Matt Taibbi: “Of course we’ve been lied to about 9/11″

Over the years, Matt Taibbi has written numerous insightful articles on topics like Wall Street, health care, the housing crisis and so on. But when it comes to 9/11, Taibbi has a big blind spot coupled with a mean streak. After his latest in a long string of hit pieces on 9/11 truth, Jon Gold challenged Taibbi to a debate. Here’s what happened.

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"Give me one piece of evidence..."

This is where I would answer Matt's fair question with the IMPOSSIBILITY of WTC 7 coming down at absolute free-fall acceleration, for an admitted 2.28 seconds, due only to office fires. This fact alone -- hard as it seems for some people to grasp the physics, cough...Jon -- is sufficient for calling for a new investigation. This FACT alone implies foreknowledge and complicity. Of course, there is much other evidence.

Matt characterizes 9/11 as "insignificant" compared to other 'crimes' such as the illegal invasion of Iraq, etc.. WRONG. The whole justification for this 'War on Terror', these illegal wars, and the stripping of domestic civil liberties is predicated on a false interpretation of the events of 9/11.

The most powerful tool in politics is treason. It's simply never anticipated, conceived nor expected by people of 'normal' sensibilities, hence its power.


I think...

The "investigation" we got in the 9/11 Commission is "sufficient for calling for a new investigation." I think considering what that day has been used for is "sufficient for calling for a new investigation." I think the Bush Administration's efforts to stonewall, obstruct, compromise the investigations is "sufficient for calling for a new investigation." I think "bottlenecking" this cause into something that sounds crazy to a lot of people does not benefit this cause.

Bait and Switch?

The title of the post at first sounds promising: "Matt Taibbi: “Of course we’ve been lied to about 9/11″

Then the author continues with such references as:

"even though David Ray Griffin is an idiot"

"the cause of 9/11 justice through the David Ray Griffin filter."

"the designated “leader” of the 9/11 Truth Movement, David Griffin"

"he debated David Ray Griffin. You can decide for yourself who won the debate."

What's the topic? Educating Matt Taibbi or attacking David Ray Griffin?


The author apologized. He even responded to you below. I am curious though why the moderators of this site allow you to continue making insinuations about me. Incidentally, this wasn't posted without consulting a multitude of people. The yes's greatly outnumbered the no's.

Repeated Rude Remarks About Griffin Totally Unnecessary

Any serious discussion with Taibbi about 9/11 does not have to include repeated insults of a respected author whose books have helped sustain wider interest in this matter.

To most people...

The apology in the article would be good enough. As was said in the article, this wasn't originally meant for publication.

I agree with Aidan

and extracting that little admission from Taibbi - that governments always lie - is rather insignificant in context. Even if that dialogue did have some significance, there is no cause and no excuse for trying to "throw Griffin under the bus" (in the vernacular) - just to entice Tiabbi into a debate. Strikes me as DISLOYAL.

I'm not loyal...

To David Ray Griffin. I did not want Taibbi to think that David Ray Griffin and I have the same problems with the official account because we don't.

The Price of Loyalty
"Strikes me as DISLOYAL." --->Cult like behavior

You can chalk me up as being "disloyal",as well, because I'm not interested in your little cult.


What cult like garbage. I'm sick of it. Some of us want the truth coming out and don't ascribe to loyalty theorists. Talk about blind defense of a pseudo-leader. And attacking someone who does real live, serious outreach.

"Building What?"

With all due respect, I think the "Building What?" campaign has been either 'the' or, if not, then one of the most effective means of getting the message out. This campaign, along with the over 1400 architects and engineers who have staked their reputations on the tower collapse anomalies got FOX's Geraldo to state on national TV that his presumptions about 9/11 may well be wrong.

This isn't "bottlenecking", but rather going with the best empirical evidence.


I disagree...

Because I get the most flack for it.

I'll take the "flack"...

I am confident in my knowledge of the physics. I'll take the "flack" (social pressure) when I know I'm right. I'm hard-headed that way.


I'm hard-headed to...

And like to reach the most people. I am confident that "my way" is right. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

I agree Jon...

There is no "right" way or "wrong" way to expose the truth. There are so many fallacies, one can never guess which lie an OCT believer can't turn away from. Taibbi can't look at both sides of his of own arguments. He asks us to produce evidence, but I would challenge him to do the same. He said there was "overwhelming evidence" well I'd like to see it. If the evidence was SO overwhelming, why hasn't KSM been tried and convicted. Condi Rice promised we would be presented with evidence, and we haven't seen that. What does him going overseas and talking to sunni's and shia's that hate us have ANYTHING to do with evidence? Can he produce the original flight manifests? Can he produce video of the highjackers that has actual date and time stamps? We haven't seen any video of the highjackers for flights UA175 and 93 have we? He can't still possibly believe that the disgraced "bin laden confession" video is still authentic? Can he reconcile the time Dick Cheney arrived in the PEOC with real data and not some SS agent's word for it? Can he produce one single piece of steel that shows any evidence it was heated to any temperature higher than 480F? If he so confident, would he put out a call to the media for more dust samples to prove there are no other traces of nano-thermate? Did not Kevin Ryan just inform us of a medical report of a first responder where nano tubes were found in his/her lungs? Where does he suppose that comes from?

