
Funds Needed for Boeing Flight Simulator Experiment

Could the very inexperienced accused 9/11 hijackers really have precisely piloted complex Boeing jets into the 208 foot wide World Trade Center towers unassisted and at extreme speeds as claimed on September 11? A filmed experiment utilizing a Boeing simulator and a qualified Boeing jet pilot seeks to answer this lingering question once and for all by attempting to duplicate the precisely measured flight path of United Airlines 175, the most recorded of the 9/11 flights. The filmed results will be published exclusively at 9/11 Blogger. Simulator use costs are $750.00. Contributions to this important research are greatly appreciated.


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For F-15 pilot, 9/11 a Day of What-ifs

If the mods can post this ASAP, some of you may be able to help me with questions. What would you ask TimDuffy, fighter-pilot of 9/11 if he came to your home-county? Suggestions in the comments section please!

source: http://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/20110624/NEWS/110629636

Almost a decade after the nightmare of 9/11, former fighter pilot Tim Duffy still fields the questions:

What took you so long?

Why didn’t you get to lower Manhattan from your base on Cape Cod in time to at least protect the gashed and ablaze World Trade Center from being struck by a second airliner?

“I get that all the time,” Duffy said Friday during a visit to the Sonoma County aircraft museum that’s become guardian to the retired supersonic F-15 he flew that September morning in 2001.

British Judges Slam Police & Prosecutors for Lying & Framing Algerian as “Lead Instructor” for 9/11 Hijackers

Six years of fighting for justice left Lotfi Raissi an emotional and physical wreck and his marriage close to ruin. But yesterday, the Algerian pilot falsely accused of training the September 11 terrorists heard, finally, that he was “completely exonerated” of any part in the attacks on the twin towers...

Three of Britain’s most senior judges condemned the Metropolitan Police and the Crown Prosecution Service for abusing the court process, presenting false allegations and not disclosing evidence...
