Dr. David Ray Griffin

David Ray Griffin: LIHOP/MIHOP are NOT divisive (maybe they were once, but certainly not anymore)

Fairly recently, Dr. David Ray Griffin was interviewed by Kevin Barrett on No Lies Radio, and was asked about the nature of the Lihop versus Mihop labels as they pertain to the seeking of truth.


At 36:41 into the show we have this exchange:

KB:...and since I got a question from Jon Gold, another uh, long time hard working 9/11 activist, about divisive wedge issues like you know LIHOP vs MIHOP and, you know, we talked about possible Israeli Involvement or not and things like that. What..what's your thought about uh, the issue of possible Israeli involvement uh in gen...in...as, uh, that particular issue and the question of these wedge issues and how do we deal with them in the movement?

Adam Syed discusses David Ray Griffin's WTC7 book on Cincinnati TV

First of all, I am pleased to mention that Cincinnati 9/11 Truth's hour long TV show on cable Public Access (Media Bridges), which used to be just once a month, has quadrupled its output to once a week (every Wednesday night, 7-8 p.m.). According to our producer who handles the bureaucratics with the studio owners, this is due to viewer demand. So even though it's "only" Public Access, which is often derided in our culture as the channel no one watches, it is clear that the demand is there. And this, in one of the most notoriously right wing, blindly nationalistic pockets of the country, Cincinnati Ohio!

Superb Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Collapse of WTC 7

On a related note, Cincinnati 9/11 Truth's hour long public access show (which used to be once a month but has quadrupled to once a week due to viewer demand) focused a sizable segment on DRG's WTC7 book two nights ago; hope to post that here asap. - Adam

Superb Interview with David Ray Griffin on the Collapse of WTC 7
by Elizabeth Woodworth

A compelling interview of David Ray Griffin by George Kenney of Electric Politics is now available for downloading (or streaming).

The interview is 1 hour and 8 minutes long, and should be heard by everyone interested in the state of democracy in America:

The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7

The fact that "Seven", a 47-story building with a base the size of a football field, was in freefall collapse for 2.25 seconds, has now been admitted by NIST, the U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology. This admission has enormous implications for the whole official story about September 11, 2001.

David Ray Griffin's Bin Laden Claims

[This Muckraker Report article is apparently not online:

Taking the fat out of the fat bin Laden confession video

A PDF version was found here:

http://nuke.crono911.org/Portals.../ muckracker.pdf]

This is a response to Dr. Griffin's article:

Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?

Oh Dr. Griffin--

You keep making avoidable mistakes and sabotaging your own credibility.

This article has two serious mistakes, that shouldn't be repeated ignorantly. They both go back to the "confession tape."

1) Griffin should know by now that the video was converted and so the aspect ratio was changed. The PAL (European standard) to NTSC (American standard) conversion squishes the vertical by 17%. This is the reason the "actor" did not appear to be Osama bin Laden. Once the video frames are converted back to their proper ratio, they appear to be exactly Osama bin Laden. This was while he was still alive in September or October of 2001.

Study this article carefully:

http://nuke.crono911.org/Portals.../ muckracker.pdf

No Theories Necessary

No theories necessary
By David Cogswell
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Sep 22, 2009, 00:25

“Why Propaganda Trumps Truth” by Paul Craig Roberts is one of the more fascinating things I have read lately.

The Rovian Republicans are always quick to smear anything that questions or opposes them in any way, but Roberts is not so easy to tar. He was assistant secretary of the treasury under Reagan. And those who write off conservatives as loony might consider his academic record. His alma maters include the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Virginia, the University of California, Berkeley, and Oxford University. He was a senior research fellow at Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University. He served on the congressional staff in the House and Senate before he was appointed by Reagan.

Santa Barbara Independent cover story: "Engineers and Architects Argue About What Made the World Trade Center Fall"

There is a balanced article on 9/11 (as opposed to a hit piece) currently appearing in this week's (Sept17-24) Santa Barbara Independent, a free weekly with an audited readership of about 120,000. (Authors: Jay Levin and Tom McKenzie).



One of the crucial technical disputes in American history, perhaps second only to global warming, is underway. It pits hundreds of government technicians who say the World Trade Center buildings were brought down by airplane impact against hundreds of professional architects and building engineers who insist that the Twin Towers could never have collapsed solely due to the planes and are calling for a new independent investigation. It is a fight that is not going away and is likely to get louder as more building trade professionals sign on to one side or the other.

David Ray Griffin on the Truther Witchhunt, September 10, 2009

David Ray Griffin appeared on the Global Research News Hour with Michel Chossudovsky on September 10, 2009. The longer interview will be posted soon. Until then, here is a small sample.

