pfgetty's blog

This is one reason we must get the word out about the truth of 9/11


Prejudice continues to linger in wake of 9-11

Editorial Editor Alisha Cayce - Wednesday, October 06, 2010 By Alisha Cayce

The tragic screams of wounded Americans, the turmoil of falling debris from the World Trade Center, and the unbearable truth of deceased loved ones distorted our nation on Sept. 11, 2001.

Now, nearly a decade later, America is still hurting.

The root of all this pain came from terrorists who took the lives of 2,800 people.

As the ninth anniversary of September 11 comes to pass, Muslims and Middle Eastern Americans continue to be wrongfully targeted and suspected of being terrorists, not only on the streets, but in airports as well. There are still people nearly 10 years later who have fears and prejudices towards this group of people because of this tragedy.

Counterpunch and 9/11 and Alexander Cockburn: From exposing the truth to complete 9/11 censorship and just 2 years

The alternative media has been hijacked, conquered, by forces that will not allow the truth of 911 to even be discussed. What in the world has happened? Here is one example.

In 2002, Counterpunch runs an article deeply questioning the official story, one that could be found on 911 blogger, with information that shows clearly that something is wrong with the official 911 story.

In 2004, Counterpunch runs a story that insults the 911 movement, calling us "conspiracy nuts", and never again runs any story at all that has any of the mounting and well documented evidence that shows the official story to be at least conflicted.

What happened during the years from 2002 to 2004? Alexander Cockburn was the editor throughout it all. Was he threatened, or convinced of something, or did he receive some kind of support from foundations that would ultimately not want the real truth to come out?

The exact same thing happened with Justin Raimondo at In fact, Raimondo even sold a book about the Israeli connection to 911. And then he went mum, except to also insult 9/11 truthers.

Something is going on, and I wish someone would come forward with what it could possibly be.

in 2002...

and 4 years later . . .

Ahamadinejad in Address Yesterday: Western Powers Use 9/11 And Other Schemes To Plunder Iran's Oil Reservoirs


'West hatched plots to occupy ME'


Tue Oct 5, 2010 8:19AM
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said Western powers have pursued a "hidden agenda to dominate the Middle East region."

Addressing people in Gorgan in Iran's northern Golestan province on Tuesday morning, President Ahmadinejad accused the Western powers of "orchestrating different programs and schemes" in order to plunder the region's oil reservoirs.

Huffington Post: Muslims believe 9/11 to be an inside job. "How could so many Muslims be so wrong?"


Martin Varsavsky

Posted: October 4, 2010 07:05 AM

Why Do So Many Muslims Believe 9/11 Was a Conspiracy?

This morning I read that a great number of Muslims believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy created by the US government to justify the invasion of Iraq. This worried me. How could so many Muslims be so wrong?

But then I thought that the U.S. government and some EU countries did lie to invade Iraq. They lied about the weapons of mass destruction conspiracy and the connections between Saddam Hussein and 9/11.

Ahmadinejad Renews Call for 9/11 Fact Finding Probe. He isn't backing down.


Iran and International News. 


Ahmadinejad Renews Call for 9/11 Fact-Finding Probe


Review of David Ray Griffin's New Book: Cognitive Infiltration

Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory

Review of David Ray Griffin's Book


David Ray Griffin, Cass Sunstein, Harvard, U of Chicago, and Neocons


David Ray Griffin v. Cass Sunstein

September 30th, 2010  

by Stephen Lendman

Griffin is Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology, Emeritus, Claremont School of Theology and Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA where he's still co-director of the Center for Process Studies.

He's authored and/or edited three dozen books, mainly in his field, but notably and heroically on 9/11 truth, Osama bin Laden, and his newest titled, "Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory." More on it below.

Cass Sunstein is a well-known University of Chicago and Harvard Law School Professor before being appointed Obama's Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, in charge of "overseeing policies relating to privacy, information quality, and statistical programs," among other duties.