The real evidence that Taibbi seeks is locked up in the CIA vaults and a real investigative body will have access to all of it. Then the REAL answers of how and why can finally be revealed. 9/11 was far more than just to cover up corporate corruption and to start wars for oil. It would be naive to think that any single purpose would be large enough to justify an black operation to the scale 9/11 was, There was a long term purpose for it that has yet to reveal itself. I believe all the recent unrest in the middle east is happening right on schedule. Some of it may be real legitimate revolt, but how can we tell? How many other "Kermit Roosevelts" are out there stirring up the masses? I am afraid that the real truth of 9/11's purpose will reveal itself in a very horrific way if we don't do something about it now. So whether your promoting CD or any other of the vast number of lies, we should be out there informing everyone by any method we can.

just my two cents. Thanks for listening.

peace everyone

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie; deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought."
-- John F. Kennedy

Why in the world

was this comment voted down. Sad to see people getting upset at the sad realities of David Ray Griffen's misguided theories. SORRY, but the reason Matt Tabbi is closed minded towards the movement, and not just him, but most of the left, is because of people who were to bold in their theories. Those claiming their bold conclusions like "we have total evidence and proof of an inside job" made it impossible for reasonable people to begin to open up to the basic truths of cover up etc.

Guess what folks.
Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, Most of the progressives I listen to on Green 960, have been scared out of their wits to touch 9/11 truth. WHY?? It's no enigma. It's because there has been a successful campaign to paint our movement as the "bush knew and did it movement." It's because there has been a VERY successful campaign to make us all look like Alex Jones and have people assume that DRG is our leader. SORRY, but if you run around saying...

There was defo no plane at the pentagon
There were faked cell phone calls and voice morphing
We have undeniable proof that it was an inside job

YOU HAVE HELPED KILL THE TRUTH MOVEMENT! This reality is only becoming more dreadfully clear and this exchange with Tabbi is a perfect example. The fact that many are attacking Jon Gold is completely backwards. He actually got dialogue with a HUGE REPRESENTATIVE of the crowd that the 9/11 Justice Movement has needed in order to really go anywhere. The audacity of those down voting a very basic comment like the one above here just because Jon said it, says a lot more about those down-voting. Those of you down voting must have had very little experience with street outreach. Ever tried calling a progressive or liberal talk show? The second you bring up a basic question about the truth, they do EXACTLY what Tabbi did and try to bottleneck the cause into the DRG view of 9/11. And SORRY, but DRG in his three common assertions which I mentioned above is not only wrong, but offensively wrong. He is so wrong on harping these points that he has turned off many open minded and reasonable people to the truth. DRG failed big time in his debate with Chip Berlet on Democracy Now. He has dropped the ball on massive public opportunities. DNEY IT ALL YOU WANT, REALITY IS COMING FOR YOU AND IT'S GONNA HURT A LITTLE.

I know your sad cause you bought all his books. Look, think of how annoyed I am at myself for wasting money on every AJ vid, Tarpley books, Kev Barrett books etc. I spent lots of money on those masters of mixing in garbage and theories with truth. And what did they do? They squandered the mainstream opportunities they received due to support by people like myself. I'm frankly shocked at peoples reaction to this exchance. Jon Gold has shown here that he not just has balls, but he knows who we need to reach out to and EXACTLY why people are closed off to the truth. GET OF YOUR FAVORITE TRUTH HERO'S JUNK and face reality. Just because someone showed you something truthful doesn't mean they are always right. I don't know if it's just that some of you (AIDAN) are out of touch with most people in the world, or simply don't care about facts vs. theory. Either are killing 9/11 justice every time you blindly defend theories over facts. You are killing 9/11 justice every time you get up set that people are making reasonable critiques of your favorite 9/11 truth psuedo-hero.

Again, Tabbi's statements are a perfect example of how DRG's mixing in of theories with facts have been used to paint the truth movement as 'a bunch of theorists who ALL embrace radical ideas and ALL KNOW WHO DID IT.' These bias's toward 9/11 truth are killing the movement. If you are adding to this, you ought to listen back to the jersey girls and CHECK YOURSELF!

Your just wrong, I'm sorry

"Give me one piece of evidence..."
"This is where I would answer Matt's fair question with the IMPOSSIBILITY of WTC 7 coming down at absolute free-fall acceleration, for an admitted 2.28 seconds, due only to office fires. This fact alone -- hard as it seems for some people to grasp the physics, cough...Jon -- is sufficient for calling for a new investigation. This FACT alone implies foreknowledge and complicity. Of course, there is much other evidence."

Lame insult of Jon who obviously doesn't have any probs grasping anything. He's sticking with real live, cut and dry facts.

That aside, the reason your point is totally wrong is that first off, Tabbi was asking for one piece of evidence that proves the gov't did it ok? Bringing up WTC7 is NOT a clear FACT (as you claim) and nor that it is the "gov't" who has foreknowledge and complicity! See, it's not that cut and dry. It's not a simple basic fact. It requires a lot of connections to be made, then responses to all the debunkers and yet, it still isn't a conclusive FACT that "the gov't" did it (which is what Tabbi is asking for) even if YOU (CofDunces) reeeeeally believe it. The FACTS that Jon presented on the other hand are cut and dry. If Jon would have brought up WTC7, the discussion would have ended right on the spot. Bringing up CD is a big long discussion at this point and is weak compared to basic facts. If basic facts of cover up and direct evidence of foreknowledge aren't included pre-controlled demo discussions, the truth arguments grow impotent. This just gets clearer and clearer as time goes on.


