
Dr David Kelly's autopsy & medical reports classified for 70 years

The mysterious 'suicide' of the scientist who criticised the Blair government's justifications for invading Iraq is set to remain mysterious for 70 years. Article from the London Daily Mail at

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Medical records which could shed light on the death of government scientist David Kelly are to be kept secret for 70 years, it emerged yesterday.

In an unprecedented move, Lord Hutton, the man who chaired the inquiry into the mysterious death, ordered that vital evidence including Dr Kelly's post mortem will be kept under wraps until the 2070s.

The revelation, which sparked further claims of a cover-up, comes just days before Tony Blair is due to give evidence to the Chilcott inquiry into the Iraq War.

Dr Kelly's body was found in July 2003 in woods near his Oxfordshire home, only days after it emerged he was the source of a BBC story which claimed evidence against Iraq had been 'sexed up' to justify invasion.

March 6 & 7, 2010, Valley Forge Convention Center - "Treason in America: 911, the Wars & Our Broken Constitution" Conference

March 6 & 7, 2010, Valley Forge Convention Center - "Treason in America: 911, the Wars & Our Broken Constitution" Conference

The Speakers . . .

Master of Ceremonies (MC) - Jon Gold

Cindy Sheehan, Mother & Activist
Richard Gage, AIA (Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth)
Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer (Able Danger)
Coleen Rowley, Former FBI Agent & Whistleblower, Time Magazine Person of the Year, 2002
Jack Blood, Radio Host (Deadline Live, American Freedom Radio)
Jon Gold, 9/11 Researcher & Writer
Dylan Avery, Filmmaker (Loose Change series)
Korey Rowe, Filmmaker (Loose Change series)
Daniel Sunjata, Actor (F/X, Rescue Me)
Sander Hicks, Writer & Activist
Jonathan Elinoff, Filmmaker (Core of Corruption series)
Manny Badillo, 9/11 Family Member
Bob McIlvaine, 9/11 Family Member
Kyle Hence - Filmmaker & Activist [TENTATIVE]
Possibly others . . .

Movies . . .
(Tentative showings of entire films; may be reduced to movie clips depending upon time limitations and speaker events.)

9/11: Press for Truth (2006, 86 minutes)
America: Freedom to Fascism (2005, 105 minutes)
Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup (2009, 99 minutes)

Sarah Palin on Fox says she thought Iraq was behind 9/11

By Andy Barr | 1/12/10 9:31 PM EST
[Bad link]

In her debut as a contributor to Fox News, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin admitted Tuesday that leading up to her 2008 vice presidential debate she thought Iraq may have been behind the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

Mike Prysner Iraq Veteran gives us the reason ( video 4 mins) why we need 9/11 truth now : To bring PEACE !

Herblay FRANCE
Bonjour , in Mike Prysner's video we can see how it is so necessary to have the truth on 9/11 : To bring PEACE !
When our citizens learn the 911 truth they will demand the immediate stopping of the massacre and take the measures that such crimes can never happen again.
Thank you Mike, it is so well said and imaged
Yours John

Ending unlawful US wars in Afghanistan, Iraq: Gandhi + MLK + prosecution ends US fall into fascism

hyperlinks and video live at source:

The emperor has no clothes. The US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are unlawful; obvious when anyone takes less than one hour to understand applicable law. Rhetoric for war with Iran is also “emperor has no clothes” obvious lies (here for audio interview). America has fallen into fascism; a collusion among corporate interests for war graft, banksters taking trillions from taxpayers supervised by political pimps, and psychopaths who love torture and the pain of war. Corporate media lies to us to keep these crimes hidden as best that propaganda can try to conceal the bright light of truth.

Little Known Facts About Afghanistan and Bin Laden - George Washington

also see these by George Washington:
5 Reasons that Corporate Media Coverage is Pro-War

A Cheaper and More Effective Military Strategy for Afghanistan

What Empires Have Said Throughout History: "One More Surge"

Subject article:
Little Known Facts About Afghanistan and Bin Laden - George Washington

Evidence which has come out over the last couple of years makes it clear that top Bush administration officials knew that Saddam didn't have weapons of mass destruction and knew that Saddam had no connection with 9/11.

It is now reasonably obvious that the Bush administration was looking for an excuse to oust Saddam, and - in the words of the Downing Street Memo - “the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy”.

A key British official reminds us of the forgotten anthrax attack by Glenn Greenwald

hyperlinks at the original:
FRIDAY, NOV 27, 2009 03:28 PST
A key British official reminds us of the forgotten anthrax attack
Britain is currently engulfed by a probing, controversial investigation into how their Government came to support the invasion of Iraq, replete with evidence that much of what was said at the time by both British and American officials was knowingly false, particularly regarding the unequivocal intention of the Bush administration to attack Iraq for months when they were pretending otherwise. Yesterday, the British Ambassador to the U.S. in 2002 and 2003, Sir Christopher Meyer (who favored the war), testified before the investigative tribunal and said this:

Meyer said attitudes towards Iraq were influenced to an extent not appreciated by him at the time by the anthrax scare in the US soon after 9/11. US senators and others were sent anthrax spores in the post, a crime that led to the death of five people, prompting policymakers to claim links to Saddam Hussein. . . .

