Fax For Truth Special 11-Day Campaign, Day Two: CNN and MSNBC

Today, the second day of Fax For Truth's "11 Days for 9/11 Truth" campaign, we will be sending two faxes to mainstream media outlets CNN and MSNBC. The media and the politicians have received the document. They have had ample time to review it. How about some coverage? How about some comments from the politicians on the evidence contained in the document? Why won’t these media outlets ask these questions? Let’s send them a holy flood of faxes of telling them that we want answers to these questions, and we want them now. Please take five minutes to send a fax to CNN and MSNBC demanding more coverage of this hugely important new revelation contained in the “Active Thermitic Material” paper. You can use the sample letter provided below or write your own. As always a polite, respectful tone is preferable and you can send a free fax over the internet by going to Faxzero will allow you to send two faxes for free per day.

CNN Fax Number: 202-898-7923
MSNBC Fax Number: 212-413-5189

Sample letter

Today’s date
Your name and address

Mark Allen
CNN Political Unit
820 1st Street NE

Polls show broad skepticism among Americans of official 9/11 narrative

Below is a summary of opinion polls querying the American public on the viability of the official government narrative for 9/11. Polls have been conducted by such pollsters as Zogby, Scripps Howard, Reuters and Angus Reid and cable news channels such as CNN and MSNBC. Apparently, the official conspiracy theory isn't doing very well. In fact, the numbers are scaring the bejesus out of some of the pollsters, who are left looking for ways to trivialize such large numbers of their fellow citizens as "fringe elements". Tactics include suggesting the respondents are misguided because of ethnocentric bias, inability to cope with events of large magnitude, lack of intelligence, factual ignorance, one-sidedness, the internet or deeply embedded distrust of government. The last suggestion appears to have a chicken-or-egg problem.

Here we go again.

"Ghost Group"... yet another truth group I've never heard of. Of course, the korporate media brings them front-and-center.

I wonder if we should have a blog entry continuously updated with a list of hit pieces from the media. - kam

Some Suspect Conspiracy in Holocaust Museum Case

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- To most, the evidence against alleged Holocaust Museum shooter James von Brunn may seem overwhelming.

Surveillance camera video.

Eyewitness accounts.

Von Brunn's red Hyundai parked outside.


But to some people in Von Brunn's e-mail chain and Web circles, there's a darker truth.

They say the June 10 shooting at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum may be a "false flag" operation. The incident could have been staged by one group, perhaps what they describe as the Jewish-controlled U.S. government, to make it appear to be the actions of another group -- in this case, von Brunn and others who believe Jews exercise too much control in the United States.

In other words, von Brunn could have been set up, they contend.

"Eavesdropping on the World" - Mark Gaffney takes a look at Bamford's 'Shadow Factory'

(When Mark Gaffney first published his article on "The 9/11 Mystery Plane" at the Journal of 9/11 Studies (PDF), representatives from CNN contacted him and asked Gaffney to "pull it", supposedly due to his use of some CNN screen captures. The article did eventually go back up, and a couple of months later, Anderson Cooper covered the E-4B's appearance on his CNN show. Can you say, "Damage Control"? Cooper covered the 9/11 blogospheric links mentioning Gaffney's article, [including some free advertising for 911blogger], while somehow studiously avoiding any mention of Gaffney's article or the Journal. Ultimately, this only inspired Gaffney to write one of the best books on 9/11 to be published in the last six months, "The 9/11 Mystery Plane: And the Vanishing of America". If you can afford to in this troubled economy, please purchase a copy to show some support for Mr. Gaffney and his publisher, TrineDay. In the piece below, Gaffney provides his observations on Bamford's latest NSA book, which like Kevin Fenton's, are very critical of Bamford's support of the official 9/11 story. -rep.)

Eavesdropping on the World
James Bamford’s new book comes up short on 9/11

by Mark H. Gaffney - March 11, 2009

In January 2009, during Israel’s ferocious attacks on Gaza, there were numerous reports on the Internet that Israeli Prime Minister Olmert had boasted about “wagging the US dog.” Supposedly Olmert bragged that he had pulled Bush off a stage while the president was making a speech and demanded that Bush block a UN Security Council cease-fire resolution. The US had already vetoed an earlier cease-fire resolution in late December, but by the eighth of January, with the death toll rapidly mounting in Gaza, Israel’s war against Hamas was wearing thin. For days US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice had been working with Arab and European governments to craft a cease-fire resolution that every member of the Security Council would support, including the US.

CNN's Larry King looking for guest requests.

