Pixelwrangler's blog

Dick Gregory Moderates New York 9/11 Seminar Panel & Discusses Hunger Strike

Dick Gregory on striving for the truth behind 9/11Longtime comedian and peace activist Dick Gregory moderated the "How the World Changed after 9/11" seminar panel in New York on September 12. Gregory is beginning a liquid fast until 2012 until questions about 9/11 are answered by the government. Updates on his Fast/Hunger Strike can be found here as he has me update his progress and issues relating to 9/11: http://redactednews.blogspot.com/p/dick-gregorys-911-hunger-strike-updates.html

Rock Creek Free Press recognized by Project Censored

Rock Creek Free Press - Project Censored|

The Rock Creek Free Press has been recognized by Project Censored for our coverage of one of the year's 25 most censored stories: "Japan Questions 9/11 and the Global War on Terror".

The new Creek is out and you can read the online PDF version of the paper here if you're too lazy to email us for a free subscription.

Rock Creek Free Press

George Washington's deal with the Fed

Sander Hicks on DC's WPFW 89.3 FM on 09/11/08 Live from 12-1 pm

WPFW 89.3 FM DC Pictures, Images and Photos

Sander will be on WPFW 89.3 FM today, 9/11/08 if you can tune in, from 12-1 PM
LIVE in support of the DC Premiere of ABLE DANGER at Busboys and Poets:

Sander Hicks
Speaks about 9/11/01
in Washington, DC, on 9/11/08
at Busboys and Poets
14th and V Streets NW
6 PM to 11 PM

Hicks will introduce and speak after the DC Debut of "Able Danger" a stylish new cinema noir about the struggle for 9/11 truth. The film, although fictional, is loosely based on Hicks' book The Big Wedding, his work at his cafe Vox Pop, and his reporting for the New York Megaphone.

Hicks will speak about his original research into the 9/11 attacks, the pattern of Federal protection given to key 9/11 hijackers before 9/11, the Pentagon's suppressed Able Danger operation, and the FBI's involvement in the death of 9/11 researcher Dr. David Graham.

Commemorating the Seventh Anniversary of Seeking the Truth - DC Premiere of the Film, Able Danger


If you're in the DC area, feel free to join us for a very informed evening of discussion, Q&A with 9/11 filmmakers and research experts, as well as the DC Premiere of the dark levity and film noir 40s detective style of the 9/11 film, ABLE DANGER. abledangerthemovie.com.

Opening the evening's film series will be the film TERRORSTORM at 6pm followed by a question and answer session wth a series of short videos. At 9:11pm, we will then present the screening of the DC premiere ABLE DANGER.

Vital Unresolved Anthrax Questions and ABC News

Vital Unresolved Anthrax Questions and ABC News

by Glenn Greenwald

The FBI’s lead suspect in the September, 2001 anthrax attacks — Bruce E. Ivins — died Tuesday night, apparently by suicide, just as the Justice Department was about to charge him with responsibility for the attacks. For the last 18 years, Ivins was a top anthrax researcher at the U.S. Government’s biological weapons research laboratories at Ft. Detrick, Maryland, where he was one of the most elite government anthrax scientists on the research team at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease (USAMRIID).

New PentaCon documentary released today: North Side Flyover

Released today:

Whether you are for it or against it, it is worth further study. Discussion does not simply imply endorsement. But, if you are attacked for even discussing it, then I have to harken back to this small great article by GeorgeWashington: Fearmongering As a Form of Warfare, with this specific point in mind, "and we already know that the Pentagon employs bloggers to spread its propaganda (indeed, even private companies appear to do it)
[ http://www.advantageconsultants.org/ & http://www.winningcampaigns.org/aboutus.html ].

When anyone tells me not to look behind the curtain, that there's "nothing to see here folks," especially at a crime scene, then that is the first place to do so, for me at least. When they get aggravated that you or I persist in doing so, they are showing their true colors.


New eyewitness evidence regarding Pentagon attack to be released this month

Here is the trailer for an upcoming presentation featuring critical eyewitnesses to the Pentagon attack jet.


These additional eyewitnesses, officially documented by the Center for Military History and the Library of Congress, are telling a different story that further conflicts with the government's Official Conspiracy Theory in regard to the Pentagon attack.

Cheney says Bin Laden Innocent of 9/11

After discussing this interview clip from March 29, 2006 with friends, family and 9/11 researchers, I was surprised that so many people I know had not heard the archived audio from the Tony Snow Show, nor read the transcript available on the White House website with Cheney submitting that bin Laden had nothing to do with the September "attacks" in his response to the question on Iraq. Maybe you've heard it or have seen the humorous animation put to the audio interview clip, but I have yet to find anyone in my research circles who have heard it. But for so many of us, looking at so much information for so long, it is easy to miss things as I have so many times in this research deluge, and probably have done so once again.