9/11 Truth, Part 4 of 11- What Did They Know & When Did They Know It- and What Were They Doing?

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9/11 Truth, Part 4 of 11- What Did They Know & When Did They Know It- and What Were They Doing?

Whole series (so far) accessible from this page

This article reviews some of US administration’s and defense, intelligence & law enforcement agencies actions in the years and months before 9/11. The public record of government reports and statements so far makes clear that there were many, many warning signs that Al Qaeda was plotting attacks, and that policy makers in these administrations and agencies were aware of this; why didn’t they stop the attacks?

The Bush Administration & Pentagon Policy in 2001: Ignore Terrorist Threats & Plan for War in Iraq & Afghanistan:

OSS spies to be revealed; names include Chef Julia Child, historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Famed chef Julia Child shared a secret with Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg and Chicago White Sox catcher Moe Berg at a time when the Nazis threatened the world.

They served in an international spy ring managed by the Office of Strategic Services, an early version of the CIA created in World War II by President Franklin Roosevelt.

The full secret comes out Thursday, all of the names and previously classified files identifying nearly 24,000 spies who formed the first centralized intelligence effort by the United States. The National Archives, which this week released a list of the names found in the records, will make available for the first time all 750,000 pages identifying the vast spy network of military and civilian operatives.

They were soldiers, actors, historians, lawyers, athletes, professors, reporters. But for several years during World War II, they were known simply as the OSS. They studied military plans, created propaganda, infiltrated enemy ranks and stirred resistance among foreign troops.

When Spies Don’t Play Well With Their Allies: CIA And The ISI



WASHINGTON — As they complete their training at “The Farm,” the Central Intelligence Agency’s base in the Virginia tidewater, young agency recruits are taught a lesson they are expected never to forget during assignments overseas: there is no such thing as a friendly intelligence service.

Foreign spy services, even those of America’s closest allies, will try to manipulate you. So you had better learn how to manipulate them back.

But most C.I.A. veterans agree that no relationship between the spy agency and a foreign intelligence service is quite as byzantine, or as maddening, as that between the C.I.A. and Pakistan’s Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, or I.S.I.

It is like a bad marriage in which both spouses have long stopped trusting each other, but would never think of breaking up because they have become so mutually dependent.

Operation Gladio: CIA Network of "Stay Behind" Secret Armies: The "Sacrifice" of Aldo Moro by Andrew G. Marshall

Operation Gladio: CIA Network of "Stay Behind" Secret Armies: The "Sacrifice" of Aldo Moro by Andrew G. Marshall

Through NATO, working with various Western European intelligence agencies, the CIA set up a network of stay behind “secret armies” which were responsible for dozens of terrorist atrocities across Western Europe over decades. This report will focus on the stay behind army in Italy, as it is the most documented. Its codename was Operation Gladio, the ‘Sword’.
An Overview

The Purpose of the ‘Stay Behind’ Armies

1,000,000 NAMES, Not People, but NAMES on the Terror Watch List...

OK...the terror watch list has hit a million NAMES.

In NO PLACE do they say a million people.


If the name John Smith is on the list then that means EVERY John Smith in America is on the watch list... I think a million NAMES covers just about 99% of America...

This is a clever tactic to put EVERYONE in America on the list but still make it seem like it is only a million people.

If the names on the list are not attached to a certain person than that means that particular name of "Bob Johnson" or "Dan Phillips" can mean that anyone in America with those names are suspect.

I have noticed how the FBI and DHS has carefully made sure to not say "People" on the list...

So...there we have it...we are all terrorists now. Congrats!

Jane Mayer: New Book on Torture, the CIA and 9/11

Our local radio station KPFA just covered the torture hearings with Feith that took place in Congress today and investigative journalist Jane Mayer's new book exposing torture info is now out at the same time. I was looking up what she's said about 9/11 and what the book might say and came across the descriptions below.

She mentioned how members of the Administration who spoke to her were so intimidated by Cheney that they had to speak in code to each other because they assumed that Cheney was tapping their phones. I expect she probably rejects "inside job" -- afterall, she was formerly a Wall Street Journal writer, is a Yale grad, etc -- but it could be an opportunity to provide her with more info, if possible.

What was the outcome with Naomi Klein? I'd be interested to hear any ideas of what did or didn't work for interacting with her and getting info across.

Jane Mayer discusses
"The Dark Side: How The War on Terror Became a War on American Ideals"


Why Are "Progressive" Media Burying 9/11?

Original Content at

July 11, 2008

Why Are "Progressive" Media Burying 9/11?

By Bill Willers

If you have a spare few minutes, peruse and see that more than 130 senior military (including generals), intelligence (including CIA and FBI) and governmental figures (all the way to cabinet level), 490 engineers and architects, 120 pilots, 260 academics, 210 survivors and families (includes fire, police and emergency medical personnel) and 140 celebrities and media professionals question the 9/11 Commission Report. Really, scroll down and read the sometimes scathing commentary.

Now add to these the many top level military figures from around the world including defense ministers and secretaries from Britain, Germany, Canada and Russia ( and scroll down).

