
Songwriter John Vanderslice Talks US Politics, Foreign Policy, 9/11 Truth

Media Roots Radio - Conversation with Songwriter and Musician John Vanderslice by Media Roots

MEDIA ROOTS- A couple of weeks ago, John Vanderslice killed his headlining show at the New Parish in Oakland. As he milled around the merch table enthusiastically greeting dedicated fans, I approached him and asked if he would be willing to conduct an exclusive interview for Media Roots. His response was unexpected- a charismatic and resounding “Yes” that rang with genuine interest.

The wars on Iraq and Libya: Front pages from 2003 and 2011

Los Angeles Times, 20 March 2003 and 20 March 2011

Los Angeles Times, 20 March 2003 and Los Angeles Times, 20 March 2011

New York Times, 20 March 2003 and 20 March 2011

New York Times, 20 March 2003 and New York Times 20 March 2011

Daily Telegraph, 21 March 2003 and Sunday Telegraph, 20 March 2011

Daily Telegraph, 21 March 2003 and Sunday Telegraph, 20 March 2011

British Army ready for Libya mission at 24 hours’ notice

     Daily Telegraph, 5 March 2011




British Army ready for Libya mission at 24 hours’ notice


[propaganda alert]

6 March 2011

compiled by Cem Ertür


The Spy Who Hated Wikileaks

Richard Dearlove is the former head of the British foreign intelligence service. This is the intelligence department dramatized in James Bond films, and Dearlove could be described as the "real version" of "M" although in actuality the head of MI6 is referred to as "C".[1]

In July 2002, Dearlove reportedly said that "intelligence was being fixed around the policy", in reference to the run-up to the Iraq War.[2] The source for this remarkable observation is the now infamous "Downing Street Memo".

Dearlove recently held a talk at Cambridge, and insisted no recordings were to be made. Topic of the talk was "principally in relation to Wikileaks". In yet another twist of beautiful irony, the presentation was leaked.

Please do not assume this video to remain on Youtube.[3] Send it far and wide.

The Hornet's Nest Kicked Back - A Review of Susan Lindauer's Extreme Prejudice

Michael Collins

Fiction delivers justice that reality rarely approaches. Victims endure suffering and emerge as victors after overcoming incredible challenges. Stieg Larsson's gripping Millennium Trilogy weaves a story of revenge and triumphs for Lizbeth Salander, locked away in a mental institution and sexually abused for years. When Salander got out and threatened to go public about a high level sexual exploitation ring, the perpetrators sought to lock her up again. In the final installment, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, Salander found some justice. (Image)

Susan Lindauer's autobiography, Extreme Prejudice, tells a story with certain broad similarities. In her case, however, the hornet's nest kicked back with a real vengeance. After over a decade as a U.S intelligence asset, Lindauer was privy to information about pre war Iraq that threatened to serve up a huge embarrassment to the Bush-Cheney regime. She hand delivered a letter to senior Bush administration officials in hopes of averting what she predicted would be the inevitably tragic 2003 US invasion of Iraq. Those officials, unnamed in the indictment, were her second cousin, then White House chief of staff Andy Card, and Colin Powell.

9/11 (And George Bush) For Dummies

Link here--->

Still think Iraq or Saddam Hussain had anything to do with 9/11?

Still think George Bush Jr. is an idiot?

Well the listen as George Bush Jr, Dick Cheney, John Edwards, and Donald Rumsfeld tell you in their own words that Iraq is innocent.

And watch as George W. Bush morphs from a formidable orator and debater, to an Academy Award deserving buffoon in just 4 years time.

Still think Bush is an idiot? Well then my friend, it is you who have been made the fool...

Link here--->

Poll: Waning support for Obama on wars

Poll: Waning support for Obama on wars

WASHINGTON — Public support for President Obama's Afghanistan war policy has plummeted amid a rising U.S. death toll and the unauthorized release of classified military documents, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll shows.

Support for Obama's management of the war fell to 36%, down from 48% in a February poll. Now, a record 43% also say it was a mistake to go to war there after the terrorist attacks in 2001.

The decline in support contributed to the lowest approval ratings of Obama's presidency. Amid a lengthy recession, more Americans support his handling of the economy (39%) than the war.

Even Obama's handling of the war in Iraq received record-low approval, despite a drawdown of 90,000 troops and the planned, on-schedule end of U.S. combat operations there this month.

Only 41% of those surveyed Tuesday through Sunday approved of the way Obama is handling his job, his lowest rating in the USA TODAY/Gallup Poll since he took office in January 2009. In Gallup's separate daily tracking poll, his approval was at 45% Monday.

The Man Who "Shoed" Bush

The “man who shoed Bush”, Muntadhar Al-Zaidi, exposes the media lies stating:  "...and I hope the world can hear me say this." (3rd video)

Collateral Murder

5th April 2010 10:44 EST

WikiLeaks has released a classified US military video depicting the indiscriminate slaying of over a dozen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad -- including two Reuters news staff.

Reuters has been trying to obtain the video through the Freedom of Information Act, without success since the time of the attack. The video, shot from an Apache helicopter gun-site, clearly shows the unprovoked slaying of a wounded Reuters employee and his rescuers. Two young children involved in the rescue were also seriously wounded.

Continued at

Treason In America Conference Presents: Dr. Dahlia Wasfi

Im particularly delighted to present this video to 911Blogger because of the hand I had in securing Dr. Wasfi a presentation at the conference.

Dr. Wasfi was featured in a video by Paradigm Shift called "What You Didn't Know About the War" which can be viewed here:

This was my first exposure to Ms. Wasfi, and when I heard that my good friend Jon Gold was helping Betsy Orr Metz organize the Treason In America conference, I bugged Jon for days telling him that he should get Dahlia an invite. Jon took the consideration, did his own research, and found Dahlia to be an excellent candidate for someone who should be speaking at the conference.

The stars aligned and the decision to invite her was made. Thank you to Jon Gold, Betsy Metz, and the lovely Dahlia Wasfi for giving us an excellent presentation on the realities of war and occupation in the middle east.

March 20, 2010 National March on Washington, D.C.

Passionate discussions often appear on this blog stressing the importance of the Peace Movement actively embracing/supporting 911 Truth Movement. I made the assumption that the converse was also true.

As a result, I have been surprised not to see even one 911 Truth or WAC group listed as an endorsee of the March 20, 2010 National March on Washington, D.C. at the site link below:

Very possibly, 911Truth and WAC groups are listed as part of the "& more" at the very bottom of the list, which can't be seen. I hope so. If your group (or you as an individual) has not yet endorsed it, I hope that you will give serious consideration to doing so, as well as going to DC.

I had not intended to go to Washington on 3/20 due to the distance but after receiving the email below today from, I've made the decision to join the March. In tandem with marching for peace, it's critical to REemphasize the wars' connections to 9/11 (Truth)

---------> Note: I have not yet been able to verify any of the info in the email below.
---------> ---------> However, none of it, if true, would shock me.