Sander Hicks on DC's WPFW 89.3 FM on 09/11/08 Live from 12-1 pm

WPFW 89.3 FM DC Pictures, Images and Photos

Sander will be on WPFW 89.3 FM today, 9/11/08 if you can tune in, from 12-1 PM
LIVE in support of the DC Premiere of ABLE DANGER at Busboys and Poets:

Sander Hicks
Speaks about 9/11/01
in Washington, DC, on 9/11/08
at Busboys and Poets
14th and V Streets NW
6 PM to 11 PM

Hicks will introduce and speak after the DC Debut of "Able Danger" a stylish new cinema noir about the struggle for 9/11 truth. The film, although fictional, is loosely based on Hicks' book The Big Wedding, his work at his cafe Vox Pop, and his reporting for the New York Megaphone.

Hicks will speak about his original research into the 9/11 attacks, the pattern of Federal protection given to key 9/11 hijackers before 9/11, the Pentagon's suppressed Able Danger operation, and the FBI's involvement in the death of 9/11 researcher Dr. David Graham.

(At this event, 6 PM is the start of "Terrorstorm" a highly recommended history of false flag terror operations. Able Danger and Hicks are on around 9:11 PM.)


Commemorating the Seventh Anniversary of Seeking the Truth - DC Premiere of the Film, ABLE DANGER

Able Danger Plays 4 cities on 9/11/08

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