
Doctors group says Bush Administration conducted medical experiments on detainees


Doctors group says Bush Administration conducted medical experiments on detainees

By John Byrne

Monday, June 7th, 2010 -- 8:47 am

A new report by the watchdog group Physicians for Human Rights alleges Monday that the Bush Administration experimented on terrorism suspects during their enhanced interrogation program put in force starting in 2002.

The group admits they have no "smoking gun." But their review, which examined Bush-era documentation, asserted that the administration violated laws set up in the wake of the Holocaust to prevent medical testing on prisoners of war.

The report states that, "Medical personnel were required to monitor all waterboarding practices and collect detailed medical information that was used to design, develop and deploy subsequent waterboarding procedures." Notes the Associated Press:

The Obama Administration and International Law - "The Law of 9/11"

Title: The Obama Administration and International Law

Author: Harold Hongju Koh (Legal Adviser, U.S. Department of State)
Event: Annual Meeting of the American Society of International Law
Location: Washington, DC
Published: March 25, 2010

For the complete text go to:

Quote: "We live in a time, when, as you know, the United States finds itself engaged in several armed conflicts. As the President has noted, one conflict, in Iraq, is winding down. He also reminded us that the conflict in Afghanistan is a “conflict that America did not seek, one in which we are joined by forty-three other countries… in an effort to defend ourselves and all nations from further attacks.”


Breaking Down Personhood, the Pre-9/11 Roots of Torture

INN World Report’s Tom Kiely to host ground breaking author Hank Albarelli next Friday at historic Walker Stage, one half mile north of Ground Zero.

INN’s ongoing lecture series continues with “An Evening with Hank Albarelli". Albarelli will discuss his new book “A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Cold War Experiments” A book signing will follow.

Mark Crispin Miller, professor of media studies at New York University and author of the book 'Fooled Again, How the Right Stole the 2004 Elections' will be participating in the discussion of the roots of today’s torture programs and their origins in the CIA’s mind control experimentation in the 1950’s and 60’s, including the use of LSD to break down the individual. He is known for his writing on American media and for his activism on behalf of democratic media reform. His books include Boxed In: The Culture of TV, Seeing Through Movies, and Mad Scientists, a study of war propaganda.

Top judge: Binyam Mohamed case shows MI5 to be devious, dishonest and complicit in torture

Top judge: Binyam Mohamed case shows MI5 to be devious, dishonest and complicit in torture

MI5 faced an unprecedented and damaging crisis tonight after one of the country's most senior judges found that the Security Service had failed to respect human rights, deliberately misled parliament, and had a "culture of suppression" that undermined government assurances about its conduct.

The condemnation, by Lord Neuberger, the master of the rolls, was drafted shortly before the foreign secretary, David Miliband, lost his long legal battle to suppress a seven-paragraph court document showing that MI5 officers were involved in the ill-treatment of a British resident, Binyam Mohamed.

Amid mounting calls for an independent inquiry into the affair, three of the country's most senior judges – Lord Judge, the lord chief justice, Sir Anthony May, president of the Queen's Bench Division, and Lord Neuberger – disclosed evidence of MI5's complicity in Mohamed's torture and unlawful interrogation by the US.

US terror suspects in Pakistan allege FBI torture

The news of the weird is beginning to blend from alternative to mainstream. Note following article on Pakistan-American alleged torture. This is following a regular pattern. Try to buy a hard copy of Harpers Magazine, March issue, and take actions in advising the International Court for a War Crimes investigation into the use of "Extraordinary Rendition" and other forms of torture.

More updated breaking news, like this article, actions and events, posted at Perhaps not everything in these resources are 100% accurate, but enough has been confirmed to declare corruption and treason at the highest levels of government. We are in this together.

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US terror suspects in Pakistan allege FBI torture

By NABIL YOUSAF, Associated Press Writer
Tue Feb 2, 6:47 am ET

SARGODHA, Pakistan – Five American terrorism suspects alleged Tuesday that they were subjected to electric shocks and other torture by the FBI and Pakistani police, the latest wrinkle in a case that has added to sensitivities in U.S.-Pakistani relations.

If US government says an American citizen is a "terrorist," the Constitution is gone, torture is on

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An American citizen with a bachelor’s degree from 2003 earned from Brooklyn College in Political Science protested as a student against US wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He appropriately earned his master’s degree in International Relations in a different country, at a London university, and continued lawful political protest against unlawful US and British wars.

In 2006 this American was arrested as a “terrorist.” The evidence: a defendant under a plea-bargain deal to reduce his sentence testified that the American loaned his cell phone as needed when the defendant stayed at his apartment while travelling through London. Among the defendant’s calls is at least one to alleged members of al-Qaida in Pakistan to arrange delivery of a few raincoats, ponchos, and socks in the defendant’s luggage.

That’s the evidence of criminal activity: lending his cell phone.

Have We Learned Anything from the Bush Years? by George Washington

Many hyperlinks at the original - loose nuke
Have We Learned Anything from the Bush Years? by George Washington

Fear makes people stupid.

It makes us unable to think straight. And it makes us give up our power to tough-talking authoritarians.

