
Obama Weighs Plan Allowing 9/11 Suspects to Plead Guilty Brennan Linsley AP NYTimes


Obama Weighs Plan Allowing 9/11 Suspects to Plead Guilty
Brennan Linsley/Associated Press

American troops at the Guantánamo detention center, where detainees facing the death penalty could plead guilty without a full trial under a change the Obama administration is considering.

The provision could permit military prosecutors to avoid airing the details of brutal interrogation techniques. It could also allow the five detainees who have been charged with the Sept. 11 attacks to achieve their stated goal of pleading guilty to gain what they have called martyrdom.

The proposal, in a draft of legislation that would be submitted to Congress, has not been publicly disclosed. It was circulated to officials under restrictions requiring secrecy. People who have read or been briefed on it said it had been presented to Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates by an administration task force on detention.

Obama: “I am aware that some question or justify the events of 9/11,”

Obama: “I am aware that some question or justify the events of 9/11,”

Thursday 4th June, 2009


CAIRO – In remarks being translated live for broadcasts and Webcasts in every major language, President Barack Obama said Thursday that the United States wants “common ground” and “a new beginning” with the Muslim world, where America’s image plummeted with the Bush administration’s response to the 9/11 attacks.

“Much has been made of the fact that an African-American with the name Barack Hussein Obama could be elected President. But my personal story is not so unique,” he said in the Grand Hall of Cairo University.

“The dream of opportunity for all people has not come true for everyone in America, but its promise exists for all who come to our shores.”

The 55-minute speech was remarkable and historic not so much for the delivery or even the words, but for the context, the orator, the moment. Obama included blunt talk about the United States, Israel, Iraq, his predecessor and al Qaeda.

Was the Air Force One Flyover a Warning to Obama?

The only thing I have read about this strange event that asked the right question was on wsws.org, one of my favorite sites. Alex Lantier wrote on April 29:

How could one of two specially-designed presidential jets be requisitioned for a flight over New York City, where nearly 3,000 were killed in the 9/11 attacks, without the knowledge of the president, the mayor or high-ranking US military officials such as the defense secretary and the joint chiefs of staff? If the official story is indeed true, it raises the question of who is in control of the US military.

The White House internal review published a week later, I think, answers the question: the US military is in control of the US military.

...Read more at http://www.mdmorrissey.info/flyover

Rice: "September 11 was the worst day of my life in government, watching 3,000 Americans die"

Rice stumbles when asked about torture by fourth-grader by John Byrne

Rice: "September 11 was the worst day of my life in government, watching 3,000 Americans die"

Profile: Condoleeza Rice


July 6, 2001: Clarke Tells Rice to Warn Agencies to Prepare for 3 to 5 Simultaneous Attacks; No Apparent Response

July 10, 2001: CIA Director Gives Urgent Warning to White House of Imminent, Multiple, Simultaneous Al-Qaeda Attacks, Possibly Within US

July 27, 2001: Rice Briefed on Terrorist Threats, Advised to Keep Ready

Between August 6 and September 11, 2001: No High-Level Meetings to Discuss ‘Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US’ Memo

Boehner posts terrifying video with 9/11 images, implied support of torture

From Rawstory: "House Minority Leader John Boehner has posted an alarming new video on his YouTube page that includes images of the Pentagon burning on Sept. 11, 2009, and implications that the Congressman, or those who created the video, support torture techniques used on terror war prisoners during the Bush administration."

Note that Sept. 11, 2009 should have read Sept. 11, 2001, but I've quoted Rawstory verbatim, errors included. They or may not correct it soon.

Alan Keyes: Government Will Stage Terror, Declare Martial Law

Alan Keyes: Government Will Stage Terror, Declare Martial Law

Former Presidential candidate gives most dire warning yet about Obama agenda


Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

N.S.A.’s Intercepts Exceed Limits Set by Congress

N.S.A.’s Intercepts Exceed Limits Set by Congress

Published: April 15, 2009

WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency intercepted private e-mail messages and phone calls of Americans in recent months on a scale that went beyond the broad legal limits established by Congress last year, government officials said in recent interviews.

Several intelligence officials, as well as lawyers briefed about the matter, said the N.S.A. had been engaged in “overcollection” of domestic communications of Americans. They described the practice as significant and systemic, although one official said it was believed to have been unintentional.

Splitting The Sky vs War Criminal George W. Bush et al

Meet the MAN who tried to arrest George W. Bush on March 17th, 2009 in Calgary, and learn why he did this.

Direct Link:

In this interview Splitting the Sky (aka John Boncore) explains his actions in Calgary, Canada's laws pertaining to war crimes. and attempts to have Bush barred or arrested. He makes connections to 9/11, references his personal history with that day, discusses his investigations into put option stocks, then ties this to AIG, Hank Greenburg, Soros, Obama, Brezizinski, Kissinger, et al and the current financial meltdown (controlled economic collapse).

A Grand Slam!

This video is from "Face to Face" with guest host Chris Cook, to be aired soon in Victoria, BC, southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, potentially reaching 400,000 viewers.