Review of "The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7," a New Book by David Ray Griffin

Brilliant Spotlight Exposing Criminal 9/11 Cover-Up by US Government Agency

by Tod Fletcher

In THE MYSTERIOUS COLLAPSE OF WORLD TRADE CENTER 7: WHY THE FINAL OFFICIAL REPORT ABOUT 9/11 IS UNSCIENTIFIC AND FALSE, David Ray Griffin provides an overwhelmingly convincing case that the latest official US government account of the events at “Ground Zero” on September 11, 2001, is false. He examines in detail the whole series of publications by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) purporting to explain the highly “mysterious” collapse of World Trade Center 7, a 47-story steel-framed skyscraper across the street from the North Tower, which was not struck by a plane and yet collapsed into its footprint, at nearly free-fall speed, shortly after 5 PM that day.

Exchange of emails (March 2009) with Robert Erickson, producer of the National Geographic special on 9/11

A special on 9/11 has just been shown on the National Geographic Channel, produced by Robert Erickson. Robert also conducted interviews with me and others. In March 2009, Prof. David Ray Griffin and I and Gregg Roberts exchanged emails with Robert Erickson which demonstrate our efforts to get Mr. Erickson and his team to be accurate and fair in their treatment of our scientific work regarding 9/11 – particularly the evidence for the use of explosives in the World Trade Center destruction. For the record, then, I have pulled together our exchanges of emails.

Robert Erickson, emailed David Ray Griffin on 3/27/09:
"if Jones is surprised that we just placed bags of thermite around the column...what else would Jones have suggested? "

I was informed of the question above and I responded on 3/28/09 as follows:


Bags of commercial thermite set against a steel column -- what a pathetic "experiment." Not anywhere close to representing my views, as you must know, from our discussion about the red/gray chips and the crucial distinction between ordinary thermite and super-thermite! What a terrible and unfair straw-man joke you are evidently trying to pull.

Blog created for upcoming NorCal 9/11 Film Festival

The 5th Annual Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Film Festival will be held at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, CA on September 9th and 10th, 2009.

The film festival now has a blog:

NorCal 9-11 Film Festival

There is also a higher contrast version:

NorCal 9-11 Film Festival - HC

Please visit the blog, tell me what you think and check back daily as it will be updated frequently.

You can also leave questions either here or on the blog for the main speakers, I will look over them and print out a few to be asked on stage at the film festival.

Other sites with information on the film festival:




This will be my second year as stage manager for the film festival and I will use this blog to keep the readers apprised of the latest developments and information regarding the film festival. I'm also assisting 911tv.org with their video production of Dr. Griffin's Thursday night presentation on WTC 7.

Osama bin Laden Dead or Alive? — David Ray Griffin _ on Guns & Butter

Osama Dead or Alive?noliesmeter.gif

GUNS AND BUTTER with Bonnie Faulkner

Osama bin Laden: Dead or Alive? -- David Ray Griffin
Interview with David Ray Griffin about his new book, "Osama bin Laden Dead or Alive?". We examine all the evidence, both that indicating bin Laden died, and that suggesting he is still alive; the important bin Laden videos and audio recordings, the significance, if any, in the timing of their release; statements by significant political and intelligence figures; and why the hunt for bin Laden must proceed.

The Waning Power of Truth by Paul Craig Roberts


I never thought that I would be lauding the father of Reganomics, but here is another fine article from Paul Craig Roberts.

Mike Zimmer

The Waning Power of Truth by Paul Craig Roberts

June 19, 2009 "Information Clearing House" -- David Ray Griffin, the nemesis of the collection of disinformation known as the 9/11 Commission Report, has taken up the question of Osama Bin Laden, Dead or Alive?

On the basis of the available evidence, Griffin concludes that bin Laden died in December 2001, most likely of kidney failure. He has been kept alive in the media by US government PSYOPS as a useful bogyman to justify America’s illegal wars of aggression. The messages received from bin Laden since his death appear to be conveniently timed fabrications designed to advance US government purposes.

Osama bin Laden is likely to become a mythical person, like the Georgia Tech student, George P. Burdell, who will be sighted from time to time over a period that exceeds the length of a human life.

Amazon not accepting (positive) responses for reviews on Griffin's new book

I am trying to record my approval of reviews posted on Amazon of David Ray Griffin's new book on Osama Bin Laden, Osama Bin Laden: Dead or Alive?. I get the message indicating that my comment has been processed, but the counters do not increment. Elizabeth Woodworth has reported to me that others are telling her the same thing. Can some others try this and see if they get the same results? The link is


Here is the interaction:

The question after each review is: "Was this review helpful to you?"
The response button I choose for each good review is "Yes"
The Amazon response is "Thanks for your feedback"
The counter at the top of the review does not increment.

Is this a computer glitch, a mis-understanding of what is supposed to happen, or someone gaming Amazon to keep favorable review counts down?

Michael Zimmer