First off, I wasn't trying to 'insult' Jon so much as inject a little humor. Though I've made no study of Jon's beliefs, I know enough of him and his views on 9/11 to see that he avoids the SIGNIFICANCE of the issue of true free-fall collapse of WTC 7. I fully acknowledge that he makes many good points that need to be pursued.

So, Matt's question. Matt's question is loaded with the "government involvement" canard. I don't know nor pretend to know 'who' carried out the attacks of 9/11, nor all of the parties involved. I can speculate, perhaps with some accuracy, but I don't know. That's where a real, fully funded, independent investigation comes in.


That said, I would put it to you (or Jon) as I would to any full physics professor or structural engineer: The fire induced, absolute 2.28 second, free-fall 'collapse' across the full length and breadth of WTC 7 is an IMPOSSIBILITY. I would invite anyone to set up a scientific demonstration that can prove otherwise, though I am confident they cannot.


The inescapable IMPLICATION of this scientific fact is that some collection of individuals 'assisted' (CD) the collapse and that that therefore implies foreknowledge of the events.


Right on

I feel you. The point is, our time is short with most outreach moments. REALLY SHORT. Loading up with implications of vague references to "individuals" who have assisted just fails to make a direct point. Why imply foreknowledge of vague individuals when Sibel Edmonds has provided direct proof of specific agencies with foreknowledge. Or David Schippers. Or memo's etc. Specifics are how you open up a mind. Spinning a good tail and implying things can be enticing, and can work on some not so skeptical people, but it's NOT FACT. Maybe this used to work when far less people had had 9/11 truth framed for them, but in the end, losing touch with the facts is why the truth fails to out. If you turn someone on to a theory and then they go and read a good debunking of it, then we lose, even if your theory is right and the debunker is wrong. THE FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. (keep repeating it to yourself, I always have to, especially when I'm constantly asked, 'well who did it then?') You see what I mean? Intelligent people will call you out on your implications and attempt to force you to name who did it. Then your stuck because like you said, we don't know who did it. I used to get lost in implication land and failed in a lot of potential outreach. When I stick with basic facts, there is no way to get around them. The point is driven home.


When I was at Downing St for Civ Dis II, I tended to avoid speculation when speaking with the public. I just think that the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory has been used to justify war and mass killing. When someone posits a theory it's fair play for the rest of us to test it and maybe debunk it. Well, the public seem interested to see that the war in Afghanistan was based on the 9/11 conspiracy theory which can very easily be debunked , and coupled with the very compromised Zelikow-controlled commission we can show the public to get over the whodunnit attitude and just see that all that is needed at this stage is to show that with such a weak theory and such a flawed investigation, therefore a new investigation is needed. But... to the persistent "whodunnit"s I advise them to read Crossing the Rubicon where names are named, with the maestro of 9/11 named as Dick Cheney- with evidence.

Another careerist

Another careerist "anti-establishment" "journalist" who knows that questioning 9/11 is career suicide.


He's smart enough to play dumb.

David Ray Griffin demolished Matt Taibbi

David Ray Griffin demolished Matt Taibbi at ever turn in that debate.

Using calm logic and hard facts DRG proved that the official conspiracy theory is a lie multiple times over and takes Matt Taibbi weak arguments apart piece by piece.

Masterful work.

A timeless contribution to bringing truth to the world.


Yes indeed he does Free Truth !!

Griffin does an outstanding job - "controlled demolition" - if you will.

All we have to do is

demolish the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory as it led to war. We don't need to offer a replacement theory. All we need to do is show there is sufficient doubt about the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory that a Reinvestigation is needed.

Griifin - Tiabbi Debate

In case anyone missed it here´s the link -

Blind to his own double-standards

In his exchange with Jon Gold, Taibbi simply regurgitates the same flawed, one-sided rhetoric he demonstrated in his debate with Griffin. 'Show me one piece of evidence the government had something to do with planning 9/11.' But when it comes to the government's account, never is heard a discouraging word (as is the case with most so-called alternative journalists when it comes to 9/11).

I think Griffin summed it up well in his debate with Taibbi: 'While demanding that rejecters of the official theory must provide an account of what happened that is both self-consistent and based on hard evidence, you do not seem concerned whether the official theory exemplifies those virtues.'

Under these circumstances, it doesn't seem to make much difference what kind of evidene we cite in making arguments. We've all encountered people who have a hard time dealing with the disturbing implications of the evidence relating to 9/11. But I don't think that's what's at work here. Taibbi et al. are the snide leading the snide.

Although, in this latest exchange, he does concede 'corruption, on some level,' and not simply incompetence, as being involved in the government's non-prevention of the attacks. Really, Matt? And what convinced you of this? Don't you need a complete theory about what really happened before you can make such allegations?

good job, Jon

Great job cornering him in the fallacy of his own logic. In this case, it's not important to "win" an argument as it is to lay out his framework of our detractors, which is built on sand and to which he will adhere till his last breadth. It's all crumbling around him and kudos to you for making that transparent. He knows the gig is up, which is why he (and others) refuse to take on legitimate grievances, seriously.

