Jon Gold

Matt Taibbi: “Of course we’ve been lied to about 9/11″

Over the years, Matt Taibbi has written numerous insightful articles on topics like Wall Street, health care, the housing crisis and so on. But when it comes to 9/11, Taibbi has a big blind spot coupled with a mean streak. After his latest in a long string of hit pieces on 9/11 truth, Jon Gold challenged Taibbi to a debate. Here’s what happened.

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Not On The Fence For 9/11 Justice

Author: Jon Gold
Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: BLOG

On December 16, 2010, I would estimate about 200 veterans committed an act of civil disobedience in front of the White House. Several chained themselves to the fence in one form or another. This act inspired me. As a result, I decided to commit a similar act of civil disobedience.

Today, I did exactly that. I went to the White House to chain (handcuff) myself to the White House fence in an act of civil disobedience specifically for 9/11 Justice. Something that has been denied to the families that lost someone that day, and to the people of the world.

Civil Disobedience at the White House for 9/11 Justice: An Interview with Jon Gold

Author: Cosmos
Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: ACTION

9/11 Justice activist and researcher Jon Gold has announced his intention to chain himself to the White House fence this coming Monday, January 31. 9/11 Truth News asked Gold a few questions to find out more about the upcoming action.

9/11 Truth News: Why are you going to chain yourself to the White House?

Jon Gold: To try and bring attention to the fact that we were lied to about 9/11 and that there needs to be justice and accountability for what happened. That there are family members still seeking justice for what happened and that the people of the world deserve it. When you take into account what that day has been used for - and then think about the fact that we don't exactly know what happened that day - that is an unacceptable situation. People are dying. If that day wasn't what we were led to believe - and it wasn't - then the people of the world need to know about it.

Roseanne Barr For 9/11 Truth Part 2

Roseanne Barr continued her public exploration of the 9/11 issue on her radio show today in a discussion with former FBI agent Coleen Rowley and researcher and activist Jon Gold. You can listen to the full interview here.

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Roseanne Barr For 9/11 Truth

Source: 9/11 Truth News
Category: SUPPORT

Actress and comedian Roseanne Barr has published Jon Gold’s encyclopedic 9/11 research article The Facts Speak For Themselves on the front page of her Roseanne World blog. Under the headline “brilliant analysis, Jon Gold“, Roseanne urged her fans: PLEASE READ THIS!

Two days ago, Barr posted a blog entitled “people are saying that 9-11 was an inside bush job“, which led to a lively discussion and Barr inviting Gold onto her radio show as a guest. Roseanne Barr is best known for her hugely successful network television show, Roseanne, which ran from 1988 to 1997.

Jon Gold's Official 9/11 Justice Start Up Kit

via Facebook:

Here is the 9/11 Report. I suggest you read it, and ask others to read it to understand the "official account."

After that, I suggest you ask people to watch "9/11: Press For Truth"...

Then I suggest you ask people to watch the companion DVD "In Their Own Words: The Untold Stories Of The 9/11 Families"...

Then I suggest you recommend the "Complete 9/11 Timeline" to get people started...

Then I suggest you recommend this series of movies I made called "What's Being Covered Up?"...

Then I suggest you recommend the report on the inadequacies of the 9/11 Commission's Report compiled by 9/11 Family Members Lorie Van Auken and Mindy Kleinberg...

Then I suggest you show people this list of unanswered questions compiled by the 9/11 Family Steering Committee...

FREE AT LAST!!! by Jon Gold
July 12, 2010
Jon Gold

They tried and tried to put the glove on, but it just didn’t fit. I kid, I kid.

On March 20th 2010, I was arrested for crossing a police line. Today, I was acquitted for the crime, along with Cindy Sheehan, and Jim Veeder. Sadly, Matthis Chiroux, Elaine Brower, and Lafloria Walsh were found guilty of failing to obey.

This was my first arrest and trial so all of this was new to me. Before the trial began, our lawyers and the prosecutor tried to work things out so there wouldn’t be a trial. The prosecutor offered a “pay and forfeit” without any conviction, and all of us declined. We stood our ground, and wanted the chance to clear our names. We felt strongly that our arrests were unjust, and wanted our day in court.