War Is Stupid

And since the "war on terror" is now being expanded to Yemen, it is worth remembering that experts state that the "war on terror" has been counterproductive for keeping us safe. For example, a leading advisor to the U.S. military, the hawkish Rand Corporation, released a study in 2008 called "How Terrorist Groups End: Lessons for Countering al Qa'ida".

The report confirms what experts have been saying for years: the war on terror is actually weakening national security (see this, this and this).

As a press release about the study states:

"Terrorists should be perceived and described as criminals, not holy warriors, and our analysis suggests that there is no battlefield solution to terrorism."
And see this.

American fascism: Obama, "Justice" Dept., Supreme Court prevent prosecution of US torture

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Orwellian Peace Prize winner President Obama is instructing his Department of Justice (DOJ) to block prosecution of torture. The Supreme Court is upholding this "defense."

Impeachment is the constitutional recourse against President Obama and civil officers for their criminal complicity after the fact in torture. Covering-up a crime is a crime. The fact that Congress has not impeached to enforce US law, Constitutional law, and international law is gradually overcoming Americans' blindness to the obvious admission of fact that the US government is a de facto fascist state; a constitutional republic in empty rhetoric only.

Americans should be outraged that their government openly tortures, won't prosecute, and rules in court there is no legal recourse when they torture. I recommend this summary from one of my favorite political and economic analysts, Washington's Blog.

Slate: The Obama administration has picked the worst possible case for its first torture trial

Torture Roulette
The Obama administration has picked the worst possible case for its first torture trial.
By Dahlia Lithwick
Posted Monday, Dec. 14, 2009, at 6:38 PM ET

For close to a year now, the Obama administration has been playing judicial Whac-a-Mole over accountability for Bush administration torture policies. Each time an opportunity arises to assess the legality of Bush-era torture, the Obama administration shuts it down. When another case pops up, the administration slaps it down. This all started last February when the Justice Department invoked the alarming "states secrets" privilege in an effort to shut down an ACLU lawsuit against Boeing subsidiary Jeppesen DataPlan Inc. for its role in Bush's "extraordinary rendition" program. (That case will be reheard at the 9th Circuit tomorrow).

Obama joins Bush, Congress in War Crimes for false imprisonment, torture at Bagram Prison

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The US invaded Afghanistan illegally; the country did not attack the US and their government volunteered to cooperate with extradition of any criminal suspects upon evidence of probable cause. The US refused to provide evidence, did not receive requisite UN Security Council authorization for military action required by US and international law, and illegally invaded in a War of Aggression.

Please pause to verify the fact that the US illegally invaded Afghanistan. When an invasion is illegal, the people fighting US troops are defending their nation against a hostile force. If China invaded the US on such pretext, Americans who did not defend our nation would be called cowards and traitors to the invading horde.

An open letter to the American public: declare obvious torture, demand Truth and Reconciliation

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"I will never apologize for the United States of America - I don't care what the facts are."-George H.W. Bush, repeatedly in 1988 in his campaign for US President. Mr. Bush was responding to the U.S. Navy warship Vincennes, illegally in Iranian waters, shooting down an Iranian commercial airliner on routine flight in a commercial corridor in Iranian airspace. All 290 civilian people in the aircraft were killed. This was at the end of the US-backed War of Aggression of Iraq upon Iran. When a military targets and fires upon another country’s peaceful aircraft, that is a blatant act of war. The US, to this day, denies responsibility for the attack.

Torture Charges Filed Against George W. Bush by Montreal 9/11 Truth

On October 22, 2009, George W. Bush came to Montreal to give a speech. Under Canadian law, once someone who has authorized or engaged in torture enters Canada, they can be tried in Canada for torture even if they are not Canadian. Montreal 9/11 Truth was ready with all the paperwork and that morning, the charges were filed.

More info after the jump...

How a Torture Protest Killed a Career By Craig Murray
How a Torture Protest Killed a Career By Craig Murray
October 24, 2009

Editor’s Note: In this modern age – and especially since George W. Bush declared the “war on terror” eight years ago – the price for truth-telling has been high, especially for individuals whose consciences led them to protest the torture of alleged terrorists.

One of the most remarkable cases is that of Craig Murray, a 20-year veteran of the British Foreign Service whose career was destroyed after he was posted to Uzbekistan in August 2002 and began to complain about Western complicity in torture committed by the country’s totalitarian regime, which was valued for its brutal interrogation methods and its vast supplies of natural gas.

Why are John Ashcroft and John Yoo being sued in civil court?

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John Ashcroft was Attorney General of the United States from 2001 to 2005. John Yoo was the author of legal opinions for the White House and Mr. Ashcroft in his work for the Office of Legal Counsel from 2001 to 2003. Both are being sued in civil courts for damages from their actions as key executive branch officials charged with law enforcement and applying the US Constitution. The ruling courts have so far recognized these lawsuits as valid.

Why are such high government officials being sued?

For gross violation of Constitutional rights and torture.

Although the US Constitution protects citizens and non-citizens (unless the government chooses to follow international law in an applicable case), the two plaintiffs in these cases are AMERICAN CITIZENS.