wtc 7

9/11 Free Fall -- Gatekeepers and 9/11 Censorship -- Interview with Dan Noel (11/15/12)

Dan Noel is an electromechanical engineer who is a member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth as part of its presenter team. He has closely studied what he calls "the 9/11 censorship issue". In light of a recent video in which journalist Amy Goodman is confronted with 9/11 evidence and avoids discussion of it, Dan talks about 9/11 gatekeepers, the challenges that activist face in overcoming the censorship wall, and specific tools available that can help activists reach out to more people.

Listen to Previous episodes at:

Links mentioned on show:

9/11 Truth Confronts Amy Goodman & Democracy Now! ~ Cal Poly San Luis Obispo


9/11 Free Fall-- Dennis McMahon-- NYC CAN and Building What? (11/8/12)

Dennis P. McMahon is a member of the New York and Massachusetts bars. In 2009, he served as attorney for the 9/11 family members in Burke vs McSweeney, as part of the NYC CAN petition effort to have NYC voters decide whether New York City should have its own investigation into what really happened on 9/11. Dennis was instrumental in introducing the “Building What?” campaign, later renamed “Remember Building 7.” In 2011, he helped coordinate part of the “Investigate Building 7” conference held in West Hartford Connecticut. Dennis currently serves as a member of David Ray Griffin’s Consensus 911 Project, and is a member of the Writing Team at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

NIST-Naudet-CUMULUS-Release: A forgery!

German researcher HerrKoenig recently discovered a forgery within the NIST CUMULUS Data-release, in the case of the WTC 1 collapse sound.

Listen yourself: This one was taken from the Naudet documentary DVD, by extrating the sequence to WAV and converting it into MP3-Layer3, 320kbps, 48.000 Hz with AVS Audio Converter 7.1.

This is from the NIST-release:

More Mass Media Breakthroughs

CBS Sunday Morning features Ed Asner questioning 9/11 and showing WTC 7’s free fall on national television
Fox News’ Allan Colmes also covers Asner’s views on 9/11

Help us push this media wave even higher!

Dear AE911Truth Supporter,

Over the past several days you have helped us regain the slipped ground at on PBS’s website since we achieved #1 Most Watched and Most Shared rankings with Colorado Public Television (CPT12)’s showing of “9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out.Thank you so much! As of this writing, your efforts have pushed us back up to the #2 Most Watched spot, after dropping for a time to #8.

We have always retained the "1 “Most Shared” spot, suggesting that people who see the explosive evidence are much more motivated to share it with others than are those who watch other PBS online previews and programs. That certainly does not surprise us … and it’s another point we can all make to help encourage the media to give us more and better coverage.

AE911Truth "The Blueprint" Monthly Newsletter | December 2011

Professor Niels Harrit to speak on WTC 7 at Indiana University

Public Lecture - The Collapse of the Seventh Tower: A Physical & Chemical Analysis
Niels H. Harrit, Copenhagen University

When: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 @ 7:15-9:15 p.m.
Where: Morrison Hall 007
Departmental Sponsors: College of Arts and Sciences, American Studies Program

To most people, the image of the World Trade Center (WTC) is confined to the famous twin towers, which dominated the New York skyline until September 11th, 2001, when they collapsed after each one being hit by an airliner. However, the trade center was an assembly of seven buildings around a plaza. The youngest of these, WTC7, was a huge office building, reaching 186 meters and 47 stories into the air. The ground-plan area was little less than a soccer field.

WTC7 was not hit by an airliner. Still, it collapsed seven hours after the twin towers in a totally symmetric movement with free-fall speed. It was the most unexpected collapse in the history of modern building construction.

The talk outlines the factual circumstances around this event. These facts are held up against the official account of the event as it has been presented in a report from National Institute of Standards and Technology. According to this report, WTC7 collapsed due to fire. But never before - or since - in history has a steel-framed high-riser collapsed due to fire.

In the second part of the talk it is proposed that the collapse of WTC was due to controlled demolitions using explosives. In addition, unambiguous evidence points to the use of thermite, which is an energetic material used to cut and weld steel. The newest findings in the dust include still-reactive remains of so-called nano-thermite.

NaturalNews - "Jumping rope and 9/11 truth" - Natural Health, Natural Living, Natural News
Jumping rope and 9/11 truth -
how the sheeple have been trained to avoid unpopular truth about WTC 7

Sunday, September 25, 2011 by Mike Adams, Editor of

"...9/11 is a modern-day IQ test...." -- Mike Adams

I think I was in the second grade at the time. We were in gym class, and the teacher had encouraged us to jump rope and count out 10 jumps as part of an obstacle course. It was an ambitious plan, we soon learned, as very few second graders can jump rope at all. Even worse, it turns out they can't count either, because to my great surprise, some classmates stood there counting rapidly from 1 to 10 as they attempted to jump the rope, regardless of how many revolutions of the rope were actually achieved.

A natural health news site, NaturalNews, reports on WTC 7

Architects and engineers challenge official story of World Trade Center Building 7 collapse
Saturday, August 20, 2011 by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Most of us remember the horror of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, and the mental images of the collapse of the twin World Trade Center towers is forever etched into our minds. But while the reason for their demise is well-known, well documented and well accepted, there remain serious doubts about exactly why another WTC structure, Building 7, imploded in the afternoon on that fateful day.

Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7

This is AE911Truth's new 9/11 documentary on the mysterious destruction of World Trade Center Building #7 on 9/11/01. Join actor, Ed Asner, and architect, Richard Gage, AIA, as they narrate an unfolding story that decimates the official account ("collapse due to normal office fires") of this 47 story high-rise which was destroyed on the afternoon of 9/11 in record time: top to bottom in under 7 seconds - and at free-fall acceleration for a third of its fall.

