
Flyby News - Bush Insider Killed - Upside Down

Flyby News Notes - www.FlybyNews.com
Editor - Jonathan Mark
December 24, 2008 - Bush Insider Killed * Upside Down

"Fear and religion. Religion and fear.
The two are historically entwined. The catalysts
for most of the atrocities committed by man.
Fear of evil fuels religion, religion fuels hatred,
hatred fuels evil, and evil fuels fear among the masses.
It is a diabolical cycle, and we have played into the Devil's hand."

- Julius Gabriel

1) Dark Transition Phases – Will Justice See the Light?
- - Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed
- - Career Army Specialist sues Rumsfeld, Cheney
- - Entrapment? Five convicted in Ft. Dix plot
- - CBS News: Did Contractor Expose Troops To Toxin?
- - Brainwashing and UNESCO Global Education System
- - Semantic Trickery Will Continue Occupation of Iraq
- - McClellan: "Pres. Bush Outed CIA Agent Valerie Plame"
- - The Bush Family of Secrets -- The Bush Dynasty
- - Charlie Rose interview with Sean Penn
- - Design of WTC-7 - engineer malfunction?
2) Inaugurate Yourself tour with Sander Hicks
3) Leonard Peltier – Mumia – Lori – freedom calling
- - President-elect Barack Obama on Leonard Peltier

Change.org Censors 9/11 Truth

Censored Idea

news.ReOpen911.info by Spotless Mind
Translated by DJDaveMark
December 1st, 2008

The administrators at Change.org have deleted the idea for a new investigation into 9/11.

They declared that a new investigation into the attacks – which gave the Bush Administration the power to spy on it's own citizens, to torture, to launch two preventative wars based on lies and more generally to trample all over the Constitution – was "outside the scope" of the site's stated mission and therefore didn't meet their criteria for "specific policy solutions". It doesn't matter how many people want to know the Truth about 9/11, they refuse to have the idea promoted and discussed on their site.

Because of this censorship, the Change.org site has shown that it isn't a "social platform" but, rather, just another gatekeeper of 9/11 Truth.

When the idea was pulled, it was by far the most popular, comfortably occupying the top spot, totaling at least 660 votes (twice the amount of the next best rated idea) only 48 hours after being submitted. On a side note, the other proposed ideas had a 3 week head start, and the 9/11 Truth idea was only just warming up.

Why (pretend to) ask the citizens for ideas then simply delete the most popular? It seems like all of this is more of a joke than a wishful expression for democracy…

Here is the e-mail received by everyone who voted (and to whom we thank for voting):


This has not been deleted, so far, and has 46 votes...


Stop Criminal Covert Activity

Covert intelligence operatives and private mercenaries contracted to the US government have been implicated in crimes ranging from international drug smuggling to terrorism. This unaccountable system must be exposed and stopped. See investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker for details related to CIA connected planes caught full of cocaine. Make Obama respond to these charges of criminal complicity in the CIA, DEA and FBI.

Apply the law to covert sponsors of terrorism, including prosecuting the former regime for their cooperation with terrorists such as Jundullah and M.E.K. (Seymour Hersh, The New Yorker).

Expose the "foreign governments" (US Senate, October 28, 2003) who assisted the "9/11 hijackers", whose acts were made "classified" by the Bush white house. This is arguably high treason, and is indicative of a wide cover-up of the 9/11 attacks. Disclose the roles of CIA and FBI supervisors who shut down investigations prior to the attacks and hold all parties accountable for their law breaking.

Obama’s First Problem is US War Crimes By Andrew Sullivan November 30, 2008 "The Times"

A glimmer of hope here? And later, a segue into a real 9/11 investigation?

It's up to us (those living a truthful reality - not the one created by the Bush team) to rally the citizens to demand justice and accountability from the Bush crime family, and then work towards 9/11 Truth justice as more info is exposed to those currently unaware or in denial Americans . . .

We'll have a short window of opportunity here to help hold Obama's feet to the fire once he's in. A grassroot's pressure needs to begin now, as it is, and grow quickly through January, assuming something else doesn't happen (as it usually does) to alter our eyes on the ball . . .


