Dr. David Ray Griffin

Short review of Griffin's "Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11"

9-11 -- another view raises questions

"...Adding other examples of omissions and distortions, Griffin points out the administration failed to rebut the prima facie case that it orchestrated 9/11 and used it as rationale to implement the aim of American global supremacy previously devised by persons who occupy posts in the administration. Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Libby, Bolton, and Woolsey among others formed the Project for the New American Century (PNAC). They conceded that the plan was so ambitious it would require an event such as Pearl Harbor to mobilize the American public. CBS reported that President Bush, before going to bed on 9/11, noted in his journal "the Pearl Harbor of the 21st century took place today."

Griffin describes how Christian faith originated in first century Palestine under Roman domination aided by compliant Jewish political and religious aristocracy. Jesus challenged the kingdom of Caesar, hailed as divine benefactor and bringer of peace. Rome’s real beneficiaries were the Roman power structure and client rulers of their colonies. The masses both in Rome and especially in the colonies suffered horribly.

MP3 download: David Ray Griffin Shreds NORAD Tapes

Yesterday, August 30, 2006, on KPFA's "Guns and Butter" radio program, host Bonnie Faulkner featured a new interview with David Ray Griffin: THIS IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED LISTENING. The recent Vanity Fair piece and the NORAD tapes are thoroughly deconstructed and shown to be rife with anomalies;

The NORAD Audio Tapes: Real or Faked?

Interview with Dr. David Ray Griffin regarding his most recent article, "9/11 Live or Fabricated: Do the NORAD Tapes Verify the 9/11 Commission Report?" Griffin's article, written primarily in response to Vanity Fair Magazine's, "9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes" by Michael Bronner in their September 2006 issue, deconstructs the preposterous argument that NORAD was not notified by the FAA of hijacked airliners until they had struck their targets or crashed, and that the only jets the military scrambled were in response to a flight that did not exist. Griffin takes a close look at NORAD's audio tapes, on whose authenticity these claims depend.

MP3 download - 10.2 MB

Another AP Hit Piece on David Ray Griffin

I was astounded and amazed to see this Associated Press hit-piece article on David Ray Griffin in my local "see-no-truth, hear-no-truth, report-only-conservative-lies" newspaper this morning (not the one at the link, by the way). This newspaper never publishes any sort of controversial news -- ever -- not even in the form of hit pieces.

Furthermore, not only is it a hit piece, but the author, Richard N. Ostling, just plain lies or blatantly misleads in a couple of places. For instance:

1.) "Griffin is unable to provide hard evidence and connects few dots."

2.) "Such 9/11 conspiracy theories have heretofore been spread abroad by Internet sites and Muslim extremists (some of those theories have blamed Jews, something Griffin goes out of his way to avoid)."

Yeah, Ostling. Leave out the two nationwide polls that show that anywhere from 36 percent to 40-some percent of Americans believe there was a conspiracy too.

In this next sentence, the author does his best to make it appear that there are only two members of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth:

David Ray Griffin on "Guns and Butter" today

UPDATE: Griffin just tore Bronner's piece to shreds, and thoroughly deconstructed the NORAD tape disclosure.

Listen to the archived show here.

Incredible job Griffin and Faulkner!


The NORAD Audio Tapes: Real or Faked?

Interview with Dr. David Ray Griffin regarding his most recent article, "9/11 Live or Fabricated: Do the NORAD Tapes Verify the 9/11 Commission Report?" Griffin's article, written primarily in response to Vanity Fair Magazine's, "9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes" by Michael Bronner in their September 2006 issue, deconstructs the preposterous argument that NORAD was not notified by the FAA of hijacked airliners until they had struck their targets or crashed, and that the only jets the military scrambled were in response to a flight that did not exist. Griffin takes a close look at NORAD's audio tapes, on whose authenticity these claims depend.

Streaming live at kpfa.org

1pm Pacific Time.