YouTube playlists update: Cynthia McKinney - William Pepper/MLK Trial

I updated my YouTube channel and created some playlists for Cynthia Mckinney's 2005 Congressional Briefing and William Pepper's MLK Trial. Please help spread the Truth about the assassination of MLK in advance of the 40th anniversary of MLK's assassination on 4/4/2008.

(links below the fold)

MLK videos, in chronological sequence;

MLK Trial Opening Statement


MLK Trial Testimony of William Schaap on FBI and CIA Disinformation


MLK Trial Closing Statement


Cynthia McKinney's 2005 Congressional Briefing


I have been emailing to faculty of colleges & campus papers

You are so right !! This is a monumental landmark !! In the Texas area I have been emailing faculty (especially the History dept., but also instructors of other subjects as well) at colleges and universities. On top of that, I have also been emailing staff at campus newspapers.

This is an action that anyone can do. ...just go to a college website and track down the email address of instructors. Sometimes it can take a while to not only locate the email addresses, but to also copy and paste them in order to send out the email.

The world needs to become more aware. Here we have a court case which PROVED all types of covert & treasonous actions by elements within our government. This is an entrance point for the truth movement.

Thank you for insisting that we do this.
It is our duty.

Below is a copy of the email which I have recently been sending. [Fonts and layout differ from this post.]

I am sure that you are well aware of the court case which proved that the government conspired to assassinate Martin Luther King, Jr. (If you are not, a brief overview is given at the bottom of the page.)

Just released historic video! (on 3/19/08)
VIDEO FOOTAGE during the trial of that landmark case.
1 of 10 video clips
Part 1:

[All ten clips and article first posted at ]

Testimony during the trial delved into how the government manipulates the media.

Here is a Video Exclusive demonstrating how the media is manipulated by the US Government. It can be seen at

The video provides insight on how the government controls the media. If you have never heard about this landmark, monumental court case, then this court testimony based upon Congressional Hearings reveals why it has remain hidden from you.


IT WAS PROVEN IN COURT (Dec 1999) that the government conspired to assassinate Martin Luther King, Jr. The transcripts of the trial are dynamic...military sniper team on rooftops and other covert actions.

William Pepper was the attorney in this trial for the King Family. Pepper was also a personal friend of King during the last year of his life, between 1967 and 1968.

I have read two of Pepper's books about the assassination and the trial. Most people have not heard of this court case proving the government's role in King's murder. Here is a court case of December, 1999 which had unimpeachable evidence that proved the government conspired to assassinate King. Transcripts of the trial are available at the King Family website.
Transcripts of the trial are available at

The media DELIBERATELY did not go into the courtroom when they had access.
One of the only reporters who attended every day of the trial, was Memphis TV reporter and local ABC news anchor Wendell Stacy. Because of insisting on attending the trial every day, Stacy was fired. The censorship of this landmark case is as loud as the censorship of the 911 TRUTH movement.

Here are some details surrounding this case.
“…Seventy witnesses set out the details of a conspiracy in a plot to murder King that involved J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, Richard Helms and the CIA, the military, the local Memphis police, and organized crime figures from New Orleans and Memphis. The evidence is unimpeachable. The jury took an hour to find for the King family. But the silence following these shocking revelations was deafening. Like the pattern during all the investigations of the assassination throughout the years, no major media outlet would cover the story. It was effectively buried.”

Taken from William Pepper’s “An Act of State” who was a personal friend of King, and the attorney representing both the King Family and also James Earl Ray (the patsy).
December 8th , 1999 the jury decided the verdict. More quotes from Pepper:

“On the evening of April 4 1968, Martin Luther King was in Memphis supporting a worker’s strike. By the end of the day, top-level army snipers were in position to knock him out if ordered. Two military officers were in place on the roof of a fire station near the Lorraine Motel, to photograph the events. Two black firemen had been ordered not to report to duty that day and a black Memphis Police Department detective on surveillance duty in the fire station was physically removed from his post and taken home. Dr. King’s room at the motel was changed from a secluded ground-floor room to number 306 on the balcony. Loyd Jowers, owner of Jim’s Grill which backed to the motel from the other side of the street, had already received $100,000 in cash for his agreement to participate in the assassination. He was to go out into the brush area behind the grill with the shooter and take possession of the gun immediately after the fatal shot was fired. When the dust settled, King had been hit, and a clean-up procedure was immediately set in motion. James Earl Ray was effectively framed, the snipers dispersed, any witnesses who could not be controlled were killed, and the crime scene was destroyed.”

