Jon Gold's blog

Palin Links Iraq To 9/11 In Talk To Troops In Alaska

GOP Memo Talks About Exploiting 9/11 Even Further To Re-sell The Iraq War
Cheney Again Links Iraq Invasion To 9/11 Attacks
9/11 Did Not Cause Iraq War
Bush: Pulling Out Of Iraq Would Cause Another 9/11
Ex-Bush Aides Conflate 9/11, Iraq In Pro-War Ad Campaign
Bush Ties Al-Qaeda In Iraq To 9/11
Bush Again Links Iraq Violence To 9/11
Richard Perle Says He Never Said Iraq Had Anything To Do With 9/11
Cheney Links 9/11 To Iraq Yet Again In Front Of The Heritage Foundation
Watch Bush Tie 9/11 To Iraq Again
Cheney Links 9/11 With Iraq Again
Bush Invokes 9/11 To Justify Staying In Iraq
9/11, Iraq: Cheney Again Claims Tie
Team Hillary's Latest Excuse For Iraq Vote: 9/11 Made Her Do It!
Rumsfeld Exploits 9/11 To Defend Failed Iraq Policy, And O'Reilly Gives Him A Pass
Cheney Link Of Iraq, 9/11 Challenged
Linking Iraq With 9/11

When the GOP exploited the 9/11 attacks during the RNC, I jokingly wrote a comment in this blog, "Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry" (a play on the 70's classic TV show The Incredible Hulk). Apparently, they're not listening. As you can see above, this Administration, and others have continually used 9/11 to justify the Iraq war. So much so, that as I said in the previously mentioned blog, "it is NOT crazy to think that 9/11 was "designed" for purposes like this, and why those in power today have EARNED the title of suspect for the 9/11 crimes." I wrote a long time ago that we need to take away their "9/11 Card" that justifies all of the criminality taking place. 9/11 Truth will do that. That is part of the reason we do what we do. People like Sarah Palin should no longer be allowed to exploit the attacks of that day. No more. - Jon

Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 In Talk to Troops in Alaska


By Anne E. Kornblut
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 12, 2008; Page A01

FORT WAINWRIGHT, Alaska, Sept. 11 -- Gov. Sarah Palin linked the war in Iraq with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, telling an Iraq-bound brigade of soldiers that included her son that they would "defend the innocent from the enemies who planned and carried out and rejoiced in the death of thousands of Americans."

NORAD's Excuse

2008 Now Or Never

Today was a great day. I saw Bob, Justin, Mike, Eric, Mike, Nick, Manny, Wendy, Betsy, Daniel, Luke, Mike, Sabrina, Dylan, Charlie, Ellen, Richard, Abby, Patrick, and a whole slew of other people (you didn't expect me to put in their last names did you?). Thanks to Luke, Mike, Sabrina, and the rest of WeAreChange for putting this event together. Here is the information from History Commons on Debbie Welsh. Thank you to Patrick for coming out today.

Fmr. Syrian Information Minister Blames U.S. Intelligence Agencies For 9/11

'US is to blame for 9/11 attacks'


Sep 11, 2008 23:07 | Updated Sep 12, 2008 3:04

The Syrian government daily Teshreen marked the seventh anniversary of 9/11 this week in a unique fashion: by publishing an article by Syria's former information minister blaming US intelligence agencies for the attacks.

According to Mahdi Dakhlallah, in a piece that appeared Wednesday, the intelligence agencies were behind the September 11, 2001 attacks to provide a pretext for a preplanned US plan to invade Iraq and Afghanistan.

"These plans were ready and prepared [in advance] - and all that was needed was to find a pretext to begin their immediate implementation," wrote Dakhlallah, in a piece of which excerpts were translated by MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute.

David Ray Griffin And Jon Gold On Rob Kall's Radio Show

Thanks to

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Betsy Metz has become friendly with Rob Kall, and he asked her to be on with Dr. Griffin. She couldn't because she is in NY for the anniversary, so she recommended that I join Rob and Dr. Griffin.

Many Of Ground Zero's Past Visitors Have Other Plans


Posted by Bob Braun September 11, 2008 12:07AM

For many surviving relatives of 9/11 victims, Ground Zero is no longer the place to find a link to the lost.

This year, with both presidential candidates planning to appear today, the sense of disconnect is even greater.

"We don't want to be there with the crowds and the politicians," says Don Robertson of South Orange. He and his wife, Marcee, lost their son, Donald Jr.

"We are really set against having McCain and Obama there. Even if they don't say a word, it's still political. They'll be seen."

Significant New Information Details CIA Criminal Culpability In Allowing The 9/11 Attacks!