VIEWER'S CHOICE! Let us know who YOU want to see MOST on Larry King Live!


My suggestions were Sibel Edmonds, David Ray Griffin, and Russ Baker.

Former ISI Chief: Mumbai And 9/11 Both “Inside Jobs”

Former ISI Chief: Mumbai And 9/11 Both “Inside Jobs”

Hamid Gul tells CNN that neo-cons, zionists were behind terror attacks

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, December 8, 2008

General Hamid Gul, the former head of the Pakistani ISI, told CNN yesterday that both the Mumbai attacks and 9/11 were “inside jobs,” much to the chagrin of host and CFR luminary Fareed Zakaria, who told viewers that Gul’s opinions were “absolutely wrong and thoroughly discredited”.

The Linguistics of Deception

When CNN announced their documentary on the assassination of Martin Luther King, which aired here in Germany on April 6, I predicted that they would not mention the verdict of the 1999 Jowers trial. This was of course the civil suit that the King family brought against Loyd Jowers, the owner of the restaurant below the rooming house where James Earl Ray rented a room on April 4, 1968, and from which he supposedly shot King on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel opposite. The King family won the suit, and though the legal consequences were trivial (Jowers was ordered to pay $100 in damages for "wrongful death"), it brought a certain amount of closure to the King family, and for them and millions of other (not only black) Americans, established the truth in the case as definitively as could be realistically expected.

Unfortunately, my prediction was correct. Read further at .

Iran: '9/11 an excuse for U.S. invasions' (CNN)

TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran's hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad cast doubt over the United States' version of the September 11 attacks on Wednesday, calling them a pretext used to invade Afghanistan and Iraq.

"President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has again publicly questioned the reality of the 9/11 attacks."

Although Iran has condemned the 2001 al Qaeda attacks on New York and Washington in the past, this was the third time in a week that Ahmadinejad questioned the death toll, who was behind the attacks and how it happened.

"Four or five years ago, a suspicious event occurred in New York. A building collapsed and they said that 3,000 people had been killed but never published their names," Ahmadinejad told Iranians in the holy city of Qom.

Under this pretext, the U.S. "attacked Afghanistan and Iraq and since then a million people have been killed only in Iraq," Ahmadinejad said in the speech broadcast live on state-run television.

FBI surveillance of Martin Luther King had its upside?

FBI tracked King's every move

(CNN) -- FBI wiretaps have "given us the most powerful and persuasive source of all for seeing how utterly selfless Martin Luther King was," as a civil rights leader, according to a leading civil rights scholar.

The FBI's interest in King intensified after the March on Washington in 1963, witnessed by more than 200,000.

1 of 2 "You see him being intensely self-critical. King really and truly believed that he was there to be of service to others. This was not a man with any egomaniacal joy of being a famous person, or being a leader," said Pulitzer Prize-winning scholar David Garrow in a recent interview with CNN.

Hoping to prove that Martin Luther King, Jr., was under the influence of Communists, the FBI kept the civil rights leader under constant surveillance.

The agency's hidden tape recorders turned up almost nothing about communism.

But they did reveal embarrassing details about King's sex life -- details the FBI was able to use against him.

9/11 Blogger Features Prominently on CNN

As Chris notes below, the CNN white plane story has mysteriously re-appeared on the CNN Videos page. For those who may be visiting 911blogger for the first time, here is Shoestring's blog entry, and a link to Shoestring's offsite blog. For more detail on this story, see the PDF article, "Why Did the World's Most Advanced Electronics Warfare Plane Circle Over The White House on 9/11?" by Mark H. Gaffney, at the Journal of 9/11 Studies. -rep

CNN did a rare story about 9/11 mysteries. This one focused on the white plane which was widely seen circling the nation's capital on 9/11/01, yet was not widely reported upon in the news.

Why is CNN covering this story? Why now? What is behind this sudden interest in a plane that did not even merit inclusion in the so-called "official report" on the events of 9/11.

Glenn Beck: Fun With Email,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Subject: Frothing Fascist Glenn Beck Has No Business on CNN "News" Network

Propaganda is not news. Is this some alien idea over at CNN these days? Send Beck over to Fox, where at least we know it's all spin all the time.

"Bill Maher's nasty spat with some 9/11 conspiracy nut jobs was a nuisance on live TV, but are these conspiracy theorists a menace to society? You bet they are."

Beck and censorship are the real "menace to society." The protestors were using civil disobedience (something Beck evidently never heard of) to protest Maher and his network's censorship of the most important news story of our time: the black and white proven cover up of the 9/11 attacks.