“…King had been targeted as part of a larger conspiracy to stop the anti-war movement, and to prevent King from gaining momentum in his promising Poor People’s Campaign.”

“A jury said in December 1999 that it was a US government conspiracy, including the highest individuals at the highest levels of the United States government. I have no reason to disbelieve them," said Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.

FROM THE TRANSCRIPT OF THE TRIAL WHICH PROVED THAT THE GOVERNMENT CONSPIRED TO ASSASSINATE MARTIN LUTHER KING. These are excerpts, parts of which have been edited to keep it brief. (There are about 6,000 pages of transcripts.)

“Now, are we conspiracy buffs because we find all of this evidence insurmountable? I think not. But you have heard it. The masses of Americans have not. And the media has never put it to them and I submit to you probably never will.

“And that was a special eight-man sniper unit that was here in Memphis. They were all part of the 20th Special Forces Group. They were here and they were assigned and they were trained for an operation, for a mission, in Memphis. You heard testimony by a man who himself was a national security council operative who was very involved in Iran-Contra activities, who had been a long-standing operative, if you will, of the government of the United States and whose best friend was a member of that sniper team.

“So they were there, and there are three separate sources that confirm the presence. But they did not -- it was not necessary for them to do anything. The mission was aborted because the Mob contract was successful in killing Martin Luther King and framing James Earl Ray.

“Then there were photographers. Remember those photographers that Captain Weeden talked about. They were on the roof of the fire station. He put them there. Who were they? They were a psychological operations team, and they were there and they photographed everything throughout that day. That means, ladies and gentlemen, that there is a film of everything that happened, photographs of everything that happened buried somewhere. We tried long and hard to unearth it unsuccessfully, but it is there and it is hidden, as it was hidden from this jury it is hidden from the American people. Maybe the media one day will let you know that it exists. But it is there. They took those photographs. They were what is known as a psychological operations team, and we know who the two members of that team were..........

“We've learned that the 111th Military Intelligence Group based at Fort McPherson in Atlanta, Georgia, were here. They were in Memphis. They had Martin King under surveillance. That was open -- quote, open surveillance, eye-to-eye surveillance.

“Bill Schaap led you through the media. There were a couple of instances where he referred to the huge network of ownership and control of media entities all over the world by the Central Intelligence Agency. It is a matter of public record. It has appeared in Congressional hearings, Senate hearings, which most people don't read, don't know anything about, and, of course, the media only covers in sparse fashion, because it is contrary to their interests to show that great numbers of newspapers, radio stations, television stations, may in fact be actually owned by the Central Intelligence Agency in this country as well as elsewhere. He talked about the numbers of actual agents who work for media companies, who are placed in positions in network television company positions, in newspaper company positions, on newspaper editorial board positions.

“The cover-up activities in this case, ladies and gentlemen, range from murder to press manipulation and distortion, with bribery in between. … a Yellow Cab taxi driver who was standing at the rear of his car unfortunately for him, he saw the shooting and then turned… and saw…a man run up the street and get into a waiting Memphis Police Department traffic car which sped away. He didn't give a statement, did he? No, his body was found off the Memphis-Arkansas Bridge supposedly thrown out of a speeding car.

" ...Let's cleanse this nation of the ignorance that has pervaded this case for so long. Let the truth reign.” ---DELIVERED IN COURT BY WILLIAM PEPPER

WILLIAM PEPPER has some beautiful quotes:

“Is it thinkable that the American Government would kill its own citizens?
“That is the question which becomes most difficult for average mainstream people to accept.”