Hang in there. Victory is immanent.

Is This Another Back-Handed Attack On David Ray Griffin?

Hard not to notice that the author (with an extensive history of criticism and insults of Dr. Griffin) sets the stage for the fore-handed and back-handed criticism David Ray Griffin. (" I wasn’t turned onto this cause by David Ray Griffin or any other “third-rate con-artist.”, the designated "leader" reference and raising the word "idiot" in any context with Dr. Griffin's name.)

One must also surely know that raising the topic of Dr. Griffin with a petty flame thrower like Taibbi will generate quotable insults of Dr. Griffin.

What is the purpose of this work?


It rubbed me the wrong way, also.


Is This Another Attempt To Start a Flame War?

Jon did a great a job and he makes himself quite clear. He apologized to Griffin in the introduction for the way Griffin's name was used in the course of the dialogue. I think that's fair enough. You may just have to accept that people have different opinions and move on.

That is, unless you're more interested in grinding an axe.

The purpose of this dialogue...

Was "Obviously, if I can “turn” someone who was against 9/11 Truth, FOR 9/11 Truth… at the very least, recognizing what I said, then that would be good for this extremely important cause… would you be willing to at least do that much?"

He wouldn't do that. However, he did say, "of course we’ve been lied to about 9/11."

This conversation took place with Matt Taibbi. Someone with a history of attacking this movement, and especially David Ray Griffin. If this had been anyone else, do you even think the name of David Ray Griffin would have come up? As I said, I wanted Matt Taibbi, someone with a history of attacking this movement, and especially David Ray Griffin to separate the two of us.

David Ray Griffin and I are two different people with different problems concerning the 9/11 account. With different methods of reaching people. Deal with it.

Hard to not notice your

out of context quotes Aidan and your attacking of a serious activist. The con-artist assertion came from Tabbi and Jon was just referencing it back to him.

"What is the purpose of this work?"

I think that's pretty obvious and I don't think you are seriously asking, just trying to back-handedly attack Jon. But I'll hold your hand and explain that the purpose of this was to reach out to someone with a huge audience and ton's of clout who has actually taken part in lots of discussions with 9/11 truth. It doesn't seem like you have done much of this Aidan or it would be OBVIOUS to you the purpose. But again you weren't seriously asking that. You are just upset that your favorite truther psuedo-leader is getting called out for his bad info. Name calling never works and Jon's apologized for that. The fact still remains that Tabbi's critique of DRG is based in a very valid and reasonable place. It's cause DRG fails left and right. He harps on 'no plane at the pentagon' and 'voice morphing.' He pushes a view of 'EVERYONE who wants a new investigation thinks THEY KNEW WHO DID IT and IT WAS THE GOV'T.

What's the purpose of your culty attacks?

A common public perspective stated by Matt Taibbi

A common public perspective was stated by Matt Taibbi which should highlight the importance of the peer-reviewed papers, nano-composite explosive material / forensic evidence, Kevin Ryan's published connections, the huge scenario revolving around Building 7, etc.

Matt Taibbi: "Tell you what — you come up with one piece of real evidence that the US had something to do with planning 9/11, and I’ll consider it."

"But if you’re going to conflate holes in the official story with evidence of US involvement, that tells me you’re not an intellectually serious person, and I’ll pass. Of course we’ve been lied to about 9/11. Governments lie about everything. But that’s a long way from complicity in the attacks."

From personally talking to public on the street, this is a very common perspective: The public knows that governments lie.
Example: Take "aspartame" and Donald Rumsfeld's role in getting it to market. (Tidbit: Donald Rumsfeld had originally been slated to be the Vice Presidential candidate when Ronald Reagan was getting ready to run.) Aspartame, it's toxic effects and the blatant political-corporate corruption have been well exposed. I mean...really...the corruption has been wild...the FDA even raided a warehouse in our North Texas area and burned cookbooks on Stevia during the 90's. Aspartame is still on the market (and makes a great ant killer).

The case of nano-composite explosives remains unchallenged in the scientific community.

How did military-grade, high-tech nano-composite explosives get into the World Trade Centers? me, this is hands-down evidence which answers Matt's " come up with one piece of real evidence that the US had something to do with planning 9/11..."

I appreciate Jon reaching out to Taibbi

I appreciate Jon reaching out to Taibbi, and thx to YT for posting this exchange. It's revealing of Taibbi's psychology and perspective, which is likely shared by millions of Americans; they know the govt lied about 9/11, but they think it was to cover up incompetence, possibly criminal negligence, but nothing more than that. They believe there are more important issues facing us, and as they can't conceive that anything nefarious happened, they've never taken the time to seriously research 9/11, and consider other possibilities for any of the unanswered questions, false statements, bizarre behavior and unlikely coincidences. The hard evidence disproving the 'Al Qaeda alone' contention, such as CD, is discounted entirely as being false, on the same level as the evidence-free claims for space beams, 'AAL 77 didn't hit the Pentagon', TV fakery/holograms, etc.

