
Exhaustive Review Finds No Link Between Saddam And Al-Qaeda

Do you still have a penchant for ignorance? - Jon

Exhaustive review finds no link between Saddam and al Qaida



WASHINGTON — An exhaustive review of more than 600,000 Iraqi documents that were captured after the 2003 U.S. invasion has found no evidence that Saddam Hussein's regime had any operational links with Osama bin Laden's al Qaida terrorist network.

The Pentagon-sponsored study, scheduled for release later this week, did confirm that Saddam's regime provided some support to other terrorist groups, particularly in the Middle East, U.S. officials told McClatchy. However, his security services were directed primarily against Iraqi exiles, Shiite Muslims, Kurds and others he considered enemies of his regime.

The new study of the Iraqi regime's archives found no documents indicating a "direct operational link" between Hussein's Iraq and al Qaida before the invasion, according to a U.S. official familiar with the report.

In building Iraq, I don't like the prices that we're paying...

In building Iraq, I don't like the prices that we're paying..
America has been in Iraq for five years - longer than it spent in either World War #1 or #2.

Daily military operations (not counting, for example, future care of wounded) have already cost more than 12 years in Vietnam, and twice as much as the Korean war.

America is spending $16bn a month on running costs alone (ie on top of the regular expenses of the Department of Defence) in Iraq and Afghanistan; that is the entire annual budget of the UN.
In building Iraq, I don't like the prices that we're paying..
To Ask These Questions, Just Fill In The (Blanks)...

Cages of Conquest: Part Two of Crusade of Surge and Siege

Read Part One:

Hear No Evil, See No Evil

Americans’ ever-enduring, catatonic sleepwalk through the Empire’s vast array of bread and circus, as always produced by the Ministry of Truth and the Department of Propaganda, better known as the corporatist media, has succeeded in the creation of an ignorant, incurious and dumbed down populace completely bereft of knowledge of what is done in its name. With no concern for or understanding of geography, cultures, history, alien societies, the outside world and of the imperial aspirations of the Empire, Americans have proved easy targets to the manipulations and deceptions of the corporatist world. Seemingly unwilling to gain knowledge of anything outside American Idol or the weekly NASCAR rat race, the soldier ants and worker bees of the Empire are content to circumvent the horrors of war and the myriad crimes against humanity committed in their name in order to maintain their beautiful minds at peace.

Indeed, the corporatist media has triumphed in completely erasing America’s two disastrous occupations of Muslim lands from the peoples’ conscious and concern, in effect shifting the ongoing debacles away from the daily reality of Americans and towards the abyss of a most cavernous memory hole. Methodically and systematically, the quagmires of Iraq and Afghanistan, with all their inconvenient truths, with all their disturbing realities, with all their corresponding death, suffering and destruction, have virtually vanished into a vacuum of nothingness, transported by the corporatist state into a clandestine and secretive reality, making of these disasters non-existent nightmares that vanish upon the waking of a new day.

We Are Change UK wastes Sir Richard Dearlove, ex head of MI6

We Are Change UK/The Elephant in the Room confronts Sir Richard Dearlove, former head of MI6, famous for the quote "The intelligence and the facts are being fixed around the policy" of invading Iraq, and a 2007 Bilderberg attendee.

He maintains that Iraq had WMD's, and gets treated accordingly:

We Are Change Seattle - Wesley Clark

Is it More than Politics with Wesley Clark?
Jack Lesser /

LAKE FOREST PARK, Washington - Time makes for experience and lessons learned, knowledge gained. Wesley Clark served in the United States Army for thirty - four years and rose to the rank of four -star general as NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander, Europe. On his most recent book tour stop for A TIME TO LEAD, We Are Change Seattle talked with Wesley Clark about his book, 9/11, Iraq and Iran.

Richard W. Behan at AlterNet: 9/11 skeptics "neither extreme nor trivial"

From a source such as AlterNet, the admission that 9/11 skeptics are "neither extreme nor trivial" is a strong statement. Behan does not elaborate, and in places he supports the official story, but this is a useful timeline for demonstrating to mainstream liberals that the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were already planned prior to 9/11, and therefore only a fool would believe that 9/11 was a happy accident.

The Mega-Lie Called the "War on Terror": A Masterpiece of Propaganda
By Richard W. Behan, AlterNet
Posted on September 27, 2007, Printed on September 28, 2007

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the state can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie ... The truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the state." --Joseph Goebbels, minister of propaganda in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945

9/11 an Inside Job, by H. Titan, Ph.D.

This is submitted for Review and Critique.

Pls refer to
and for more details.

9/11 an Inside Job, by H. Titan, Ph.D.

In the wake of revelations of murderous deception in the Iraq War, carried out by the Bush Administration, more and more Americans are asking questions regarding the basis for the US "War on Terror".

Half of New Yorkers believe US leaders had foreknowledge of impending 9-11 attacks and consciously failed to act; 66% call for new probe of unanswered questions by congress or New York's Attorney General, see Zogby, and thousands of Americans have signed a petition for a new probe.

A poll shows 89% of CNN Internet users feel this way and over 63% of Canadians feel similarly. On the 3 year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks 80% Al-Arabia satellite TV viewers thought others, besides Bin Ladin, were behind 9/11.

Iraq, 9/11, and Oil

Iraq, 9/11, and Oil

By Arabesque

What exactly do Iraq, 9/11, and oil have to do with each other?

While many object to the Iraq war for its conduct:

Shatter the Lies: O'Neill Tells '60 Minutes' Iraq Was 'Topic A' 8 Months Before 9-11

Anyone remember this?

