Dove Outreach

9/11 Truth, Burning Qurans, and Veterans for Peace

Rush Limbaugh and Terry “Koran Burner” Jones High were School Chums
September 17, 2010 posted by Gordon Duff · 26 Comments

Is it only a coincidence that Rush Limbaugh and Terry Jones graduated together from Cape Girardeau’s Central High School, Missouri in 1969?
Veterans For Peace Speak DOVE to DOVE for 9/11 Truth

One of the first articles to warn Pastor Terry Jones was making a disturbing promise to burn Qurans on every anniversary of 9/11 was published on July, 26th. (1) The story grew to command international coverage for Jones’s inflammatory intent to blame a billion Muslims for the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

In an attempt to defuse the consequences of Jones’ dangerously executed first amendment right, Gainesville Mayor, Craig Lowe declared Saturday, 9/11 to be “Interfaith Solidarity Day”.

The Gainesville Muslim Initiative (GMI) followed to sponsor a Day of Peace and Unity with activities and speakers invited at center stage to present their themes of Peace and reconciliation at the Bo Diddley stage at Gainesville’s downtown plaza.

Gators 9/11 Truth Speaks to Gainesville Government About Burning Qur'ans

Two 9/11 Truth activists in Gainesville, Fl spoke to the City Commission about the un-informed action of Rev.Terry Jones to burn the Qur'an at the Dove Outreach Center on Saturday, 9/11/2010. This day is the sad 9th Anniversary of the unsolved murders in Manhattan, the Pentagon and possible unknown locations.