Obama’s First Problem is US War Crimes

The president-elect has to take a stand on Bush’s dark legacy

By Andrew Sullivan

Neocons Heart Obama

Neocons Heart Obama


Kurt Nimmo
November 29, 2008

“I have to admit that I am gobsmacked by these appointments, most of which could just as easily have come from a President McCain,” Boot fawns.

Max Boot loves Obama and his CFR handpicked crew because they will pick up where the neocons and Republicans left off.

Max Boot makes well the argument that there is no difference between McCain and Obama, never mind millions of changelings who believe Obama stands for love, peace, and a new road not traveled by the Bushcons. Some of them actually believe Obama will bring the troops home, the poor deluded souls.

Bones, By John S. Hatch November 27, 2008



By John S. Hatch

November 27, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse" --- It is generally considered a courtesy for a newly inaugurated President to overlook any sins of the past incumbent in the interests of 'looking ahead' and in the knowledge that the same good manners will be repeated after his/her own end of term.

The most extreme example of this was Gerald Ford's pardon of Richard Nixon after the latter's ignominious resignation. Arguably necessary for the health of the nation after its 'long nightmare', it was nevertheless handled badly, and Ford paid a price by becoming a one-term President.

Not to trivialize Nixon's crimes (and part of the flawed pardon process meant there was no allocution, no admission of guilt, no mention of the many crimes besides Watergate), the three articles of impeachment mentioned the actual break-in, cover-up, including the payment 'hush money', misuse of the FBI and IRS, ignoring subpoenas, spying, and such matters (remind you of anyone?).

Obama administration to ratchet up hunt for bin Laden

Obama administration to ratchet up hunt for bin Laden


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President-elect Barack Obama wants to renew the U.S. commitment to finding al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, according to his national security advisers.

Osama bin Laden remains on the run despite a $25 million reward for his capture.

The Obama team believes the Bush administration has downplayed the importance of catching the FBI's most-wanted terrorist because it has not been able to find him.

"We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national security priority," Obama said during the presidential debate on October 7.

But tracking down bin Laden won't be easy.

In May, al Qaeda released an audiotape featuring bin Laden. But U.S. intelligence officials say they haven't had a solid lead on the terrorist mastermind's whereabouts since late 2001, when he was nearly captured in a battle with U.S. forces near Tora Bora, Afghanistan.

Obama-Agenda * American Gestapo

"I never would have agreed to the formulation of the
Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven,
if I had known it would become the American Gestapo."

-- Harry S. Truman
33rd US President

Flyby News Notes - 11 November 2008
Editor - Jonathan Mark - www.FlybyNews.com
Obama-Agenda * American Gestapo

1) The Obama Agenda – Con or Constitutional Law – You Decide
- - Why Karl Rove Pulled the Plug; Finally, An Elected President
- - How Will He Lead? NOW interviews Charles Ogletree
- - YES WE DID - By Marianne Williamson
- - Conned Again - By Paul Craig Roberts
- - The Obama Agenda – By Paul Krugman
- - Obama Positioned to Quickly Reverse Bush Actions
- - Letter from Leonard Peltier, November 5, 2008
- - Barack Obama: Stand for Change in Elko
- - Can Obama's Win Lead to Meaningful Health Care Reform?
- - Lobby for a Department of Peace for the Obama Administration
2) William Rodriguez - Able Danger + Mossad – Truth & Law
- - 9/11 Hero Speaks to tens of thousands
- - Members of Israeli spy ring 'related to 9/11 hijacker'
- - Lawyers for 9/11 Truth
3) FED robbery - SHELL & Iraq’s oil – Guantanamo – RAND 4 War

President-elect's Queries to Briefers By Ray McGovern November 7, 2008

President-elect's Queries to Briefers

By Ray McGovern - November 7, 2008

After a week lecturing at Kansas State University and then in Kansas City, Missouri, I could not shake the feeling that what Kansas and Missouri need most is the equivalent of Radio Free Europe, which was so effective in spreading truth around inside Eastern Europe during the Cold War.