As Taibbi said, "The fact that the government failed to prevent a terrorist attack through incompetence and, on some level, corruption, is simply not high on my list of outrages, at least not compared to other things that have gone on." and "the government’s failure in 9/11 was, comparatively speaking, a rather small-scale screwup, compared to its intentional invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan and its failure to police Wall Street. I’m with Noam Chomsky on this one. If you’re looking down the list of US Government outrages, 9/11 doesn’t crack the top 100."

Taibbi may be a shill, but maybe not; certainly 9/11 inquiry's been turned into a tar baby by the way it's portrayed in the MSM - with the help of people pushing BS claims, wittingly or not. His writing on the economic meltdown and shenanigans involved has shed needed light. And he's justified in criticizing the BS mixed into the movement, but he's wrong to make no distinction, for instance, between people like Jon, who strives to be factual and credible, and Kevin Barrett, who attacks credible researchers/activists, while promoting discredited claims and disreputable figures.

Taibbi did set up a straw man by demanding "one piece of real evidence that the US had something to do with planning 9/11." This is irrelevant; what about the evidence of Saudi/ISI involvement, which Jon alluded to? Taibbi had no answer. And, it seems unlikely it was the "US [government]" planned 9/11; it is possible/probable that people in the US MIC, many of whom are closely connected to the US govt, incl. members of the Bush Administration, used US govt agencies and resources to plan and carry out the operation.

Taibbi also says "Again, I would be completely on board with calls for more investigation into the official story, if the movement would only stop with these childish insinuations that Bush and Cheney were somehow behind 9/11. It’s asinine and an incredible distraction."

I think this is the most significant and hopeful statement in the whole exchange; Taibbi favors continued investigation of 9/11, but is turned off by people making accusations w/o hard evidence. Of course, most activists aren't making the accusations, they're simply pointing to evidence (some of it legit) and raising reasonable questions.

Jon did stoop to Taibbi's level of childish insulting, which I think was not only unhelpful but destructive; it would've been better to simply present facts and challenge Taibbi to account for them with his 'incompetence/corruption' theory.

The disparaging remarks about DRG were also unhelpful, but Jon introduced his essay by publicly apologizing for those. However, DRG's work and associations deserve criticism, not the least of which was leading his Taibbi debate w/ claims about voice-morphing. See this short and incomplete summary in my post here, as well as the points made by others in this thread:

Also see these discussion threads on the debate:

You say...

"it would've been better to simply present facts and challenge Taibbi to account for them with his 'incompetence/corruption' theory." If you notice, my first correspondence with him solely included my facts piece. To which, he ignored. It wasn't until later after the "retarded" comment that I started to get angry. I know this isn't my "best," but it's also not my worst. I think after all of the attacks from him over the years, I'm entitled to be a little angry. The cause to which I have devoted nearly a decade of my life to is not "retarded."

Matt knows the truth, as do most media who shun 9-11

The opinion below is simply the view I arrived at after years of research, and it in no way should be characterized as typical of or central to the 9-11 truth movement. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth movement is about having a formal investigation into 9-11, period. But those of us who've studied the matter, cannot help having formed our own perspectives on the matter. And I see the 9-11 media cover-up is in many ways as more indicative of a vast conspiracy than the official 9-11 story. As Nixon said, it's not the crime that gets you, but the cover-up. So, do not let my views below be construed as views derived from looking into 9-11 truth; rather, the views expressed were derived from looking into the cover-up. And, as the “evidence” to back up this view would easily fill a volume, sized comparably to any 9-11 truth work of David Ray Griffin, the following is only an overview:

It should be obvious to anyone who has studied 9-11 in depth, that Taibbi and other “real” journalists KNOW the government was deeply involved in 9-11, and THAT is why they have refused to even glance in the right direction, much less investigate any of the hundreds of illuminating aspects of 9-11. But why would Taibbi and so many other excellent, progressive journalists go out of their way to impede the efforts of the 9-11 truth community. The answer seems obvious to me: they WANT TO prevent the public from learning the truth about 9-11. Again, why? As best as I can theorize, from the facts and relationships I have uncovered, this is how I understand things:

To uncover 9-11 would reveal a vast clandestine network that spans the globe. This network has sought for over a century to bring about a one world government (a New World Order). They are close to achiveing this goal. It has cost many great people their lives. Wars, assassinations, poverty, torture, and more have all been used as tools in achieving this goal. The left has been part of this goal, so while they despise and fight against various injustices being used to bring about the goal, they cannot expose the vast conspiracy or its goal. To do so would threaten achievement of the goal, and besides, they would be judged as complicit in the crimes. So, WHENEVER there is a conspiracy related to this clandestine group and its goal, they turn away from it, and attempt to keep the facts hidden in the darkness. They even go so far as to create disinformation that whitewashes the truth. 9-11 is only one of the more recent examples.

But why would presumably good people, like Matt Taibbi, want to be involved in such a dark “goal,” and work to maintain its secrecy? Because, many in the progressive community believe that the alternative to a one-world federated government would be a global military empire. They view the latter as a much more chilling alternative. And while the movement toward a one world government has plenty of innocent blood on its hands, and is apparently led by such human rights luminaries as Henry Kissinger, the left establishment feels that a one world government would be much more open to liberal reform than would be a fascist military empire. Furthermore, the left presently feels that so many of their ranks are highly positioned within the New World Order movement (and yes, it is a movement, albeit largely secret), that they feel well poised to turn this emerging federation into a global democratic utopia. Naïve, perhaps. Yet they feel the future is on the line. And, if the public were to learn the truth about 9-11, it would in all likelihood shut down the entire operation and the anti-government backlash would very likely lead to some form of fascist global corporatocracy.

