
Hypothesis Now available on DVD

The documentary feature film Hypothesis, which chronicles a pivotal moment in the life of Physicist Dr Steven E Jones is now available on DVD.

The film can be purchased directly here: https://www.createspace.com/307870

or, at www.hypothesisfilm.com

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bi5UX3u3W8

2011 Anniversary showings of Brett Smith's Film "Hypothesis"

I was looking around to see if it was possible to buy the film Hypothesis, a film about Steven Jones, done by Brett Smith, but could not find any place to get it. Instead, it looks like it will be showing at a few places on this upcoming Anniversary again, including the Southern Utah International Documentary Film Festival.

Director/Producer: Brett Smith
Country: USA Time: 46min. Genres: SOC/BIO


Sat. 9/12 1-4 p.m. – Red Cliffs Cinema Theater 2
Thur. 9/15 1-4 p.m. – Red Cliffs Cinema Theater 1
Fri. 9/16 7-10 p.m. – DSC Eccles Main Stage
Fri. 9/16 4-7 p.m. – Red Cliffs Cinema Theater 3


A documentary about Steven E. Jones, a professor of physics at BYU who made a conspiracy theory regarding the September 11 attacks. His theory resulted in everything from hate mail, bribes and threats to end his research.

It will also be showing in San Francisco, CA on the Anniversary for the 9/11: Reclaiming the Truth, Reclaiming Our Future conference:

September 11, 2011 - 1:15pm
The Herbst Theater

Media Roots Interview with Brett Smith, Creator of Hypothesis

Interview with Filmmaker Brett Smith, Creator of Hypothesis by Media Roots

This is an exclusive Media Roots Radio interview with Utah based documentarian Brett Smith, conducted by Abby and Robbie Martin on February 23, 2011.

In 2006, Brett's love of films drew him into taking a film class where he was required to make a 15 minute short. That 15 minute short later turned into 40 minute documentary called Hypothesis.

Hypothesis is a documentary that follows physicis professor Steven E. Jones during a pivotal time in his life. In 2005, Jones went public with a theory about 9/11 that was so controversial, it resulted in everything from hate mail, threats, and even bribery to try to end his research. Despite the outside pressures, Jones vowed to never give up on his pursuit of the truth.

Here's What the Democrats are REALLY Thinking


True, Democrats are just as weasley as the neoconservatives currently trespassing in the hollowed grounds of the White House.

But there's a purely political calculation which is also driving the Democrats, and about which they are deadly wrong.

When Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into effect in 1964, he famously said that, by signing the bill, it would ensure that democrats would "lose the South for a generation".

Ancient history? Not really.

Was the Destruction of the Top of the South Tower a Bottom-Up Demolition?

Prefatory note: this essay presents a theory, and I am not saying this is what happened. The scientific method is to raise theories, and then test them with the evidence to see if they are correct or incorrect.

I will leave it to the scientists, engineers and demolition experts to say whether this hypothesis is correct or incorrect. In fact, I am emailing this essay to some of the hundreds of highly-credible scientists, engineers and architects who question the government's version of 9/11. If the theory does not stand up in their minds, I will retract it.

Defenders of the official story about 9/11 have argued that controlled demolitions are always bottom-up, whereas the Twin Towers collapsed in a top-down fashion.

Initially, controlled demolitions are sometimes top-down. So the argument is not very persuasive.

Moreover, the destruction of the South Tower was, arguably, a conventional bottom-up demolition . . . with a twist.

Initially, the top 30 stories tip over as a unit: