9/11 Truth

Confronted: Fred Thompson

Fred Thompson asked about his CFR membership and more (9/11 inside job). Must watch!

mod note: please embed

The One Dollar dvd Project

(via The Rumor Mill News Reading Room)
From one source: Videos and audio media from The One Dollar Project.
Documentaries for your own library, and to distribute to others:

Terror Storm
Election/Vote Fraud
The Power of Nightmares
Iraq War: Six Documentaries
911 Mysteries + Terror Storm
Ground Zero: Dust and Deceit
*Ron Paul: “Hope For America”*
Pretext for the North American Union
Freedom To Fascism + Money as Debt
Depleted Uranium + America’s Dirty Bomb
David Ray Griffin: 911 and the American Empire
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man + Foreign Policy
Loose Change, Terror Storm, Eyewitness, Road to Tyranny
Keep and Bear Arms + Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
Audio CDs:
Controlled Media: Michael Wolsey
Illegal Immigration: Alex Jones, Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul
David Ray Griffin: 911, American Empire and Christian Faith

Conservative Wakes Up to 9/11 Lies

Excellent,lucid summary of the issues

Part one

Part two

Monday, July 23rd, 7-9 pm Radio Show with Robert David Steele and Matthew Sullivan on 9/11, Impeachment, "Intelligence..."

Robert David Steele

Next Questioning War- Organizing Resistance 9/11 Truth/Impeachment "Challenging the Intelligence Agencies" Radio Show- July 23rd, 2007 will be with guests- Robert David Steele and Matthew Sullivan.

Listen 7:00- 8:00 pm (PST) to the WeThePeopleRadioNetwork.com and to our guest in the first hour Robert David Steele, on Challenging the Intelligence Agencies and exposing 9/11 Truth.

Listen 8:00- 9:00 pm (PST) to our guest in the second hour Matthew Sullivan, reporting on the Impeachment Rally in DC on July 23rd, and the upcoming 9/11 Truth events planned for DC in September 2007.

Spreading The Word Of Truth Via The Main Stream Media


This goes along with what an intelligent patriot said on this site about the education of the police on tyranny (dated 07/12/2007 “Want to Win this Information War Fast? Here Is How!!!). Thanks to “LUCUS” for his post which got me brainstorming. This idea, may not be new but here it goes…Some people listen to police scanners, reporters do…..when there is a news story which has television coverage “truthers” with hats, shirts, posters, should get into the shots, even if it is only for a second at a time. If we can flood the news reports with truth seekers in the background either “they”, the editors will not use the story, or they will run the story…with editing of course. If we can get into enough shots, the message will get out to the population whose only source of information is the newspapers, and news channels on TV. If we can get into enough shots, either we will stop the news altogether or they might run it and show us in the background. Just a thought, not sure how plausible it is.

ST911 Scientist to Sue BBC for Public Deception


By Mick Meaney
RINF Alternative News

A British scientist and member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, John A. Blacker MSc IMI (Physical Systems), is threatening to sue the BBC for mass public deception via their “9/11: The Conspiracy Files” program, RINF Alternative News can reveal.

Trying to wake people up in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

I hung these signs up before work on July 11, 2007. Thanks to my wife who helped paint the signs on my first act of activism. As of today they are still up!

If there are any people out there who live in the same area as I do and want to plan more events please contact me.

Amazing 9/11 Truth House in Nanaimo, BC

Pic posted on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 - link
to this photo

This abandoned house is near a main highway in Nanaimo, BC (a hub city on central Vancouver Island)

Raymond Geisler of 'Unbought and Unossed Radio' posted this pic but says he is not responsible for painting on the house.

He says it has been there for months already and everyone in town has
seen it, and yet no one has tried to write or paint over it. Amazing stuff!



Impeachment Music Video Featuring Heroes Impeachment Rally, June 13, 2007 in Palo Alto

Brian Phreak posted a music video on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZsBlMttFyI of our June 13, 2007 Impeachment Rally where we passed out several Heroic Citizens for 9/11 Truth awards and the 9/11 Truth theme comes across loud and clear in the visuals, if not in the actual words of Bill Oliver's song- Impeach Cheney First.

I believe we actually have better still photographs and footage (from all of our impeachment rallies) than what was used in the video, but I haven't the technological skills, nor have I had the time to do a better job, myself. (see www.communitycurrency.org/impeach.html#LA for more photos.)

Here are the lyrics to the song-

Impeach Cheney First by Bill Oliver

The call is out across the land,
The impeachment of Bush.
For crimes and lies you'd like to see him
kicked out on his tush.
Friends, you've got good reason,
I support you absolutely.