Thanks, Toddly

That gives me some more perspective.

I applaud this effort. It is

I applaud this effort. It is very important to engage mainstream figures and to make them discuss 911 even if we can't change minds, because it exerts subtle pressure on the official story, and increases visibility for the movement. I also think that David Ray Griffin did some sloppy research and if people are upset that he is not being treated with sufficient respect it is because of that. Bad research discredits people. It really does;t matter if major figures in the movement come and go because the 911 truth movement is leaderless and should always be that way. Uncritical reliance on authority is what allowed the war on terror in the first place, and I think we all oppose that and should without apology.

Yes indeed

And glad you decided to stick around blogger Vulich. You are a very reasonable cat!

Show "I love..." by Jon Gold

CD switched me on to 9/11 truth

I had a Eureka moment when I saw the time it took for the towers to come down - 8-9 seconds each

Then in an instant i switched from "9/11 truth is an internet scam- dont be a moron" to "Oh shit!"

CD was the hook for me and will continue to be so for certain types - architects , engineers, people with a scientific education (like me)

once into 9/11 truth i surfed , i viewed but i felt i was lacking something

so i got a book which in fact didn't rely on physical evidence at all- i read Crossing the Rubicon by Michael C Ruppert

So for me CD was vital but it was similar to a catchy Ad that hooks someone to a product- the product itself has to feature after that- you don't see an Ad, buy the product, then tell your friends about how satisfied you are with the Ad, and go on and on about the Ad.

MCR's book contains verifiable, documented evidence, sworn testimony that exposes for one, Dick Cheney.

the facts are backfiring and make self deception worse

I offer the following from the Boston Globe article by Joe Kechane, July 11, 2010:

"In a series of studies in 2005 and 2006, researchers at the University of Michigan found that when misinformed people, particularly political partisans, were exposed to corrected facts in news stories, they rarely changed their minds. In fact, they often became even more strongly set in their beliefs. Facts, they found, were not curing misinformation. Like an underpowered antibiotic, facts could actually make misinformation even stronger."

It sounds like Matt's tactic against Jon, in terms of debate, is "appeal to authority". That is, he takes comfort in the fact that journalists he upholds have not accepted the reality that surrounds them, for whatever the reason (but what about the caliber of those people who have accepted that reality, i.e. the signatories of the recent open letter to Bill Moyers?). So what does it take? How do the facts penetrate the veil of deception?

More from the article cited...

“The general idea is that it’s absolutely threatening to admit you’re wrong,” says political scientist Brendan Nyhan, the lead researcher on the Michigan study. The phenomenon — known as “backfire” — is “a natural defense mechanism to avoid that cognitive dissonance.”

Pick your political topic, everything from stem cell research to Social Security, from abortion to global warming, we are up against a monumental task by simply presenting the facts. And in the case of persons like Matt Taibi, we can't even get to that point-- the facts are irrelevant.

Jon, I am trying to remain

Jon, I am trying to remain objective here:

Do you think that this was a productive effort on your behalf?

In hindsight what would you do differently, if anything?

Are you aware of other ways to have tried to address Matt T?

What has been the most relevent, in your eyes, part of this discussion?


It was productive. I managed to show people that Matt Taibbi knows we were lied to, and still attacks us on a regular basis. I brought more attention to the September Eleventh Advocates and Sibel's latest offering. I brought attention to the things in my "Official 9/11 Start-Up Kit." I made the point that not everyone agrees with everything David Griffin has to say. I managed to show people there are other "avenues" of 9/11 research besides those of a scientific nature. I framed 9/11 as a crime, as opposed to an "act of war." I showed everyone the kind of problems we have trying to reach "mainstream" people.

What would I do differently? I would probably be a little nicer, and try not to let my emotions get the best of me.

I commend your work Jon,

and your ability to self- evaluate. I'm happy with the way it went- you got 9/11 truth talked about more and thought about more. Well done :)

Great work Jon

Your activism is contagious.

Thanks, I am glad I asked.


I am glad I asked.

My thoughts;

I really don't grasp why you don't see WTC 7 as useful in a discussion of this manner. But I am not trying to debate that with you, just sharing perspectives.

Like it or not, people easily understand that WTC 7 didn't fall from fire when viewed a few times and given a few months of contemplateion - unless they're an idiot of course.

And that brings us to Matt T., like so many other "good" authors and activists that remain blind to 9/11 truth, he can not or will not look into the matter as of yet. (Idiot with potential?)

Lies? That is really not that big a deal in this day and age, look around our political climate. I don't think any more time should be wasted on idiots like Matt. We have a movement to lead, he has a movement to follow.

"I don't think any more time

"I don't think any more time should be wasted on idiots like Matt. We have a movement to lead, he has a movement to follow."

This mentality is a huge growth limiter of the truth. Matt is not an idiot. This is obvious from his writings. Getting his support or even him to alter his position with the political clout he has would be HUGE for the truth outing.