Court Documents Shed Light on CIA Illegal Operations in Central Asia Using Islam & Madrassas by Luke Ryland

Digg Button at this link:

Court Documents Shed Light on CIA Illegal Operations in Central Asia Using Islam & Madrassas- Sibel Edmonds State Secrets Gallery Connects Pipeline Politics, Madrassas & the Turkish Proxies by Luke Ryland

In a recent immigration court case involving Turkish Islamic Leader, Fetullah Gulen, US prosecutors exposed an illegal, covert, CIA operation involving the intentional Islamization of Central Asia. This operation has been ongoing since the fall of the Soviet Union in an ongoing Cold War to control the vast energy resources of the region - Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan - estimated to be worth $3 trillion.

Court Case
The scene for these dramatic disclosures was an application for a Green Card in the Eastern District Court in Philadelphia by "controversial Islamic scholar" Fetullah Gulen. Gulen, who has been living in the United States since 1998, argued that he qualified for the Green Card as "an extraordinarily talented academic."

They knew, but did nothing (excerpt from Shenon book published in Austrailia)

At what point does "criminal negligence" become so extreme that it can be considered "complicity" beyond a reasonable doubt? Shenon attempts to put the "incompetence", "ignorance", "failure to imagine", "system failure" and "covering up incompetence" spin on what he reports while essentially supporting the theory that Al Qaeda outwitted the dimwitted and incompetent US intelligence and defense establishments, but even what he does say seems like grounds for impeachment hearings to me.

visit the link above for the whole excerpt, choice cuts:

"The warnings were going straight to President Bush each morning in his briefings by the CIA director, George Tenet, and in the presidential daily briefings. It would later be revealed by the 9/11 commission into the September 11 attacks that more than 40 presidential briefings presented to Bush from January 2001 through to September 10, 2001, included references to bin Laden.

Commit terror, to incite terror… in order to react to terror

Absolutely brilliant article about the "Worldwide Attack Matrix", confirming what we have been saying here and elsewhere about false flag terror, and how deep the rabbit hole goes. These criminals must be stopped and put in jail. The simplest way to unravel all this global mess is a REAL 911 criminal investigation. URGENT: SUPPORT THE NY BALLOT INIATIVE FOR A NEW 911 INVESTIGATION.

Global Research, June 25, 2008

State-Sponsored Terror: British and American Black Ops in Iraq
by Andrew G. Marshall

Shining Light on the "Black World"

Diane Albritton called the CIA for suspicious behaviour of 9/11 hijacker Waleed Alshehri, CIA took no action

Diane Albritton called the CIA for suspicious behaviour of 9/11 hijacker Waleed Alshehri but the CIA took no action.

"Diane Albritton was so concerned with what was happening inside the home on 502 Orange street, she called the CIA. Why was she suspicious?.- The odd coming and goings, different rental cars, the odd-looking people that came and went."

Woman called CIA for 9/11 hijacker, ABC, 17:00, 9/13

Exposing Pentagon and CIA Corruption: SueAnn Arrigo's Explosive Revelations

June 11, 2008

Part of her job involved intelligence gathering on Iraq and Afghanistan - until August 2004 when she refused to spread propaganda about a non-existant Iranian nuclear weapons program and left. She followed in the footsteps of others at CIA who resigned for reasons of conscience and became critics - most notably Ray McGovern, Ralph McGehee, and Phil Agee.

On May 16, 2008, Arrigo sent extensive government corruption and cover-up information to Henry Waxman, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform committee - in 12 separate cases. This article covers four of them or about one-third of what Congress got. The 12 are explosive and revealing but just the tip of the iceberg:

-- of government corruption and war profiteering;

-- sweetheart deals and kickbacks;

-- high-level types on the take;

-- trillions of missing dollars;

-- on September 10, 2001, Rumsfeld admitting "According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions;"

-- imagine the current amount;

-- its corrosive effect on the nation; and people should

Abu Hamza, WTC Bombing, and More – 9/11 Timeline Additions as of June 8, 2008

One large group of new additions to the 9/11 Timeline this week concerns London-based imam Abu Hamza al-Masri, a key figure in the global militant network and an informer for the British security services.

Bali Bombings, CIA Search for 9/11 Hijackers in Thailand – 9/11 Timeline Additions as of June 1, 2008

The largest chunk of new entries this week deal with al-Qaeda in Southeast Asia in general and the 2002 Bali bombings in particular. A 1994 phone tap in the Philippines indicated that Hambali, a leader of the al-Qaeda affiliate Jemaah Islamiya (JI), was involved in the Bojinka plot, and after he was arrested in 2003 President Bush falsely promised he could be tried in Indonesia, where Jemaah Islamiya attacked the Philippine ambassador in 2000. Al-Qaeda-linked figures also helped militant Islamists fight Christians in the spice islands in 2000-2001, and the US unsuccessfully pressured Indonesia to allow the rendition of JI's spiritual leader in 2002.

Bush's Endless Hypocrisy on Terror, By Robert Parry

Bush's Endless Hypocrisy on Terror

By Robert Parry
May 21, 2008

Is a government guilty of terrorism if it harbors known terrorists? What should one say about a country that permits open fund-raising on behalf of a terrorist implicated in the mass killing of civilians?

What about a government that secretly arms a guerrilla army that wantonly kills and abuses civilians while seeking to overthrow an elected government?

If your answer to those questions is to recite George W. Bush’s dictum that a government that harbors or helps terrorists should be punished just like the terrorists, then you must turn your wrath on the U.S. government and the Bush family -- guilty on all the above points.

But the U.S. political/media system continues to view the world through a cracked lens that focuses outrage on “enemy” regimes while refracting away a comparable fury from similar actions by U.S. officials.