Vancouver Sun

Last call for Doxa documentaries (Strong Sibel plug from Vancouver Sun)

Thank you Vancouver Sun, for doing so much to promote this film

Yvonne Zacharias, Vancouver Sun
Published: Saturday, May 31, 2008
There's still time to catch a flick or two at the Doxa Documentary Film Festival before it ends Sunday. Here are our picks.
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Filmmakers from two European countries have turned the lens on U.S. malfeasance, shining a light on some its darker corners. Both films track a hero who struggles valiantly to bring a little justice to this world:

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The United States portrays itself as the land of freedom, but the film Kill The Messenger by Mathieu Verboud and Jean-Robert Viallet casts serious doubt on that notion. The film from France documents the cold, crass efforts by the powers-that-be in the U.S. to bring down Sibel Edmonds, an American of Iranian and Turkish origin who was hired by the FBI as a translator in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 tragedy. She spent months translating high-security clearance documents.