Like it or not, the subject of CD is not only WIDE SPREAD AND WELL KNOWN (it was on SOUTH PARK HELLO!!). It's been framed as so complex and so laden with appeals to unqualified authority fallacies that it is NOT an easy topic to present to the average person. We can all watch a vid of WTC7 and go WOW. This unfortunately is not at all enough. It takes a lot of complex time and research to even begin to understand the elements of CD, especially since they have been so ripped apart in the mainstream for so many years. CD is also still a THEORY! That's what people seem to keep missing here. If you start with a couple basic facts about real provable cover up, lies, contradictions in stories etc, then you open people up. If you get stuck on CD, YOU LOSE. I'm sorry but I just keep seeing it happen everywhere! It's really flashy and cool and enticing to think a few showings of a short vid can prove something, but it's NOT that simple.

Sorry I don't want to die of

Sorry I don't want to die of old age in a police state with a "investigate 9/11" sign on my handcuffed and tazed body.

I want to finish this.

See my comment below on your theories of what is happening.


@ Nor Cal Truth
What else could have been done differently?

Frankly if Jon would have launched into some 'I love DRG' speech or 'I KNOW IT WAS A CONTROLLED DEMOLITION GOV'T RUN INSIDE JOB' then Tabbi would have just deleted the email. The fact that Tabbi EVEN RESPONDED shows that he isn't totally closed minded to the subject. Thankfully Jon's not a theorizer and doesn't get caught up in pseudo-leader worship or this exchange would have never happened. Kudos for the outreach again.

Interesting how everyone is getting all upset at Jon, but when it comes to the We Are Change people yelling offensive statements and calling names no one says a word. Is this the truth movement or the 'my favorite theorist leader movement?'

Who the hell would launch

Who the hell would launch into a "I love DRG" speech?

Is that your idea of what is happening?

I'm takling about the fact that NIST had to admit faults in it's "science" based upon someone named David Chandler.

I'm talking about the family members who brought about the Commission Report supporting AE911Truth; I'm talking about the best facts we have.

If you think that fire brought down 267 storeys in NYC only after our air-defense was missing for an 1.5 hours, I urge you to hide in your room for 6 months and meditate.

"If you think that fire

"If you think that fire brought down 267 storeys in NYC only after our air-defense was missing for an 1.5 hours, I urge you to hide in your room for 6 months and meditate."

Interesting here, see the air-defense stand down, that's a fact no one can argue with. Controlled demolition takes a lot of explaining and tons of research. That's the key difference here. Again, my point is that part of why Jon got real dialogue was cause he avoided CD. It's weird how you tried to tie those together and I appreciate your meditation advice though it's not very practical toward the movement you supposedly want to start. But then again, comments like yours I quoted above are just a logical fallacy I'm giving you the benefit of responding to. Thanks for the advice, but you know, I want to be out there spreading the truth.

"I'm talking about the best facts we have."
Only in the case of the air defense stand down. Controlled demolition is a THEORY which has a piles of well researched supportive evidence. This is just different from a FACT. Get it?

Wrong. And I'm sorry that you


And I'm sorry that you havn't come to terms with what happened that day. In the case of WTC 7-

Is CD only a theory because you havn't accepted it?

Is it only a theory because NIST hasn't admitted it?

Is it only a theory because fire brings down so many other buildings?

Is it only a theory because it was not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report?

Is it only a theory because news reporters called it a CD on the day of but never again?

Is it only a theory because you wish to remain ignorant to a simple equation you could put together yourself?

Do people who watch CD's have to be experts to watch CD's? -NO.

And I don't need to know what explosive they used, how long it was there, where the explosions started, or why they were placed to know that WTC did NOT FALL FROM FIRE!


The 9/11 Commission was compromised because of Philip Zelikow. Which opens up a massive can of worms, and essentially calls for the entirety of the 9/11 attacks to have a new/real investigation. You'd be surprised at how many people accept that premise.

Most people on the streets do

Most people on the streets do NOT know the name Phillip Zelikow in my experiance. But you are right, big can of worms!

I like pointing out Kissinger first because everyone knows he is bad news and everyone knows his name.

Then I like to point out his business clients that he did not want to reveal.

Then comes Zelikow!

"Most people on the streets

"Most people on the streets do NOT know the name Phillip Zelikow in my experiance."

Exactly why I think a "Philip Who?" campaign would be absolutely stellar.

NICE! Phillip WHO? I would


Phillip WHO?

I would support that.

way kool

PHILLIP WHO? That WOULD be stellar.

Kissinger did it for me!

"I like pointing out Kissinger first because everyone knows he is bad news and everyone knows his name."

I'd been watching/searching for the TRUTH since day one (9/11/2001). I'd follow the Jersey Girls and their VALIANT effort to get an investigation while all the time thinking, "I could be wrong-maybe it happened as we were told". When Kissinger was announced to head the investigation I felt I knew with %100
certainty that 9/11 was a massive Psy-Op perpetrated by the PTB.

"Most people on the streets

"Most people on the streets do NOT know the name Phillip Zelikow in my experiance. But you are right, big can of worms!"