July 16, 2007 7-9 pm (PST) Interview with Deception Dollar Artist, Blaine Machan and Severe Visibility Producer- Paul Cross

Next Questioning War- Organizing Resistance Radio Show - Monday, July 16th, 2007 - 9/11 Truth Show with Blaine Machan and Paul Cross

Listen 7:00- 8:00 pm (PST) to the WeThePeopleRadioNetwork.com and to our guest in the first hour Blaine Machan, Deception Dollar artist, currently working on Issue #10 and open to ideas and suggestions from activists.

Draft of Deception Dollar Version #9

Listen 8:00- 9:00 pm (PST) to our guest in the second hour Paul Cross, producer of Severe Visibility reporting on the Italian premiere of his film and the European view of the events of September 11th, 2001.

Philly 9|11 Truth Confronts Sen. Hillary Clinton on 9|11 And Sen. John Edwards on Bilderberg Group & New 9/11 Investigation

Giving Senator Hillary Clinton a Taste of 9|11 Truth During Her Speech
[not the best quality but hopefully still 'does the trick' to inspire more people to do much of the same!]

Senator John Edwards ignores Bilderberg Group and 9|11 Truth Questions

Rep. Dennis Kucinich Shows Enthusiasm Towards 9|11 Truth Banners in the Audience
[but that energy later dwindles with questions regarding the 2nd Ammendment come about]



9/11 Truth Activists Strike Motorway Lorry

By Mick Meaney
RINF Alternative News

On the northbound M6 motorway, between Preston and Lancaster, 9/11 truth activists engaged in some hardcore guerilla activism by ‘branding’ a motorway advert lorry with a 9/11 truth web site.

WWW.AE911TRUTH.ORG can clearly be read from the motorway and it is expected to be seen by at least 302,400 people a week, that’s 43,200 people a day minimum.

In an anonymous message to RINF, one of the activists stated: “We hope this will inspire other groups around the country to take similar action because a short and to the point website URL can be hugely effective on motorways as it will be seen by hundreds of thousands of people every week.

Continued with picture http://rinf.com/alt-news/911-truth/911-truth-activists-strike-motorway-lorry/727/

A Potent Message to the Mainstream Media about 9/11 Truth

Vancouver 9/11 Truth's founding member Rukshana gave a short, but very potent and memorable statement at the David Ray Griffin event on May 16th, 2007. She spoke in particular to media cowardice and coverups. and their lack of journalistic integrity in reporting on 9/11.

This came after DRG had spoken and many may have missed it. Those who did hear it have raved about it, so we have seperated it and made it available to download from our website.

It is only about 5 minutes long and just 1.3 MBs, but well worth the listen.




The US Social Forum 2007 held in Atlanta, GA last weekend has approved a resolution by 911 TRUTH calling for a new investigation into 911, and a resolution by 911 TRUTH and impeachment groups calling for the impeachment of both Bush and Cheney.

The resolutions were enthusiastically approved with resounding applause by a crowded auditorium with thousands in attendance.

Thanks to Atlanta911truth.org, dc911truth.org, 911truth.org, and especially 911TruthLA.net for some great work here!

The resolution for a new investigation of 911 can be found at: https://www.ussf2007.org/en/node/17292#comment-1461

The Atlanta911truth.org group has only been around since February, and allready is contributing
great things to the 911 truth movement!

If you don't have a 911 truth group in your area yet, start one up now and get it rolling, Ask the Atlanta
group for help if you need it. All you need is a computer and some good old fashioned getup-n-go!

Also remember to visit 911truthsquads.org and form your own truth squads, it's fun and is really great for the movement to speak truth to power.

Together, we are unstopable!

Thoughts on July 4 Philly 9/11 Truth Conference

Part 1 of 3

What's goin on, just got back from the 9/11 Truth "Emergency" conference in Philly. It was a good time overall, with several shining moments in between. Here are some thoughts/observations:

On Philly:
-What better place to celebrate the Declaration of Independence? I love this city for many reasons, and now for a few more. I was amazed at the seemingly daylong protests in front of Independence Hall from a variety of different activist groups. Props to the Coalition to Free Mumia Abu Jamal, the Black Panthers, Free Tibet, and the 9/11 Truther/Ron Paul supporters who were laying it down.

- Cops, cops, cops... everywhere. Okay, okay, yeah it was probably just because of the thousands of people roaming the streets for the Indepence Day festivities, but it was a tad excessive. It should be obvious to everyone that they are trying to build a prison, in the words of System of a Down with all the cops, security, marshalls, and homeland security agents visible from all angles. And I thought Albany was bad.. anyone from Philly wanna comment on the police presence during a normal day?

- Cheesesteaks: :P i recommend the ones from the street vendor.