Jon Gold's blog

Are You New To 9/11 Truth?

I always say that I didn't learn this stuff so I can keep it to myself. If you are new to the idea of 9/11 Truth, and have a question, or comment, feel free to email me at, and I will help you as best as I can.

Sept. 11 First Responders To Visit W. Va. School

Congratulations to John who got the key to the city of Buchannon. Also, if you haven't donated, time's a runnin' out. - Jon


Posted: October 21, 2008

BUCKHANNON, W.Va. – John Feal, founding president of the FealGood Foundation and a demolition expert who worked at Ground Zero following the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, will bring his message to Upshur County students and residents on Friday, Oct. 24. Feal and up to seven other first responders will meet with students at Buchannon Upshur High School beginning at 8:30 a.m. The group will meet with the community later in the day.

Feal, like 70 percent of 9/11 workers, suffers from post-9/11 illnesses. One of his feet had to be amputated after being crushed by an eight-ton steel beam. He also suffers from a respiratory syndrome called World Trade Center Cough and posttraumatic stress disorder.

2008 Not In Our Name

Thanks to everyone that put this together.

An Interview With Dave Lindorff

Dave Lindorff, a columnist for Counterpunch, is author of several recent books ("This Can't Be Happening! Resisting the Disintegration of American Democracy" and "Killing Time: An Investigation into the Death Penalty Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal"). His latest book, coauthored with Barbara Olshanshky, is "The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office (St. Martin's Press, May 2006). His writing is available at

9/11 Truth Movies At The Anthony Wayne Movie Theater

I have to learn a new word other than "awesome" even though what Betsy is doing is TRULY awesome. Thanks to Scott for helping her out. Good to see you Bob.

James Bamford On DemocracyNOW

James Bamford: “The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America”

Click Here (RealPlayer)


AMY GOODMAN: Jim Bamford, can you talk about how the NSA picked up the very first clues about the 9/11 attacks well before the 9/11 attacks?

JAMES BAMFORD: Well, the very first clue to the 9/11 attack occurred in late December 1999, when the NSA picked up a message from a house in Yemen. The house was being used by bin Laden as his operations center. He didn’t have much capability to operate out of Afghanistan, so all the phone calls, all the messages, email and all that would go to this house in the city of Sanaa, the capital of Yemen. NSA had been eavesdropping on that house for a number of years, and in late December 1999, it picked up a particular intercept, picked up a particular phone conversation.

Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh And Lt. General Mahmood Ahmed Involved In Another "Terrorist Attack?"


October 1, 2001: Kashmir Suicide Attack Involves 9/11 Funder Saeed Sheikh
A suicide truck-bomb attack on the provincial parliamentary assembly in Indian-controlled Kashmir leaves 36 dead. It appears that Saeed Sheikh and Aftab Ansari, working with the ISI, are behind the attacks. [Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 3/3/2002; Vanity Fair, 8/2002] Indian intelligence claims that Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf is later given a recording of a phone call between Jaish-e-Mohammed leader Maulana Masood Azhar and ISI Director Lt. Gen. Mahmood Ahmed in which Azhar allegedly reports the bombing is a “success.” [United Press International, 10/10/2001]

Justice Will Be Served

You can guarantee it.'s Grassroots Conference Call Tonight At 9PM EST

The last one was REALLY good. - Jon

Dear Colleagues,

Please forgive me for this very late notice... I have apparently lost another week! I guess class warfare unmasked, threats of martial law, and new appropriations bills have kept us all occupied... Seems to me the theory that time is literally speeding up seems to be proving true!

Director Of 9/11: Press For Truth Has "Some Fun" With Morgan Stanley

Ray Nowosielski sent this out. It's very funny.

Philip Zelikow Had 9/11 Report Rewritten To Be More Favorable Of Condi

This is a new entry at Condoleezza Rice didn't deserve "more favorable" treatment. She belongs in prison.

May-June 2004: Zelikow Has Portions of 9/11 Commission Report Rewritten to Be More Favorable to National Security Adviser Rice

The Truthers' New Friends

The Weekly Standard is the newspaper I used to refer to as the "PNAC Newspaper." The editor is William Kristol, co-founder of the Project For A New American Century. The same man who reminded us about the double standard that it was "ok" to blame Bill Clinton for 9/11, but Bush was hands off. The same man who asked, "are we really to believe that Bush just sat around after 9/11 thinking, "How can I aggrandize my powers?" The Weekly Standard has described Cynthia McKinney as a "leftist conspiracy wacko," and has attacked her on more than one occasion. Their "opinions" can not, and should not be trusted. - Jon

The Russian government warms up to 9/11 conspiracy theories.


by Cathy Young
10/13/2008, Volume 014, Issue 05

Omar Sheikh, A Childhood Friend Turned Pakistani Militant

No, I DO NOT support the current strikes taking place within Pakistan. - Jon


Daniel Flynn

Marriott Hotel in IslamabadThe weekend bomb which tore through the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, killing 53 people, was a reminder that Pakistan is entering the eye of the storm of Islamist militancy. But for me, it was also a more personal reminder of a childhood friend who went from a suburban upbringing in London to become one of Pakistan’s most notorious militants.

Omar Sheikh, a member of the Jaish-e-Mohammad (Army of the Prophet) organisation which has been linked to the bombing, is currently on death row in Pakistan for organising the kidnapping and beheading of the brilliant Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in Karachi in February, 2002.

9/11 Truth Holds One-Year Anniversary Meeting

Congratulations to Janice. executive director visited the 9-11 Truth of Central Iowa meeting in Adel Monday, Sept. 14 offering suggestions on how citizens can be pro-active with their government to demand the truth behind the events of 9-11.


By: Amber Williams
09/18/2008 executive director visited the 9-11 Truth of Central Iowa meeting in Adel Monday, Sept. 14 offering suggestions on how citizens can be pro-active with their government to demand the truth behind the events of 9-11.

Few things are free in this world. And, as the old motto goes, not even freedom is free.

But the 9-11 Truth of Central Iowa first annual film festival was free. Its organizers said that's because information is power, so they give it away. In fact, they gave away more than 700 free DVDs, each documentary depicting different questions and theories about the truth about the events of September 11, 2001.