dust samples

Janette Mackinlay speaks at UC Davis, May 1, 2009

Janette Mackinlay, 1948 - 2010 was an artist, 9/11 survivor and activist for 9/11 Truth and justice.  This video (in 2 parts) shows Janette's presentation at the University of California Davis on May 1, 2009. 

The occasion was Prof. Steven E. Jones' first public presentation of his research on dust from the World Trade Center.  Janette was the first person to give Prof. Jones a sample of dust from the World Trade Center.  Prof. Jones, Prof. Niels Harrit and other scientists found red gray chips in the dust, some visible to the naked eye.  Scientific examination revealed that these were unexploded pieces of nanothermite, a military grade explosive researched and developed at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories in Livermore, California. 

Media Roots Interview with Brett Smith, Creator of Hypothesis

Interview with Filmmaker Brett Smith, Creator of Hypothesis by Media Roots

This is an exclusive Media Roots Radio interview with Utah based documentarian Brett Smith, conducted by Abby and Robbie Martin on February 23, 2011.

In 2006, Brett's love of films drew him into taking a film class where he was required to make a 15 minute short. That 15 minute short later turned into 40 minute documentary called Hypothesis.

Hypothesis is a documentary that follows physicis professor Steven E. Jones during a pivotal time in his life. In 2005, Jones went public with a theory about 9/11 that was so controversial, it resulted in everything from hate mail, threats, and even bribery to try to end his research. Despite the outside pressures, Jones vowed to never give up on his pursuit of the truth.