This is AE911Truth's best shot at a professionally produced 15 minute informative and engaging WTC 7 documentary - designed for newcomers. It is free. Please spread far and wide.

The documentary includes several of the dozens of technical and building experts that were interviewed and that appear in our forthcoming full length documentary - 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out. Altogether of course there are more than 1,500 Architects & Engineers that have signed the AE911Truth petition calling for a new investigation of the destruction of all 3 high-rises at the World Trade Center on 9/11.

Special thanks to the AE911Truth volunteer video crew!

Remember Building 7: 10th Anniversary Ad Campaign Launches Today!

Remember Building 7:
10th Anniversary Ad Campaign Launches Today!
with our new Mini-Documentary:
“Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7”

Dear AE911Truth Supporters,

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is pleased to announce the launch of the Remember Building 7 10th Anniversary Campaign – the most aggressive ad campaign yet. This season we are accelerating our strategic partnership with in order to make this 10th Anniversary a vital turning point in the pursuit of a new 9/11 investigation.

10:45 am BBC reports 3rd building near World Trade Center has collapsed

Jane Standley in an early report stating that another building close to the towers has collapsed.

This clip was found via a research collective that I run on paltalk. This is the direct link to the room: - your help is needed. There are 2, 911 truth rooms on paltalk, mine is the one with 911 in words, not numbers. But please check out both. If you are willing to help and have any problems getting onto paltalk just email me at and i will try to help. Get on board - we are many, they are few.

Playing Devil's Advocate with Michael Shermer

A couple of months ago I emailed Michael Shermer. To my surprise, he responded.
I wrote him as a "concerned citizen and parent" ( I'm not a parent, btw,) wondering what he would say to someone genuinely questioning the official 9/11 narrative.

Mr. Shermer,

A colleague referred me to this video clip of Dr. Niels Harrit, Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen. In this video he refers to a substance called "nanothermite."

"Conspiracy Theories" do not interest me. However, scientific evidence of an extremely high tech explosive in the lower Manhattan dust bothers me greatly.

Is there any validity to this claim?


No, Richard, no validity to the "microthermite" story whatsoever. None. No one found thermite or microthermite or superthermite or any other type of thermite at ground zero. And even if they did, thermite cannot do what they claim it can. This was all tested years ago.


Mr. Shermer,

Thank you for your reply. That eases my mind a great deal.

Remember Building 7 Event Front Page on + Event Turnout Numbers

"Inside The 9/11 WTC Building 7 Truther Conference: [Insert Motive Here]"
-By Christopher Robbins in News on March 28, 2011 11:30 AM

Direct Link:

Another Building 7 Article posted on the Gothamist. This time it's on the front page at the top.

We should attempt to find a few comments and "Like" them together so they are voted up to the top.

***Event Turnout Numbers

I called Mike DeRosa from WWUH Radio to get a QUICK estimate on the turnout at the Hartford CT event and how it went because I have been dying just to hear something about it.

Mr. DeRosa said:
~260 People Total
~40 of which were presenters/helpers
~80 were still there at the end of the event
~The Event was filmed from multiple cameras. He is working on trying to get it released and ready for youtube.

All in all the event "went very well" and the guests were "excited and impressed" about the information being presented.

Hopefully some more official numbers and a better summary of the event will come out in the coming days.

Media Roots Interview with Brett Smith, Creator of Hypothesis

Interview with Filmmaker Brett Smith, Creator of Hypothesis by Media Roots

This is an exclusive Media Roots Radio interview with Utah based documentarian Brett Smith, conducted by Abby and Robbie Martin on February 23, 2011.

In 2006, Brett's love of films drew him into taking a film class where he was required to make a 15 minute short. That 15 minute short later turned into 40 minute documentary called Hypothesis.

Hypothesis is a documentary that follows physicis professor Steven E. Jones during a pivotal time in his life. In 2005, Jones went public with a theory about 9/11 that was so controversial, it resulted in everything from hate mail, threats, and even bribery to try to end his research. Despite the outside pressures, Jones vowed to never give up on his pursuit of the truth.

AE911Truth "The Blueprint" Bimonthly Newsletter - Mid-February 2011

Newsletter not displaying correctly? View it on our website
Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth / Blueprint Newsletter
AE911Truth Blueprint Newsletter | Vol. XX | Mid-February 2011 
Late Feb Newsletter banner

Chris Mohr, supporter of the “natural collapse” theory, debates AE911Truth in Boulder March 6. Dick Gregory, famed civil rights activist and comedian, gives us deeper insight into his full support of AE911Truth. Steven Jones’ new DVD “Science & Society” hits the streets and our online store. Also, the freefall, symmetrical destruction of WTC 7 wins good coverage in the Foreign Policy Journal.

• Riveting two-hour “Trial” Radio Debate Prepares Mohr
     /Gage for Live March 6 Showdown at UC Boulder
• The Dream Lives On: Famed Civil Rights Activist Dick
     Gregory Joins Forces with AE911Truth
• February Fundraising Drive for An AE911Truth Publicist
• Definitive New DVD from Steven Jones
• A Scientific Theory of the WTC 7 Collapse
• Bill Moyers’ Attack on 9/11 Truth Exposes Defense
     Mechanisms in Full Force
• Los Angeles Conscious Life Expo Gets 9/11 Wake-Up Call
• Upcoming Action of the Month: Put AE911Truth DVDs
     in the Hands of Every A/E in Your Community