Based on what I know, this sounds legitimate. - Jon


Last update: 3:18 p.m. EDT Sept. 8, 2008

WASHINGTON, Sept 08, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Palo Alto Publishing will hold a press conference on September 11, 2008, at 9 AM at the National Press Club at 529 14th St. NW, Washington D.C., to detail new information revealed since the release of the 9/11 Commission Report. Entirely sourced from government reports, court documents, and the account of FBI Agent Ali Soufan, this analysis, never before fully detailed, shows that CIA officers, working through liaisons at FBI Headquarters, had repeatedly and criminally obstructed investigations that could have prevented the attacks on 9/11.

Who And What Benefitted From 9/11?

After watching this disgraceful exploitation of the 9/11 attacks, I decided to write this, and now make this little film.

New Research Center Named After Sally Regenhard’s Son, Firefighter Christian Regenhard

Congratulations to the Regenhard family. - Jon

New Research Center Is Named for 9/11 Firefighter


By Sewell Chan
September 4, 2008, 5:04 pm

John Jay College of Criminal Justice on Thursday announced the opening of the Christian Regenhard Center for Emergency Response Studies. The center is named for a 28-year-old probationary firefighter who died on 9/11. Mr. Regenhard, the son of a retired police detective and a graduate of the Bronx High School of Science, went to college in San Francisco for a year before enlisting in the Marines and, eventually, joining the Fire Department. He was assigned to Ladder Company 131 in Red Hook, Brooklyn. His mother, Sally, has become a well-known advocate for improved emergency communications and construction codes.

America Needs To Get Angry

By Jon Gold

One of the things that drives me to do what I do is anger. Deep, burning in my gut, anger.

Anger that stems from the fact that our 9/11 heroes, those people we saw on the television sets fighting the good fight, trying to save our fellow Americans, those people that motivated us to go out and buy FDNY, and NYPD hats, those people that we saw attend the many funerals for their brothers and sisters lost that day, were lied to about the air quality down at Ground Zero, and then ignored by local, and federal Governments when they began to become sick and die. Grassroots Call With 9/11 Family Members And First Responders

Thanks to

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You can learn more about this call here. Thanks to everyone that took part in the call.

Join Our Grassroots Development Call On 9/4/2008 With 9/11 Family Members, Inspiring Us For 9/11/08

Thursday, September 4, 2008
9 pm Eastern / 6 pm Pacific
Phone number: 712-432-1001
Access Code: 433027266#

The truth movement owes much to those who lost family members on 9/11/01. Without them, our quest for truth and accountability regarding the 9/11 attacks would certainly not have gotten as far as it has. They have exposed corruption while touching the hearts of many.

We are honored to have Bob McIlvaine, father of Robert McIlvaine, and Michele Little, sister of fallen firefighter David Weiss. Our panelists will be Jon Gold and Janice Mathews. Note the many actions listed below by courageous family members.

Please email your questions to ASAP, as listeners will be muted. This call is open to all activist organizers--please invite leaders and members of other activist groups, in addition to your own group members, to be on the call.

This phone interview will be accessible for everyone to hear through the call-in number above, and will be broadcast live by

Lasting Effects Of 9/11


Jana Simard Legal Reporter
September 3, 2008

New York City, New York ( – News report) – In the wake of the events of September 11, 2001, citizens of New York bonded together and formed huge volunteer cleanup efforts for their beloved city. One dedicated volunteer was a former state correction officer – 54 year-old - Gregory Quibell of North Babylon, Long Island. Quibell devoted 242 hours at the Ground Zero site between September 12 and November 22, 2001, according to state Correction Department records. After the inhumane terror attacks, Quibell worked night and day to shuttle firefighters to and from the World Trade Center, not knowing that toxins in the air continually contaminated his lungs. He was soon diagnosed with leukemia and pulmonary fibrosis and sadly passed away.

Canadians Searching For "9/11 Truth"



They're going across the country in hopes of tracking down what they say is the real story behind the 9/11 attacks.

About 10 members of the so-called Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society rolled into Winnipeg yesterday on a small bus while en route from the West Coast to Ottawa to try to push Canadian authorities to launch a new, independent probe of the World Trade Center catastrophe.

"There's a need for another look at the whole attack," Michael Welch, a Winnipeg resident assisting the Vancouver group, said while pointing to a U.S. commission that investigated the fall of the Twin Towers.

"There are so many holes in the official story. And the official commission is so riddled with fraud, cover-up and conflict of interest that there is no way that responsible people should accept it."

He and his West Coast colleagues "suspect that 9/11 was facilitated, if not orchestrated, by elements within the U.S. government military -- to put it succinctly, an inside job."

Bush: McCain Learned Lessons Of 9/11

Something I wrote 6/21/2006 - Jon.

Remembering The "Lessons Of September The 11th"

President Bush seems to think that we have a poor memory. He seems to think that we're just not that bright.

We've got news for you President Bush. The "Lessons Of September The 11th" will be something we will NEVER forget.

Since 9/11, we have learned about things like what an "Anthrax Attack" is.

We've learned about organizations like "The Project For The New American Century", and the "Aspen Strategy Group".

We've learned that our media isn't interested in the truth.