WeAreChangeLA 'debriefs' former CIA Case Officer Robert Baer about apparent Mossad and White House 9/11 foreknowledge, and more

On October 16, 2008, Robert Baer, who was a CIA Case Officer in the Middle East over the course of almost two decades, participated in a discussion at the Hammer Museum entitled "A Third War: The Threat of War with Iran." Dr. Trita Parsi was part of the discussion which was moderated by Ian Masters.

Baer was briefly interrupted during the discussion by Jeremy Rothe-Kushel for clarity's sake, after he brought up 9/11 and reaffirmed his recently aired belief that Osama bin Laden is likely dead. That part went something like this-

Bob: The chances of Bin Laden being dead are very high. The question is are they going to drag him out in the next two weeks. Is he going to [laughter] out of cold storage and say "we finally got him." I don't know that he's dead, but he probably is.

Re: NORAD -- "A clear case of perjury"

This comes from, in a piece entitled 'The NORAD Papers III,' which follows two other informative reports from them about NORAD that people have submitted to 911bloggger.

Their article begins:

In The NORAD Papers and The NORAD Papers II we learned from government/military documents, media reports, university curricula, etc. dating from before 1995 to 1999 that NORAD since its founding in 1958 was tasked with three missions:

1. surveillance and control of the airspace covering the United States and Canada;

2. providing the NCAs [National Command Authorities] with tactical warning and attack assessment of an aerospace attack against North America; and

3. providing an appropriate response to any form of an air attack.1

Failure To Imagine The 9/11 Attacks Debunked

The Officiial Excuse for 9/11, 'Failure To Imagine' Excuse Debunked!

The Bush Administration offered up the 'failure to imagine' excuse for the response to 9/11.
President Bush: "We knew he [Osama bin Laden] had designs on us, we knew he hated us. But there was nobody in our government, and I don't think [in] the prior government, that could envision flying airplanes into buildings on such a massive scale," he said.

Well according to NORAD's own statements, Project Positive Force, a Special Operations unit tasked with thinking like a terrorist and how they might attack the United States, "imagined" that a hijacked plane would be crashed into the Pentagon.

Terry Ropes, the Special Operations officier, defended the idea, but Pacific Command thought it was too unrealistic. Numerous warnings in the late 1990's also included a possible plot to fly an explosive laden aircraft into an American city.

The information contained in the explosive report, also discusses NORAD's regular intercept exercises of hijack aircraft prior to 9/11!

Read the full article from the Guardian Unlimited:

Like Hariri Tribunal, UN Must Help 'The Americans' To Establish 9/11 Truth with Open Public Investigation Immediately


Like Hariri Tribunal, UN Must Help 'The Americans' To Establish 9/11 Truth with Open Public Investigation Immediately To End Global 'War on Terror'!

Thursday June 14 2007 11:15:44 AM BDT

Deepak Sarkar, Canada

Like Hariri Tribunal, UN Must Help ‘The Americans’ To Establish 9/11 Truth with Open Public Investigation Immediately To End Global ‘War on Terror’! (Deepak Sarkar, June 11, 2007, )

[NORAD: North American Air Defense; NEADS: North Eastern Air Defence; FAA: Federal Aviation Authority; NMCC: National Military Command Center; NRO-National Reconnaissance Office ]