MikeyMetz's blog

9/11 Truth Action - July 11, 2007 - Albany, NY

All across the country people are taking to the streets every 11th of each month. In Albany, NY, a dedicated team of truthers hit the downtown area during lunchtime, distributing over 2,000 pamphlets and several hundred dvds. This was followed by a couple hours bullhorning the HQ of the local Hearst-owned corporate newspaper. Just like the previous month, they sent out a reporter to take notes, but we have yet to see a story in their paper.

9/11 Truth UAlbany Street Actions

Truth Actions aren't just for the 11th of each month. Truth happens at seemingly any moment. Check out how the members of 9/11 Truth Albany spread truth throughout the city each and every day with two new street action videos:


Thoughts on July 4 Philly 9/11 Truth Conference

Part 1 of 3

What's goin on, just got back from the 9/11 Truth "Emergency" conference in Philly. It was a good time overall, with several shining moments in between. Here are some thoughts/observations:

On Philly:
-What better place to celebrate the Declaration of Independence? I love this city for many reasons, and now for a few more. I was amazed at the seemingly daylong protests in front of Independence Hall from a variety of different activist groups. Props to the Coalition to Free Mumia Abu Jamal, the Black Panthers, Free Tibet, and the 9/11 Truther/Ron Paul supporters who were laying it down.

- Cops, cops, cops... everywhere. Okay, okay, yeah it was probably just because of the thousands of people roaming the streets for the Indepence Day festivities, but it was a tad excessive. It should be obvious to everyone that they are trying to build a prison, in the words of System of a Down with all the cops, security, marshalls, and homeland security agents visible from all angles. And I thought Albany was bad.. anyone from Philly wanna comment on the police presence during a normal day?

- Cheesesteaks: :P i recommend the ones from the street vendor.