Swingdangler's blog

An Interesting Conversation With A Soldier

Well I was visited by a young man that I hadn't seen for sometime. He stopped by my place of employment in his military issued apparel and looked in great shape. He was dressed in his Army issue sweater and impeccable pants. As he walked in, I jumped up and shook his hand. The goober looking kid I once knew had now transformed into a man.

His first warning was to not get upset if the FBI contacted me. I looked at him curiously and he said, "Oh its not like that. I used you as a reference so the FBI maybe contacting you."

"Oh ok. I've done that before with a best friend in the Navy when he was issued an advanced security clearance so I know what to expect.", I replied. He said, "Ok, cool, so you won't like freak out." "Naww.", I said.
He walked over to the computer to check out what I was looking at. He pointed to what I was looking at which was a yellow line which was the official 9/11 flight path into the Pentagon. I told him as such and he snickered like what the hell does the 9/11 Commission know? I agreed.

Failure To Imagine The 9/11 Attacks Debunked

The Officiial Excuse for 9/11, 'Failure To Imagine' Excuse Debunked!

The Bush Administration offered up the 'failure to imagine' excuse for the response to 9/11.
President Bush: "We knew he [Osama bin Laden] had designs on us, we knew he hated us. But there was nobody in our government, and I don't think [in] the prior government, that could envision flying airplanes into buildings on such a massive scale," he said.

Well according to NORAD's own statements, Project Positive Force, a Special Operations unit tasked with thinking like a terrorist and how they might attack the United States, "imagined" that a hijacked plane would be crashed into the Pentagon.

Terry Ropes, the Special Operations officier, defended the idea, but Pacific Command thought it was too unrealistic. Numerous warnings in the late 1990's also included a possible plot to fly an explosive laden aircraft into an American city.

The information contained in the explosive report, also discusses NORAD's regular intercept exercises of hijack aircraft prior to 9/11!

Read the full article from the Guardian Unlimited: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/apr/15/usa.september11

NIST Finds Total Collapse Of Twin Towers From Gravity Alone Is Unexplainable

NIST Finds Global Collapse Of Twin Towers From Gravity Alone Is Unexplainable

Instead of trying to model the global collapse of two buildings through their greatest path of resistance at nearly free fall speeds via gravity alone, NIST simply surrendered the problem instead of relying on physics because it was too chaotic. The computer models were too complex apparently. In the field of structural engineering, nearly every problem has a solution except this one because of chaos.

However, physics will tell you that a item can not fall through other objects that provide resistance as if it were falling through air with zero resistance.

The Case for an Explosive Device in the Sub Levels of the WTC: North Tower

I believe the reader will find that the following information proves without a doubt that terrorists used an explosive device in the subleves of the North Tower.

The Case for an Explosive Device In The Sublevels of the WTC North Tower
Author: Swing Dangler

I will not attempt the blame game with this premise. I am not a structural engineer or an explosives expert. I do have reasonable doubts about the official story. My research to this point on a personal level has been with a trained explosive expert in the U.S. military and with a construction engineer. I have read reports in support of the NIST and rebuttals to the NIST report. I have also read the NIST report summary as posted online. The reason for this hypothesis is to consider what assisted in the global collapse of the Twin Towers. The existence for this hypothesis is three-fold.

1. The NIST did not attempt to explain the reason for a global collapse nor consider the hypothesis which I proposed. Does that make the existence of explosive devices(ED) invalid? No.

A Blast From The Past Reminds Us Why The Official Story Surrouding WTC 7 Is Absurd!

''We built in enough redundancy to allow entire portions of floors to be removed without affecting the building's structural integrity, on the assumption that someone might need double-height floors,'' said Larry Silverstein, president of the company. ''Sure enough, Salomon had that need. Source: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=950DEFDD113BF93AA25751C0A96F948260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=1

The comment and NY Times article above completely brings into question the fire/gravity reason for the collapse of WTC 7.