Terry Jones

9/11 Truth, Burning Qurans, and Veterans for Peace

Rush Limbaugh and Terry “Koran Burner” Jones High were School Chums
September 17, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff · 26 Comments

Is it only a coincidence that Rush Limbaugh and Terry Jones graduated together from Cape Girardeau’s Central High School, Missouri in 1969?
Veterans For Peace Speak DOVE to DOVE for 9/11 Truth

One of the first articles to warn Pastor Terry Jones was making a disturbing promise to burn Qurans on every anniversary of 9/11 was published on July, 26th. (1) The story grew to command international coverage for Jones’s inflammatory intent to blame a billion Muslims for the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

In an attempt to defuse the consequences of Jones’ dangerously executed first amendment right, Gainesville Mayor, Craig Lowe declared Saturday, 9/11 to be “Interfaith Solidarity Day”.

The Gainesville Muslim Initiative (GMI) followed to sponsor a Day of Peace and Unity with activities and speakers invited at center stage to present their themes of Peace and reconciliation at the Bo Diddley stage at Gainesville’s downtown plaza.