Reclaiming the "Boston Tea Party" for 9/11 Truth

Reclaiming the “Boston Tea Party” for 9/11 Truth
By Jerry Mazza
Online Journal Associate Editor

Sep 29, 2010, 00:24




As The Dust Settles: Niels Harrit and the Nano-Thermite in the WTC dust

AS THE DUST SETTLES... Danish Scientist Finds Evidence of Nano-Thermite in WTC dust. “Brought down by mixture of explosives"

by Priya Warcry on Wednesday, September 29, 2010 at 2:02am

I interviewed Dr. Neils Harrit, PhD from Copenhagen Denmark, on the ninth anniversary of the September 11th attacks, about his research and findings. Below this press release, you will find my interview.



"The Last Nail In the 9/11 Coffin" - Danish Scientist Links Evidence of Explosive Thermite to Ground Zero WTC Destruction


Press Conference Announcement

Scientists Link Explosive Thermite to 9/11/01 WTC Destruction

U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001


Subject: False-flag Motives Laid bare -- E.P. Heidner proves 911 Staged to Derail Investigations by killing the investigators and destroying records at Office of Naval Intelligence in the Pentagon etc.

9/11 Truth, Burning Qurans, and Veterans for Peace

Rush Limbaugh and Terry “Koran Burner” Jones High were School Chums
September 17, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff · 26 Comments

Is it only a coincidence that Rush Limbaugh and Terry Jones graduated together from Cape Girardeau’s Central High School, Missouri in 1969?
Veterans For Peace Speak DOVE to DOVE for 9/11 Truth

One of the first articles to warn Pastor Terry Jones was making a disturbing promise to burn Qurans on every anniversary of 9/11 was published on July, 26th. (1) The story grew to command international coverage for Jones’s inflammatory intent to blame a billion Muslims for the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

In an attempt to defuse the consequences of Jones’ dangerously executed first amendment right, Gainesville Mayor, Craig Lowe declared Saturday, 9/11 to be “Interfaith Solidarity Day”.

The Gainesville Muslim Initiative (GMI) followed to sponsor a Day of Peace and Unity with activities and speakers invited at center stage to present their themes of Peace and reconciliation at the Bo Diddley stage at Gainesville’s downtown plaza. Has the truth been told about 9-11?

link: News

National News
Has truth been told about 9-11?
By Saeed Shabazz -Staff Writer-
Updated Sep 28, 2010 - 12:09:50 PM

Has truth been told about 9-11?

By Saeed Shabazz -Staff Writer- | Last updated: Sep 28, 2010 - 12:09:50 PM

Photos: AP/Wide World Photos

Call for probe ignites controversy, but many still say September 11 tragedy needs investigation

UNITED NATION - ( After President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke before world leaders and the international press at the 65th Session of the UN General Assembly, an uproar followed and the United States expressed outrage at his remarks.


Wall Street Journal: Doing all it can to contain the 9/11 Truth Movement

This article is important not because it is so well thought out, but because it is found in the Wall Street Journal, a very respected and widely circulated newspaper.  It is owned by Ruppert Murdoch, the owner of Fox.  Ruppert is apparently doing all he can to contain the growing 9/11 Truth Movement.  As usual, there is no attempt to prove in any way that the evidence provided by the Truthers is unreliable or false.  Instead, just insults are hurled against them.  Hopefully the readers of the WSJ will begin to see how empty these attacks are. 

The Wall Street Journal

SEPTEMBER 28, 2010

What Ahmadinejad Knows

Iran's president appeals to 9/11 Truthers.

Let's put a few facts on the table.

• The recent floods in Pakistan are acts neither of God nor of nature. Rather, they are the result of a secret U.S. military project called HAARP, based out of Fairbanks, Alaska, which controls the weather by sending electromagnetic waves into the upper atmosphere. HAARP may also be responsible for the recent spate of tsunamis and earthquakes.

• Not only did the U.S. invade Iraq for its oil, but also to harvest the organs of dead Iraqis, in which it does a thriving trade.

• Faisal Shahzad was not the perpetrator of the May 1 Times Square bombing, notwithstanding his own guilty plea. Rather, the bombing was orchestrated by an American think tank, though its exact identity has yet to be established.

• Oh, and 9/11 was an inside job. Just ask Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The U.S. and its European allies were quick to walk out on the Iranian president after he mounted the podium at the U.N. last week to air his three "theories" on the attacks, each a conspiratorial shade of the other. But somebody should give him his due: He is a provocateur with a purpose. Like any expert manipulator, he knew exactly what he was doing when he pushed those most sensitive of buttons.

He knew, for