9/11 Truth Activists Strike Motorway Lorry

By Mick Meaney
RINF Alternative News

On the northbound M6 motorway, between Preston and Lancaster, 9/11 truth activists engaged in some hardcore guerilla activism by ‘branding’ a motorway advert lorry with a 9/11 truth web site.

WWW.AE911TRUTH.ORG can clearly be read from the motorway and it is expected to be seen by at least 302,400 people a week, that’s 43,200 people a day minimum.

In an anonymous message to RINF, one of the activists stated: “We hope this will inspire other groups around the country to take similar action because a short and to the point website URL can be hugely effective on motorways as it will be seen by hundreds of thousands of people every week.

Continued with picture http://rinf.com/alt-news/911-truth/911-truth-activists-strike-motorway-lorry/727/

I like it!

This is cool. Guerrilla activism definitely has a place in the 911 Truth Movement.


Amen John. I'd like to see more of this creativity and activism. It does the soul good.

Don't leave it ...

blank on the right side: add a drawing to strengthen your message!

Good job truthers!