"It is only the citizen which can raise freedom and liberty in this land."

If one does not thoroughly LOOK, the TRUTH is not visible.

Additional Resources


San Francisco's TUC Radio's "Who Killed Martin Luther King?" (March 2008) - Part 1

In 1977 the family of Martin Luther King engaged an attorney and friend, Dr. William Pepper, to investigate a suspicion they had. They no longer believed that James Earl Ray was the killer. For their peace of mind, for an accurate record of history, and out of a sense of justice they conducted a two decade long investigation. The evidence they uncovered was put before a jury in Memphis, TN, in November 1999. 70 witnesses testified under oath, 4,000 pages of transcripts described that evidence, much of it new. It took the jury 59 minutes to come back with their decision that exonerated James Earl Ray, who had already died in prison. The jury found that Lloyd Jowers, owner of Jim’s Grill, had participated in a conspiracy to kill King. The evidence showed that the conspiracy included J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI, Richard Helms and the CIA, the military, the Memphis police department, and organized crime.

(29:02 Min - 8.31 Meg)

San Francisco's TUC Radio's "Who Killed Martin Luther King?" (March 2008) - Part 2

(29:00 Min - 8.32 Meg)

* source =

KPFA's Guns and Butter with Bonnie Faulkner (May 31, 2006) - Part 1

An Act of State with William Pepper, author of "An Act of State: The Assassination of Martin Luther King", his second book on the King case. William Pepper was a close political associate of Dr. King's in the last year of his life. Pepper represented James Earl Ray on appeal of his conviction for the murder of Dr. King. This presentation was given in Long Beach, California in January 2003, after the publication of the book. Part Two continues Pepper's presentation, and concludes with a 45 minute question and answer session.

(57:59 Min - 16 Meg)

KPFA's Guns and Butter with Bonnie Faulkner (June 6, 2006) - Part 2

(56:29 Min - 16 Meg)

* source =

More Interviews >


Dr. William Pepper (introduced by Cynthia McKinney)


An Act of State: The Execution of Martin Luther King, New and Updated Edition
By William F. Pepper

Product Description

The definitive account of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr, published on the 40th anniversary of his death.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was the most powerful and eloquent champion of the poor and oppressed in US history, and at the height of his fame in the mid-sixties seemed to offer the real possibility of a new and radical beginning for liberal politics in the USA. In 1968, he was assassinated; the movement for social and economic change has never recovered.

The conviction of James Earl Ray for his murder has never looked even remotely safe, and when William Pepper began to investigate the case it was the start of a twenty-five year campaign for justice. At a civil trial in 1999, supported by the King family, seventy witnesses under oath set out the details of the conspiracy Pepper had unearthed: the jury took just one hour to find that Ray was not responsible for the assassination, that a wide-ranging conspiracy existed, and that government agents were involved.

An Act of State lays out the extraordinary facts of the King story—of the huge groundswell of optimism engendered by his charismatic radicalism, of how plans for his execution were laid at the very heart of government and the military, of the disinformation and media cover-ups that followed every attempt to search out the truth. As shocking as it is tragic, An Act of State remains the most compelling and authoritative account of how King's challenge to the US establishment led inexorably to his murder.

Back Cover:

"For a quarter of a century, Bill Pepper conducted an independent investigation of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. He opened his files to our family, encouraged us to speak with the witnesses, and represented our family in the civil trial against the conspirators. The jury affirmed his findings, providing our family with a long-sought sense of closure and peace, which had been denied by official disinformation and cover-ups. Now the findings of his exhaustive investigation and additional revelations from the trial are presented in the pages of this important book. We recommend it highly to everyone who seeks the truth about Dr. King's assassination."

-Coretta Scott King

"No one has done more than Dr. William F. Pepper to keep alive the quest for the truth concerning the violent death of Martin Luther King who in courageous and important words once said 'The greatest purveyor of violence on earth is my own government.' In An Act of State, Bill Pepper argues that very government violence was turned on America's greatest prophet of non-violent change."

-Ramsey Clark, US Attorney General, 1967-69