"Long before "9/11 changed everything", former Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill reveals that within days of taking office, President Bush was already planning the invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam."

Polls continue to show many Americans believe Iraq had something to with the attacks and many people see the Iraq war as a response to 9/11. Paul O'Neill was very clear about the Iraq agenda being rolled out 10 days into the first term.

The following CBS clip really needs to be included on any 9/11 DVD material that is being compiled.

Download Full CBS Report:

"It was all about finding a way to do it. That was the tone of it. The president saying ‘Go find me a way to do this,’" says O’Neill. “For me, the notion of pre-emption, that the U.S. has the unilateral right to do whatever we decide to do, is a really huge leap.”


Also ABC News:

Lewis Paul Bremer III on Washington DC NBC4 TV 09/11/01

This is a mind-boggling interview with Lewis Paul Bremer III (who ended up as the pro-council of Iraq.)

On 09/11/01 Bremer was the Chairman and CEO of Marsh Political Risk Practice which had offices in the WTC as did its parent company Marsh USA. They had a total of 1,700 employees assigned to the WTC. Bremer, himself, had an office in the South Tower. Nonetheless, this "counter-terrorism expert" makes no mention of any of this only three hours after the first plane flew directly into seven of the eight floors of WTC 1 occupied by Marsh USA. He is here on television prognosticating about who will turn out to be the culprits, with calm detachment. What is wrong with this picture?

Iraq war veteran and experienced demolitions expert blows the cover on 9/11 inside job

This story is a little out of date, but is making tracks at digg. -r.

Original posting:

Meet Torin Wolf. He has a broad and varied background as a US Army Combat Nurse during Operation Iraqi Freedom,....

...building construction contractor, certified structural welder, certified asbestos and hazardous materials worker, experienced demolitions expert, teacher, radio show host, and well studied 9/11 truth activist. Torin knows how to put a building up, and bring the same building down in its own footprint. Torin's free presentation, “Taking the Red Pill” was hosted by Brave New Books on 1904 Guadalupe in Austin last Saturday, June 23rd at 7 pm.

Torin is proud of his native Cherokee heritage and his mother is the Band Historian of the White River Band Cherokee from the central United States. Since he received his GED at age 14, saying he is a smart guy is putting it lightly. For over 12 years he worked as a hazardous materials contractor specializing in asbestos abatement and concrete construction sampling. Add to his resume the fact that he designed and implemented well over 100 controlled demolitions. He was not just helping at a lower level in the demolitions - he was the guy responsible for calling the shots. Afterwards, he became a certified structural steel welder and worked in heavy and mega construction for over 5 years in locations around the world including several skyscrapers.

Ironically, Torin signed his papers to join the army on September 11th, 2000. He knew something was wrong with the official 9/11 story when his army handlers took his squad into a room just in time to watch the buildings collapse. With his demolitions experience, he immediately knew those towers could not have fallen like that without explosives. He went on to serve “with honor and distinction” with the 21st Combat Support Hospital in Mosul, Iraq during the first part of Operation Iraqi Freedom and earned the Bronze Star with V device for valor in combat.

While saving over 120 lives, Torin earned the Combat Medical Badge by providing medical care to US, allied, enemy soldiers, and civilians under combat conditions. Torin's arms display Samoan life saving tattoos, each line and symbol representing a group of lives saved. The army would like you to think he wasn't in Iraq, but unfortunately for them, Torin appears in a recent documentary filmed there. A true hero helping save lives in the middle east, Torin can be seen in section 4 of a PBS documentary called “Life and Death in the War Zone.”

With Torins impressive list of qualifications, his unwavering voice holds a power that shatters the lies of 9/11 sold to us by the government and mainstream media, “The official story we've been told about 9/11 is absolutely, physically impossible.”

9/11 – Fool me once...

9/11 – Fool me once...

Ian Brockwell
July 22, 2007

As George Bush tried to say some time ago “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me”. With a great deal of evidence suggesting that the American people were fooled over the 9/11 attack in 2001, and indications that a new attack (equally horrific) might be on the way, these words should be imprinted on our minds.

Many leading figures in the government (and military) have been hinting at such an event, and if we are to believe the signs, this could happen in just a matter of weeks.

If it does take place, when and where will it occur? In April of this year Dick Cheney said a 9/11 with terrorists using “a nuclear weapon in the middle of one of our own cities” was the greatest threat. But could this be an attempt to distract us from the real location, a carrier in the Persian Gulf, or a chance for him to say “I told you so” later?

The Good v/s Evil crap

As reported by the WeAreChange heroes, we hear Republican presidential candidate John McCain being offensive and hate mongering.

Notice how McCain drums up the old song of global war based on synthetic false flag terror.
Same old Good v/s Evil crap which we have heard since 911:

McCain says:
"Al Qaeda has made it a part of their global effort to destroy everything we stand for"
"I believe the greatest challenge of the 21st century is that of radical Islamic extremism."
"I believe it is there"
"I believe it is all over the world"
"I believe it is a stuggle between Good and Evil"
"Everything we value and believe in versus everything that is evil..."

To put these words in perspective, I post a video message of friendshp from the Iraqi resistance to the people of America. The message is not new but it is a surprising plea in the context of the Good and Evil speak.

ZEITGEIST The Movie - DVD for downloading

The official release of the three part movie Zeitgeist is out on Google video. I downloaded the high resolution AVI file and converted it to DVD. I also put together some images to use for DVD label and cover.