(Truth in advertising: during the late Sixties, I served for two years as substantive liaison officer between the RFE and Washington.)

So I was amused while still in Kansas to get a call from Mike Caddell of “Radio Free Kansas” asking me for an interview. Broadcasting from rural northeastern Kansas, Caddell does his own part in spreading truth around.

Most of his fellow Kansans are malnourished by a steady diet of extreme right-wing media gruel that helps re-elect folks like see-no-evil Republican Sen. Pat Roberts, who did Bush’s bidding in “justifying” Bush’s attack on Iraq when Roberts headed the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Sheryl Crow - "Time to celebrate America at her very best."

- Personal Note : Time for Sheryl Crow to get a dose of 911 Truth and Wake Up for Real.

A New America

I am an American. I love my country and I am grateful for all the opportunities she has given me. As I walked into the voting booth this morning I reflected on what it means to be an American. I considered how growing up in America has shaped my consciousness and whether I have given my country as much as my country has given me. And, of course, I thought of my son and what kind of direction I hope to see this nation move in for him and all other young Americans.

Brzezinski: Obama may be tested

Full interview:
US Headed For Change, Says Former National Security Advisor

Write up in Iran's press.tv.ir:


Brzezinski: Obama may be tested
Sat, 08 Nov 2008 17:46:12 GMT

Zbigniew Brzezinski talks about a possible attack during the Obama administration.
A former US national security adviser says President-elect Barack Obama may be tested by terrorists after he takes office on Jan. 20.

"It's possible. There's no way of predicting that. It's a possibility, but it's by no means a certainty," former Carter administration national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski said in an interview with Deutsche Welle.

Brzezinski said that history shows that every new US president is tested by transitional challenges and circumstances.

"I think that Obama has shown that he is very calm, very rational and very deliberate in his approach to issues and I think if he is tested he will respond cogently and rationally and effectively," said Brzezinski.

The Escalation of the New Arms Race! By Rev. Richard Skaff November 07, 2008 "Information Clearinghouse"

www.informationclearinghouse.info/article21168.htm (Article below my comment.)

[Remaining hopeful, I would like to believe that Obama knows exactly what is going on around him, and what a number of his consultants like Brzezinski assigned to him are all about. I also have to believe that at this time, Barack Obama still has a good heart (stop laughing; I know this sounds incredibly naive), and being so relatively new to the scene has not yet been compromised, like most are, with few exceptions (JFK), that rise to the top in politics.

Green Party & Alex Jones talk about "Obama Change"

PressTV's "Fine Print" program recently had an interview with three pundits about Obama's Presidency and expectations of his future policies. 9/11/01 is briefly mentioned as a false flag event during this interview.


As a sidenote, Republican (FL) US Representative Gus Bilirakis, is seeking to blacklist several TV channels, including this one. http://www.presstv.ir/Detail.aspx?id=64466&sectionid=351020101

Barack Obama Confronts The Deep State by John Kusumi


I don't mind using three words -- "the deep state" in a sentence; it would be fearful cowards like the Associated Press who cannot use those three words in a sentence. Yet I would allow that the deep state is difficult to write about. It is a shadowy and ill-defined thing, subject to much speculation and conjecture. To avoid stepping off the deep end into conspiracy theories, we must stick to information that is solid, rather than sketchy.

On Election Night 2008, commentator Tom Morris, the host of Capitol Hill Blues, appeared on the Real News and said,

Beyond Fear AND Hope


Many Americans are ecstatic that Obama won. They feel tremendous hope. The emotion is infectious, and is a lot more pleasant than the fear that's been raging across the country.

But there is a bigger picture . . .

Fear Versus Hope

Everyone knows that Bush, Cheney and the boys have used fear as their primary weapon to obtain compliance from people and to justify their imperial agenda. Indeed, the father of the Neoconservative movement, Leo Strauss, who tutored many leaders of the current administration, believed that a stable political order required an external threat and that if an external threat did not exist, one should be manufactured. Specifically, Strauss thought that: