The Vancouver Sun: Ahmadinejad speech ok, except for part about 9/11


"apart from the claim that the U.S. orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, I find there is a kernel of truth in his rant against the West and capitalism."

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Ahmadinejad's kernel of truth






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As Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad delivered his rant at the United Nations General Assembly last week, the United States and most her allies walked out in apparent protest. The following day, U.S. President Barack Obama condemned the address as hateful.

I found Ahmadinejad's speech and his appearance on Larry King Live ludicrous -- and yet, apart from the claim that the U.S. orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, I find there is a kernel of truth in his rant against the West and capitalism.

To start, the unfortunate Iraq and Afghanistan wars are foolish misadventures that feed suspicions of America's real intentions in the Middle East. It is doubtful that the U.S. and NATO can really win Afghanistan, at whatever cost. And Iran will become a nuclear power because there are enough greedy businessmen who will trade with the country, in spite of the embargo.

America's casualties, the sudden millionaires as a result of both wars and the increased social dislocation and unemployment in the U.S., due to the mass return of veterans, must give Obama pause. Then we have the antics of Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton to make us doubt the justice system. We have the ever-increasing violence related to the drug trade and the continuing financial agonies related to Wall Street greed. How can anyone dispute Ahmadinejad's claim that capitalism is on the way to dodo bird-land?

It's ironic, but Obama might just be forced to thank him for his insight, deranged zealot though he may seem to the Western press. Who was it who said, "We have seen the enemy and it is us?" Truly, the enemy of Western civilization lies not in Afghanistan nor in militant Islam or Iran but in the bowels of Western society.

Norman M. Ostonal

New Westminster

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