends to expand them.

New PentaCon documentary released today: North Side Flyover

Released today:

Whether you are for it or against it, it is worth further study. Discussion does not simply imply endorsement. But, if you are attacked for even discussing it, then I have to harken back to this small great article by GeorgeWashington: Fearmongering As a Form of Warfare, with this specific point in mind, "and we already know that the Pentagon employs bloggers to spread its propaganda (indeed, even private companies appear to do it)
[ & ].

When anyone tells me not to look behind the curtain, that there's "nothing to see here folks," especially at a crime scene, then that is the first place to do so, for me at least. When they get aggravated that you or I persist in doing so, they are showing their true colors.

It was obvious to any physicist how the buildings came down

After talking about the hydrogen economy and the space race, Professor Muller (at about 7:30) is led by Boston Public Radio host Tom Ashbrook to the subject of what future presidents should know about the physics of terrorism; specifically, how did those buildings come down? (hint: it was too many calories!)

10 minute clip (mp3)

Physics for Future Presidents
Aired: Monday, July 21, 2008 11-12PM ET (on National Petroleum Radio)

By host Tom Ashbrook

In January next year, a new American president will step into the Oval Office and into a mess of challenges from energy crisis and terrorism to global climate change.

Berkeley physics professor Richard Muller has a few things he'd like that president to know about the science around those challenges.

Those tiny pieces of wreckage at the Pentagon: Patrick Creed thinks he has the answer


By Peter Duveen

PETER'S NEW YORK, July 20, 2008--The absence of sizable pieces of aircraft debris after the alleged collision of an airliner with the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 was due to the strong masonry with which the Pentagon was constructed and the high speed of the aircraft, an author of a new book on the subject contends.

Patrick Creed, co-author with Rick Newman of "Firefight", which details the rescue efforts in the aftermath of fires in the Pentagon building on 9-11, said the absence of large pieces of aircraft debris was due to the fact that the airliner alleged to have caused the damage and fires in the building was traveling "500 miles per hour hitting a masonry building."

"The majority of the wreckage was inside the building," Creed explained, noting that most of the other wreckage was "the size of a book and smaller," and "didn't look much like plane debris." Creed also noted that in many airliner disasters, there is an attempt by the pilot save the plane, a scenario that he said would not have been followed by suicidal hijackers.

The battle to save Pentagon on 9/11 by Enver Masud

Note: as many of you here know, I no longer believe "no 757" hit the Pentagon; i'm posting this here for the record because it's "alternative" 9/11 info, and if anyone cares to analyze this article

I have significantly updated my Pentagon Hole Psyop article, thanks to constructive criticism received at and

The battle to save Pentagon on 9/11 by Enver Masud

Firefight is primarily about the heroic efforts of the firefighters at the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. What is of interest to us is the authors ' description of the attack on the Pentagon. The authors, Patrick Creed and Rick Newman, write:

The plane crossed Washington Boulevard , . . . traveling more than 500 miles per hour and was less than 30 feet off the ground.

the planes wings knocked over several light poles that line the road.