The Real Intelligence Failure By Philip Giraldi
The Real Intelligence Failure
By Philip Giraldi
Published 11/04/09

Most Americans believe that we are in a terrible dilemma. An increasing number are uncomfortable with the continuing carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan and fearful of the consequences of yet another Middle East war, this time against Iran, but most also believe that our country is threatened by dark forces that seek to destroy us and that extreme measures are justified. Few realize that fear alone is bringing about our transformation into a country driven by constant warfare to the detriment of our constitutional liberties.

Iraq and Afghanistan don't need US troops for security. They can ask the UN if they want help

hyperlinks and video live at source:

One of the arguments for US troops to remain in the two countries we invaded is that even if our wars were mistakes, it’s our duty to stay until those countries can manage their own security. If US troops leave, we’ll subject civilians to escalating violence.

As eminent Princeton philosopher Harry Frankfurt distinguished in his 2005 Bestseller as a strictly academic term, that rhetoric is bullshit.

When political “leadership” makes that argument, it’s a lie of omission. Without the comprehensive information that Iraq and Afghanistan have full authority within their governments to make that determination for themselves, that statement is misleading Americans into thinking that US security is their only option. It is not.

'Motivated Reasoning' said to underly widespread belief in Bush Admin's 911-Iraq Connection Big Lie

"How We Support Our False Beliefs"

ScienceDaily (Aug. 23, 2009) — In a study published in the most recent issue of the journal Sociological Inquiry, sociologists from four major research institutions focus on one of the most curious aspects of the 2004 presidential election: the strength and resilience of the belief among many Americans that Saddam Hussein was linked to the terrorist attacks of 9/11.
One unexpected pattern that emerged from the different justifications that subjects offered for continuing to believe in the validity of the link was that it helped citizens make sense of the Bush Administration's decision to go to war against Iraq.
"We refer to this as 'inferred justification,'" says Hoffman "because for these voters, the sheer fact that we were engaged in war led to a post-hoc search for a justification for that war.
"People were basically making up justifications for the fact that we were at war," he says.

Iraqis Begin Restoring Concrete Walls In Baghdad, FM Says Attack May Have Been "Inside Job"

Iraq restores concrete walls in Baghdad; foreign minister says attack may have been inside job


By KIM GAMEL Associated Press Writer
BAGHDAD August 22, 2009 (AP)

Workers used giant cranes to raise concrete walls around the blast-scarred Foreign Ministry and other government buildings on Saturday, as Iraqi authorities sought to bolster security after suicide truck bombings that killed scores in Baghdad.

The decision to reinforce vital institutions is a sharp reversal of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's desire to remove the barriers as part of his efforts to make life more normal for war-weary Iraqis before January's national elections.

Wednesday's bombings against the foreign and finance ministries have shaken confidence in a government eager to demonstrate that it can take over responsibility for the country's security from American combat troops, who pulled back from urban areas on June 30 with plans for a full withdrawal by the end of 2011.

ENDING US Wars of Aggression: advice from 20th Century heroes and villains


Senator Lieberman, Secretary of State Clinton, and former UN Ambassador John Bolton have resumed rhetoric of a United States attack upon Iran. As my other articles have demonstrated, that rhetoric is false and intentional propaganda attempting to justify another US War of Aggression. Americans respectfully look to history in admiration of the founders of this nation. May I point out that they are patriots BECAUSE THEY ACTED FOR A NEW GOVERNMENT WHEN THAT GOVERNMENT BROKE THEIR COUNTRY’S CONSTITUTION, or more accurately, the rights expected from the governed. Let’s look at some 20th century statements pointing to what we really have with government propaganda and how we might respond. The following is from my brief, “War with Iraq and Afghanistan, rhetoric for war with Iran.”

Please share this information in any way helpful to build a brighter future.

ENDING US Wars of Aggression: advice from our forefathers


Senator Lieberman, Secretary of State Clinton, and former UN Ambassador John Bolton have resumed rhetoric of a United States attack upon Iran. As my other articles have demonstrated, that rhetoric is false and intentional propaganda attempting to justify another US War of Aggression. Let’s consider the wisdom of Americans we all look to for guidance on American principles and courage: our founding fathers, Abraham Lincoln, and up to Teddy Roosevelt. If you respect their contributions to American ideals of freedom and Constitutional rights, please give each of them a few minutes of your attention to consider their reflections. Their lives deserve your thoughtful consideration. The following is from my brief, “War with Iraq and Afghanistan, rhetoric for war with Iran.”

Please use this information in any way helpful to build a brighter future.

“Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
- Attributed to Benjamin Franklin, 1738, .

US Wars of Aggression: cost in money and lives


“The only thing new in the world is the history you don't know.” – Harry Truman, as quoted in Plain Speaking : An Oral Biography of Harry S Truman (1974) by Merle Miller, p. 26.