
Susan’s WTC Question: “Which individuals were targeted to be killed?” …and unlikely survivors?

In this Questions For Corbett #036 Episode, Susan asks: …When it comes to the Twin Towers I am also wondering very much ‘Who did they kill?’ …whether this is just collateral damage or maybe it is more interesting than that?”
James Corbett views not only this question, but the flip side to the question.

BitChute Video Channel -

Corbett Website – 6/24/2017 What Happened to Libya’s Gold? – Questions For Corbett #036

Shoestring - The WTC Leaseholder and His Associates That Cheated Death on 9/11: Was it Coincidence or Foreknowledge?

Corbett Report Channels…
Website -
BitChute –

9/11 Blogger Features Prominently on CNN

As Chris notes below, the CNN white plane story has mysteriously re-appeared on the CNN Videos page. For those who may be visiting 911blogger for the first time, here is Shoestring's blog entry, and a link to Shoestring's offsite blog. For more detail on this story, see the PDF article, "Why Did the World's Most Advanced Electronics Warfare Plane Circle Over The White House on 9/11?" by Mark H. Gaffney, at the Journal of 9/11 Studies. -rep

CNN did a rare story about 9/11 mysteries. This one focused on the white plane which was widely seen circling the nation's capital on 9/11/01, yet was not widely reported upon in the news.

Why is CNN covering this story? Why now? What is behind this sudden interest in a plane that did not even merit inclusion in the so-called "official report" on the events of 9/11.