progressive media Finally (Mistakenly?) Presents Some 9/11 Truth

This is very surprising.
Common Dreams, a progressive internet website, has censored EVERYTHING relating to 9/11 Truth except a few mentions in which it mocked the whole 9/11 movement. (I was immediately banned from the comment section after just one innocuous comment, and remain banned after a couple of years).
But here we see in an article criticizing NPR for using Phillip Zelikow as a spokesman for focusing on Trust in Government.
Zelikow was the oversear of the 9/11 Commission, and used his power to ensure that the truth was ignored or avoided whereever possible.
And in this article, that was mentioned.
Here is an excerpt:

"What surprised me was what Ms. Hansen, and thus NPR, did not tell us about Mr. Zelikow. He was a neocon who worked very closely with Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, and Carl Rove in the Bush administration. He was one of the primary authors of what has been called the Bush Doctrine -- the right of our country to make preemptive war on other countries in contradiction of international law and our own Constitution. During the Bush administration Zelikow defended the many lies that they told about the reasons for attacking Iraq. And he was put in charge of the 9/11 Commission, the committee that was supposed to tell the world what really happened on 9/11. He ran that committee so that the official version of events could not be questioned. He did not allow witnesses to testify who had seen and heard things that cast the official version into doubt. The commission totally ignored facts that made the official version untenable and it neglected to even mention that World Trade Center tower #7, not stuck by an airplane, also mysteriously collapsed that day."

This is either a big mistake, or things are changing.
I hope it is the latter.


Why Are "Progressive" Media Burying 9/11?

Original Content at

July 11, 2008

Why Are "Progressive" Media Burying 9/11?

By Bill Willers

If you have a spare few minutes, peruse and see that more than 130 senior military (including generals), intelligence (including CIA and FBI) and governmental figures (all the way to cabinet level), 490 engineers and architects, 120 pilots, 260 academics, 210 survivors and families (includes fire, police and emergency medical personnel) and 140 celebrities and media professionals question the 9/11 Commission Report. Really, scroll down and read the sometimes scathing commentary.

Now add to these the many top level military figures from around the world including defense ministers and secretaries from Britain, Germany, Canada and Russia ( and scroll down).

Skepticism, Ideology, and the 9/11 Controversy

Here's a brief but concise riposte to the progressive media types -- Cockburn, Monbiot, Rothschild -- who have been chirping about 9/11 skepticism. This blog is credited to Michael Dudley, who apparently is at the University of Winnipeg:

"And it is these influential liberals in question, not 911 skepticism, that is doing great damage to progressive causes -- and not just because they appear to be turning progressives against each other. Their own rigidity, dogmatism and intolerance for dissent will only serve to undermine all they would otherwise hope to accomplish -- in terms of the environment and social equity -- and for one fundamental reason: Quite contrary to Monbiot's assertions, it is the war on terror that is the primary "displacement activity" burying progressive causes, not 911 skepticism.