Film Exposes the Seduction of Secrecy

By Jeff Stein, CQ National Security Editor

"Eight years later came 9/11, famously labeled a failure to “connect the dots.” Eyewash. The CIA, FBI and others had dots. They hoarded them like marbles."

So, was the "failure to prevent" an intentional act to further an agenda, as well as treason and mass murder by US policy makers- or more like manslaughter, only involving "incompetence", criminal negligence, dereliction of duty and horrendous administrative and policy decisions rooted in ignorance, territoriality, ego, partisanship, spite, suspicion- or just the inevitable, "blameless" result an institutionalized culture of secrecy that "supposedly" has been changed? Instead of pursuing these questions, he continues with secrecy issues, the subject of the film being reviewed (in CQ Politics). Article has a nice summary of the bin Laden satellite phone-1998 NSA leak publication-Bush propaganda. In reference to abuse of secrecy:

"Well, that’s the problem, isn’t it? A government of men, as it were, not laws.

Robert Steele on the Drug War

"This is a very serious movie and I volunteered to appear in it."
- Robert Steele, from his review of the documentary American
Drug War: The Last White Hope on

Michael Mukasey, Day of 9/11, Osama bin Laden – 9/11 Timeline Additions as of April 20, 2008

More material has been added covering the NSA's surveillance of Ahmed al-Hada, father-in-law of alleged Pentagon hijacker Khalid Almihdhar. Both President Bush and Vice President Cheney used the non-exploitation of calls between his phone in Yemen and the hijackers in the US to justify the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program in January 2006. Attorney General Michael Mukasey and Director of National Intelligence Michael McConnell attributed the failure to trace the calls to a 1981 executive order earlier this year, and Mukasey bizarrely then claimed that one of the calls was between the US and Afghanistan, rather than Yemen. This confused the media somewhat, and a group of congressmen asked Mukasey for an explanation.

There are additional entries about the day of 9/11. A senior official later disputed Richard Clarke's account of the day's events, some Pentagon security cameras did not show the crash site, and the fighters who later responded to the Pentagon attack attended anti-terrorism training earlier in the day. There is a dispute over which gate American 11 left from at Boston airport, where suspicious passengers arrived on September 10, when Larry Silverstein's publicist cancelled an appointment at the WTC for 9/11. Other entries point out United 93's autopilot was turned off, top air force officials continued with a meeting when they learned the WTC had been hit, and crew on United 93 had previously attended antiterrorism training. Pilots on American 77, American 11 and United 93, were allocated to their flights shortly before 9/11.



Ask Senators Clinton, McCain and Obama to join us in calling on Secretary of State Rice to resign.

America will not stand for a Secretary of State who approved torture and then misled Congress. We call on the Presidential candidates to ask Secretary of State Rice to resign

Al-Qaeda in Yemen, Italy and Canada; Bernard Lewis, Rich B, and Osama bin Laden - Additions as of April 13, 2008

This week's new entries cover a number of varied topics. An address book seized in 1997 provided an opportunity to uncover al-Qaeda cells in Canada, where no action was taken against a founder of al-Qaeda despite evidence against him, although the Pakistani army did at least shoot him dead in 2003. However, his son became an informer for the CIA and uncovered a Bosnian network sending fighters to Iraq

Cover-Up: Behind the Iran~Contra Affair (Documentary) 1988

"There exists a shadowy government with its own Air Force, its own Navy,its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself."
— Senator Daniel K. Inouye at the Iran Contra Hearings

This documentary deals with continuity of government, secret government, detainment camps, terrorizing citizens as means to political ends.
It's a history lesson and provides precedent to what we are seeing today under the Bush Administration.

*The volume isn't great in this documentary, but it was the best I could find. I wore headphones and it helped.

Pirates and Emperors - Liberty, Freedom & Justice or Might Makes Right

Well our
Story begins, you know, with old St. Augustine.
Way back in days of old he reported on this theme:
A mighty emperor had caught himself a pirate who
Was a-terrorizin' people who were sailin' on the open seas.

ALEXANDER THE GREAT: What meanest thou by keeping hostile possession of the sea?

PIRATE: What meanest thou by seizing the whole earth; because I do it with a petty ship, I'm called a robber, whilst thou who dost the same with a great fleet art styled emperor.

NARRATOR: And old St. Augustine thought that was a pretty smart answer!