Jon Gold & Cosmos at the 9/11 Memorial Preview Site

Jon Gold and I met up at the WTC when I was in New York City recently and we decided to pay a visit to the 9/11 Memorial Preview site. They sell a lot of stuff there, mostly hardcore propaganda. It's hard to describe the disgust I felt being in that place. The reason I find "United 93" so particularly repulsive is that 93 is the flight that Mickey was on. It makes me sick that they're selling that garbage there but really, selling anything at all at that site is offensive. After we got out of there Jon did a little interview with me:

A Dog for Three Days

Jon Gold

On Saturday March 20th, a huge anti-war rally and march was held at Lafayette Park in Washington D.C. It was sponsored by A.N.S.W.E.R. Speakers included Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright, Ralph Nader, Matthis Chiroux, Mike Ferner, and many others.

The march ended in front of the White House. Some of the protesters placed faux coffins representing different countries we have harmed during these illegal wars against the fence in front of the White House. The Park Police set up a perimeter around these coffins using the “POLICE DO NOT CROSS” tape. My guess would be it was around 50ft x 50ft on the front sidewalk of the White House. People like Matthis Chiroux laid down in front of the coffins to protest. If you entered this zone, you were arrested. I refer to it as an arbitrary “arrest zone.”

Cindy Sheehan, myself, and others walked through the crowd until we reached the barrier closest to those laying down on the sidewalk. As you can see in this video, the barrier failed, and Cindy Sheehan walked across. As soon as she entered the “arrest zone,” the Park Police immediately grabbed her, and handcuffed her. They were literally manhandling her.

9/11 Truth Activist Jon Gold Arrested At White House Anti-War Protest

For Bobby!

For only when we put our bodies to the gears will the machine stop.

Respect, love and hope!

Kind regards John

A True “All-American” Betsy Metz Exposes “Treason in America”!

A True "All-American" Betsy Metz Exposes "Treason in America"!

A Visibility 9-11 Podcast
Interview by John Bursill - Listen Here.

betsy metzIn this motivating interview I talk to organiser, activist and philanthropist Betsy Metz. We ask Betsy about the highly successful conference she organised and facilitated this month. The March 2010 "Treason in America: 9/11, the Wars & Our Broken Constitution" Conference was a milestone in the history of the 9/11 Truth Movement. For the first time in America Peace Activist, Government Whistle Blowers, Journalists and 9/11 Truthers explored recent American History together with open minds and hearts, searching for the shocking truth. See:

So who is Betsy Metz?

Betsy Metz is the quintessential All-American gal! She is a well educated and fiercely patriotic mother of four and a devoted and loving wife of her husband for 26 happy years. Her husband is also the All-American, being a college quarterback and an ex Marine Corps Officer. Together as a family they want for nothing and by any standard they have had an excellent and prosperous life. This life would be impossible in nearly any other country in the world and it is fair to say they are living the "American Dream"!

So why does Betsy Metz matter to me and to you in this age of the awakening?

Well Betsy is a little different to the average American successful middle-class mum; "she cares" and "she acts" in the interest of her country, her family and the world. Betsy honours Truth, Justice and what she thought was the American way. The way of freedom, liberty and most importantly the way of courage, that is the courage to face treasonous tyranny in her America!

When Betsy started to see in 2003 that we had been lied to about the war in Iraq, she cared. When she found out through self education 9/11 was a lie in 2006 she really cared a lot and was compelled to act! Betsy began one of the most important individual efforts to raise awareness of the crimes of 9/11 we have seen in the world, period.

With a smile and a determination to her use her affluence for good and not for the greedy pursuit of materialism she has single-handedly done more to preserve the American Dream she lives, than any in her local community. She joins a very small group of men and women in America that can look themselves in the mirror and say I did my duty to preserve what gave me the blessed life I have had and I want for future generations.

3/14/10: A Message from Bob McIlvaine ....

Hello all:

Bob Mcilvaine asked me to post this statement:

"As many of you may already know, Cindy Sheehan and Jon Gold are in Washington protesting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. They, along with many other anti-war activists, are camping out at the Washington Monument.

It surely is not easy to “keep the flame of protest’ when the media and special interest groups fight us at every juncture. But, as Cindy and I both know all too well, life is precious and we have lost too, too many young lives already.

Cindy and Jon, I cannot be with you, but I am truly there in spirit. May God keep you safe."

Bob McIlvaine
father of Bobby McIlvaine

Thank you,