Jon Gold's blog

9/11 Was A Crime Carried Out By Men

Jon Gold

Have you ever heard someone say that if you promote anything related to 9/11 having to do with hijackers, you are promoting "LIHOP" or the "Islamofascist Myth?"

What those people are REALLY saying is that you absolutely LOVE the "War On Terror," and the holocaust currently taking place against the Muslim people.

Nothing could be further from the truth. The 9/11 Truth Movement has ALWAYS stood for peace. We want the wars started from the horrors of that day stopped immediately. We want our troops brought home. I'm not a lawyer, but I would think we want reparations paid to whichever country our "leadership" has wronged.

U.S. Perpetrates Mass Killings In Iraq


By Peter Phillips

The United States is directly responsible for over one million Iraqi deaths since the invasion five and half years ago. In a January 2008 report, a British polling group Opinion Research Business (ORB) reports that, "survey work confirms our earlier estimate that over 1,000,000 Iraqi citizens have died as a result of the conflict which started in 2003…. We now estimate that the death toll between March 2003 and August 2007 is likely to have been of the order of 1,033,000. If one takes into account the margin of error associated with survey data of this nature then the estimated range is between 946,000 and 1,120,000".

When Spies Don’t Play Well With Their Allies: CIA And The ISI



WASHINGTON — As they complete their training at “The Farm,” the Central Intelligence Agency’s base in the Virginia tidewater, young agency recruits are taught a lesson they are expected never to forget during assignments overseas: there is no such thing as a friendly intelligence service.

Foreign spy services, even those of America’s closest allies, will try to manipulate you. So you had better learn how to manipulate them back.

But most C.I.A. veterans agree that no relationship between the spy agency and a foreign intelligence service is quite as byzantine, or as maddening, as that between the C.I.A. and Pakistan’s Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, or I.S.I.

It is like a bad marriage in which both spouses have long stopped trusting each other, but would never think of breaking up because they have become so mutually dependent.

Justice Or A Joke?

Jon Gold

Here is an excerpt from a statement from the September 11th Advocates with regards to the Military Tribunals taking place at Guantanamo.

Prosecuting these men within a system that is secretive in nature and lacking in due process, and which uses evidence tainted by questionable interrogation methods and possibly even torture, is a dangerous endeavor.
Here is information supporting the claim that the military tribunals are "secretive in nature":

Deoxyribonucleic Acid

Thanks to

September 11-November 16, 2001: Pentagon Victims Taken to Dover Air Force for Mortuary Operations

WTC Site Will Be Open Again To Families On 9/11

Here are a few stories related to the debacle that took place last year. Watch for 9/11 Family Member Michele Little's presentation given in Keene, NH this past May for more on that. - Jon

9/11 Memorial Service Moved From Ground Zero Without Consulting The 9/11 Families
9/11 Families Vow Action If City Moves Memorial Service From WTC Site
9/11 Families Hold Last Midnight Mass At Ground Zero



NEW YORK (AP) — Sept. 11 victims' families will be able to mourn their loved ones at the World Trade Center site again on the terrorist attacks' seventh anniversary.

Congressional Hearing To Examine "Bush Imperial Presidency"

Soooo... they're going to talk about some of the bad things this administration has done (clearly not all), and do... nothing? Unacceptable. - Jon



In a release Thursday, House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (D-MI) announced he will hold a hearing July 25 examining "the imperial presidency of George W. Bush and possible legal responses."

The word "impeachment" was not mentioned in the announcement, but it appears the hearing is going to examine issues raised by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) in his resolution to impeach Bush. A Judiciary Committee spokesman tells RAW STORY Kucinich will testify at the hearing.

Those Who Dared: 30 Who Stood Up for Our Country

Both Sibel and Coleen are mentioned in footnotes in the back of the 9/11 Report. Sibel gave 3 1/2 hours worth of testimony, and with regards to Coleen, "the commission chose to only rely upon transcripts from the Joint Senate-House Intel Inquiry. [...] As far as Ms. Rowley is aware, no one from the FBI Minneapolis (3-4 Agents with direct information) was asked to provide testimony/info to the 9/11 Commission." - Jon


Full Report
Click Here (PDF)


Today, CREW has released its newest study, Those Who Dared: 30 Who Stood Up for Our Country, recognizing the brave individuals who have acted and spoken out against unethical and dishonorable conduct in the Bush administration. The full report can be found here.

9/11 Family Member Bob McIlvaine At Webster Hall 9/10/2007

I have never seen this posted on, let alone posted anywhere. This is something everyone should watch. I think this is one of Bob's most powerful speeches.

Can You Imagine If This Was About 9/11 Truth?

We need singers to make one of these about 9/11 Truth.

Cynthia McKinney's Acceptance Speech


July 13th, 2008

Cynthia McKinney
Acceptance Remarks
Green Party Convention
Chicago, Illinois
July 12, 2008

Let me introduce to you my family and your Power to the People Committee!

My mother and father, Billy and Leola McKinney.

My son, Coy, who just graduated from college in Canada!

I want you to know that there is no way I could do this without their love and support.

Your Power to the People Committee members who are with us today:

You’ve all shared e-mails with her and heard her lovely voice on the telephone: Lucy Grider-Bradley, the campaign manager of my 2004 comeback campaign and FEC Compliance team leader for the Power to the People Committee!

I’ve known him all of my political life. You’ve known him for years if you’re a Green party member. Hugh Esco, website man with the Power to the People Committee!

So, You Believe In Conspiracy Theories, Do You? You Probably Also Think You're The Emperor Of Pluto


Charlie Brooker
The Guardian,
Monday July 14, 2008

I've got a theory - an untested, unprovable theory - that the more interesting your life is at any given point, the less lurid and spectacular your dreams will be. Think of it as a balancing procedure carried out by the brain to stop you getting bored to death.

If your waking life is mundane, it'll inject some thrills into your night-time imaginings to maintain a healthy overall fun quotient. So if you work in a cardboard box factory, and your job is to stare at the side of each box as it passes along a conveyor belt, to ensure they're all uniform and boxy enough - and you do this all day, every day, until your mind grows so dissociated and numb you can scarcely tell where the cardboard ends and your body begins - when your daily routine is THAT dull, chances are you'll spend each night dreaming you're the Emperor of Pluto, wrestling a 6ft green jaguar during a meteor storm in the desert just outside Vegas.

Barack Obama's Foreign Policy Adviser Picks Tell Us All We Need To Know About Him

by Michael Jackman

Instead of media pundits blowing a bunch of hot air about Barack Obama's former pastor, there should be a real discussion and examination of who he has picked as his foreign policy advisors. These choices will have far more of an impact on our country than which church Obama attended or where he stands on the various partisan wedge issues. Among the 13 advisors selected, there are some alarming choices. Especially when you consider Obama's antiwar rhetoric on the stump.

The first advisor I will mention is former Indiana Congressman and Democrat, Tim Roemer. He was a member of the 9/11 Commission, and a representative of the war-profiteering weapons makers Boeing and Lockheed Martin, which also happen to be the world's largest defense contractors. While in office, Roemer voted for the Iraq War and said this: "The threat from Saddam is grave and growing and it's something we're going to have to address in the not-too-distant future." That statement mirrors the rhetoric of Bush and Cheney exactly. Why would a President Obama, who spoke out against the war in 2003, be interested in someone like Roemer's advice?

How Many People Question The Official Account Of 9/11?

Don't listen to us. Do your own research. I recommend you read the 9/11 Report, and then go read the 9/11 Timeline.

9/11 Workers Refute NYC’s Claim Of Incomplete Medical Records


By Laura Walter
July 9, 2008

Attorneys representing more than 10,000 Ground Zero workers including police, firefighters and other rescue, recovery and debris clean-up personnel who became ill after working at the World Trade Center site after 9/11 refuted the city’s claims that the plaintiffs produced inadequate medical records for the case.

At a May 29 court conference, the city claimed that most plaintiffs had not produced all of their medical records. The plaintiffs' co-liaison counsel, Worby, Groner, Edelman, Napoli & Bern LLP, however, reported that they had delivered more than 800,000 pages of medical records. The plaintiffs also exchanged an additional 58,451 pages comprising 1,548 individual records since the court conference.

The attorneys indicated that the defendants themselves were at all times in possession and control of thousands of the plaintiffs' own records.