'Cause there are
pirates and emperors, but they're really the same thing
When they go and try to reach the same ends
By using the same means.
Well they do it big
or they do it small
From a little tiny boat,


Posted on Youtube...


CIA's connection to the bombers of the World Trade Center attack in 1993, and how all of them, except for the FBI informant planted inside the group, had been on the CIA's payroll in Afghanistan fighting the Soviets before settling in the New York area.

Also examined are the entrapments of FBI infiltrated groups where an informant is planted in a so-called terrorist group, but is actually the person who organizes and is the key person in the commission of the crime.

In short this presentation is about how the U.S. government will sometimes create "terrorists" to serve a political agenda."


Joseph A. Calhoun, broadcast journalist



Propaganda disguised as journalism The invisible government

This appears to be a transcript from a talk John Pilger gave to promote his new book, Freedom Next Time.

"Many people who regard themselves on the left supported Bush's attack on Afghanistan. That the CIA had supported Osama Bin Laden was ignored, that the Clinton administration had secretly backed the Taliban, even giving them high-level briefings at the CIA, is virtually unknown in the United States. The Taliban were secret partners with the oil giant Unocal in building an oil pipeline across Afghanistan. And when a Clinton official was reminded that the Taliban persecuted women, he said, "We can live with that." There is compelling evidence that Bush decided to attack the Taliban not as a result of 9-11, but two months earlier, in July of 2001. This is virtually unknown in the United States - publicly. Like the scale of civilian casualties in Afghanistan. To my knowledge only one mainstream reporter, Jonathan Steele of the Guardian in London, has investigated civilian casualties in Afghanistan, and his estimate is 20,000 dead civilians, and that was three years ago."

Attorney General Mukasey lies about 9/11 and international spying

By Larry Chin
Online Journal Associate Editor

Mar 31, 2008, 00:18

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In a recent speech at San Francisco’s Commonwealth Club, Attorney General Michael Mukasey defended the Bush-Cheney administration’s illegal domestic spying agenda by proclaiming that the 9/11 attacks could have been prevented if the government had been able to monitor overseas phone calls to the United States.

Like every other member of the Bush-Cheney administration, Mukasey is lying. Lying about the fact that the “war on terrorism” is a fabrication. Lying about the pervasive worldwide eavesdropping capabilities of US intelligence agencies. Lying about the fact that 9/11 was a long-planned Anglo-American false flag covert operation.

According to Mukasey’s spin on the now-classic 9/11 fiction, Bush-Cheney “knew there had been a call from some place that was known to be a safe house in Afghanistan and we knew that it came to the United States. We didn’t know precisely where it went. We’ve got 3,000 people who went to work that day, and didn’t come home, to show for that.”

YouTube playlists update: Cynthia McKinney - William Pepper/MLK Trial

I updated my YouTube channel and created some playlists for Cynthia Mckinney's 2005 Congressional Briefing and William Pepper's MLK Trial. Please help spread the Truth about the assassination of MLK in advance of the 40th anniversary of MLK's assassination on 4/4/2008.

(links below the fold)

William Schaap testimony on disinformation a YouTube success!

Since the William Schaap testimony on government disinformation was posted on YouTube 3 days ago, the opening segment has been viewed 4,000 times and about 550 people have gone through the entire 80 minute sequence.

If you have a blog that you can mirror this important testimony on and help spread the word, please do;

(User 'shoestring' notes that Carl Bernstein's 1977 piece on "The CIA and the Media" is now online, in its complete form; )

Disconnecting the Dots - How CIA officer Tom Wilshire hid two 9/11 hijackers from the FBI

I have written a summary of the 9/11 Timeline's CIA Hiding Alhazmi and Almihdhar chapter. It begins:

Parts of the story of the CIA’s knowledge of the 9/11 hijackers have trickled out over the years since the attacks, contained in three reports, of the Congressional Inquiry, 9/11 Commission and Justice Department, as well as in books, in particular the Looming Tower by Lawrence Wright, and evidence presented at the trial of Zacarias Moussoaui. When all the information is put together, two conclusions stand out: everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong, and almost every time something went wrong, the same man was at the centre of the failure: Tom Wilshire, deputy chief of Alec Station, the CIA’s bin Laden unit, and later CIA liaison to the FBI.

A meeting in Malaysia