An emerging progressive consensus on Obama's executive power and secrecy abuses - Glenn Greenwald

An emerging progressive consensus on Obama's executive power and secrecy abuses - Glenn Greenwald

Intro excerpt:

"In the last week alone, the Obama DOJ (a) attempted to shield Bush's illegal spying programs from judicial review by (yet again) invoking the very "state secrets" argument that Democrats spent years condemning and by inventing a brand new "sovereign immunity" claim that not even the Bush administration espoused, and (b) argued that individuals abducted outside of Afghanistan by the U.S. and then "rendered" to and imprisoned in Bagram have no rights of any kind -- not even to have a hearing to contest the accusations against them -- even if they are not Afghans and were captured far away from any "battlefield." These were merely the latest -- and among the most disturbing -- in a string of episodes in which the Obama administration has explicitly claimed to possess the very presidential powers that Bush critics spent years condemning as radical, lawless and authoritarian.

WeAreChangeLA informs LA Sheriff Lee Baca about 9/11 Black Op Demolitions


Barack Obama was in Southern California over a few days in March 2009. After an event in Downtown Los Angeles on March 19, 2009, Jeremy Rothe-Kushel of WeAreChangeLA Citizen's Media asked the Sheriff of Los Angeles County, Lee Baca, whether President Obama had mentioned clearing up the ongoing cover-up of the 9/11 black op.

"Did President Obama say anything--did he say anything about clearing up the biggest crime of the century, the 9/11 black op, and the continuing cover-up after it? Because we still have 30-something Angelenos whose murders are unsolved from that day and a lot of us, including all the family members,

Presidential Weekly Address: The Challenges of Our Time. Obama Mentions 911 & Al-Qaeda

Weekly Address: The Challenges of Our Time

"The President discusses the breadth and depth of the global challenges we face, as well as our potential to address them through renewed international alliances. This week's address was filmed aboard Air Force 1 amidst vital diplomatic stops at the G-20 Summit, a NATO summit, and bilateral meetings" - From White House YouTube Channel


3 Detained in Afghanistan Can Take Challenges to U.S. Court: Habeas Ruling Is a Blow to Administration

3 Detained in Afghanistan Can Take Challenges to U.S. Court: Habeas Ruling Is a Blow to Administration
By Del Quentin Wilber and Karen DeYoung, Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, April 3, 2009; Page A01

U.S. District Judge John D. Bates rejected the government's argument, first made by the Bush administration and later adopted by the Obama Justice Department, that it could detain prisoners indefinitely in a "war zone."

In a 53-page ruling, Bates said that the situation of the three detainees at Bagram air base -- who were captured elsewhere and transported to Afghanistan by U.S. forces -- is "virtually identical" to that of prisoners held by the military at Guantanamo Bay. A landmark Supreme Court ruling last year accorded habeas corpus rights to detainees at that facility in Cuba.

The ruling is likely to complicate the administration's ongoing review of detainee policies. President Obama criticized his predecessor's denial of rights to and treatment of alleged terrorists and during his first week in office ordered Guantanamo Bay to be closed this year. A high-level administration task force is studying what to do with detainees deemed too dangerous to release.

James L. Jones, Obama's US National Security Advisor tells CFR "I take orders from Kissinger"

File this in the "way things really work" folder...or is it the "you can't make this stuff up" folder?

"U.S. National Security Adviser Jones gave these remarks at the 45th Munich Conference on Security Policy at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof on February 8, 2009.

"Thank you for that wonderful tribute to Henry Kissinger yesterday. Congratulations. As the most recent National Security Advisor of the United States, I take my daily orders from Dr. Kissinger, filtered down through Generaal Brent Scowcroft and Sandy Berger, who is also here. We have a chain of command in the National Security Council that exists today."



The white house is open for questions ... Hmm, what kind of question would you ask?

This is interesting:


"The White House is open for questions."

"We invite you to participate in our community-moderated online town hall. Submit your own question about the economy and vote on submissions from others. We also encourage you to include a link to a video of yourself asking your question, but text submissions are all you need. Come back on Thursday to watch the President answer some of the most popular submissions live at WhiteHouse.gov."

Perhaps some of the more literate here can suggest some questions? Not that I expect any of them to be treated seriously, and I expect censorship, but it's worth a try....


9/11 Commissioner and former Sen. Bob Kerrey is quoted in this article, which I took as a reason to include criticism and links regarding that. Hyperlinks at the 911Reports.com post


An article was published in the November 5, 1999 New York Times regarding the passage of “Gramm-Leach-Bliley” Act; it overturned the Glass-Steagal Act and opened the door for banks and securities companies to engage in the massive orgy of speculation and greed that led to the current economic meltdown. Clinton signed it into law, and most Republicans and Democrats in Congress, and the politically-controlled SEC, OTS, OCC, FBI, Fed Reserve and Treasury, did nothing to stop the criminal corporate profiteers from raping the American consumer and blowing up the economy. Even now, Obama’s administration is aiding and abetting profiteering from the current crisis, by the very same people who profited from rigged markets that led to the crisis.