You are helping my point here. All you then have to say is Phillip Zelikow was the head of the 9/11 commission report and he co-authored a book with Condoleeza Rice and almost EVERYONE knows who she is and what she stands for.

This is hardly a big can of worms compared to the endless long discussions about CD. You can't just say YOU KNOW cause of how it looks in a VIDEO. Even if you could in the past and get through to some people, this doesn't work anymore. It's been discussed on to many mainstream outlets. It's been made fun of on South Park. It's not simple

Kdub, I don't think it is


I don't think it is complicated at all.

If you think it is, I'll let you live with that.

Watching building 7 falling as a demolition is as clear to me as not seeing our air defense for an hour and a half. But you are not me.

I will keep it simple. Tom Sullivan will keep it simple too, along with a host of others. Science tried to keep it simple for you. I work on the AE team actively, maybe I just see it clearer than you because of experiance.

I don't care if it has been made fun of on South Park - what hasn't?

And another point where you are wrong:

"...Condoleeza Rice and almost EVERYONE knows who she is and what she stands for"

She is an honorable Stanford graduate, didn't you know. - Your argument would stop real quick with lots of people too.

I debate to win, and I want to win quick. I will attack at the weakeast point; And point out obvous faults in logic and fact. That is how I will handle anyone who wants to learn more about or debate me about 9/11.

I don't mind that you do it your way at all, more power to you.

I am happy that we care about 9/11 justice.

You are all missing the key point!!!

The people arguing for CD here aren't very effectively making their case because they are overstating what we know and what that demonstrates. And the people arguing against the primacy of CD aren't really hitting the main problem with it.

Where does CD lead? Let's say that we really have proven CD. What then? The best we could hope for would be that CD research would lead to a new investigation. But an investigation of what? CD? How the towers fell has little to do with justice.

CD doesn't tell us ANYTHING about the who or why of the crime and it can't. So if we were to get that new investigation, what would we investigate? Do all the most ardent CD advocates even know the rest of the arguments for 9/11 truth?

CD research is not irrelevant and there are some honest and talented people involved. Not many. For every well informed person who advocates CD there are another 10 that have never read one book about 9/11 truth and really don't know much about the subject. And of those well informed people, very few know anything at all about public relations or marketing.

There isn't much talent or discipline left in this movement, and those who do know what they are doing are generally maligned as 'disloyal' for not playing into the 'big tent' mentality.

If you haven't read Terror Timeline, War on Truth, and/or Crossing the Rubicon, don't even bother responding to me. I have no interest in your opinions.

Spoken like

A real truth mover;). Thanks for the perspective. The fact that such a reasonable observation of yours is voted down speaks volumes to how out of touch some here are. People have to stop taking it personally when they figure out they are making mistakes. I ask whoever down-voted this to explain why?

all opinion stated as fact

"CD research is not irrelevant and there are some honest and talented people involved. Not many. For every well informed person who advocates CD there are another 10 that have never read one book about 9/11 truth and really don't know much about the subject. And of those well informed people, very few know anything at all about public relations or marketing.

There isn't much talent or discipline left in this movement, and those who do know what they are doing are generally maligned as 'disloyal' for not playing into the 'big tent' mentality."

No Joe

You are missing the point and it's a good one. To respond to your criticism this quote which you left out

"If you haven't read Terror Timeline, War on Truth, and/or Crossing the Rubicon, don't even bother responding to me. I have no interest in your opinions."

Makes it quite clear that Jules is talking about opinions.

"The people arguing for CD here aren't very effectively making their case because they are overstating what we know and what that demonstrates. "

"Where does CD lead? Let's say that we really have proven CD. What then? The best we could hope for would be that CD research would lead to a new investigation. But an investigation of what? CD? How the towers fell has little to do with justice."

These are opinions which everyone here should re-read! Especially if they give you the feeling like someone here has had a lot more experience with public outreach than YOU.

"CD doesn't tell us ANYTHING about the who or why of the crime and it can't."

There's a fact for you.

double post delete please

double post delete please

You keep arguing with a

You keep arguing with a logical fallacy. You are an unqualified authority. You think calling someone ignorant cause they can't just figure out what YOU KNOW makes logical sense?

"Do people who watch CD's have to be experts to watch CD's? -NO."
This is kind of a non-sentence, but you are missing the point. To be able to claim that it looks like a CD (which is what the reporters said, they didn't report that it WAS a CD which is a HUGE difference) doesn't prove that it was a CD.

"Is it only a theory because you wish to remain ignorant to a simple equation you could put together yourself?"

This is obviously NOT a simple equation. Your insults don't help. In this statement, by claiming simplicity of a difficult long debated subject, you frankly insult the efforts of the years of research people have done to support the CD THEORY. It's a THEORY that people have to provide evidence for. Steven Jones would probably agree. It's just a theory man. Even if it's well supported. There is a difference and you seem in denial of this. The hard facts can't be shaken by debunkers, only denied/ignored. That is the power of easily referenced undeniable facts. I'm trying to give you some perspective here. No need to insult. I think we actually went out on the 11th of the month together a few times.

We have found "the

We have found "the Governments explanation to be impossible."

In the houses of shadow, everybody lies.

Hard to imagine the world Mr.Taibbi inhabits not contending with 911 as false flag event, unless to slander and mock any activism associated.. [If it was conspiracy, I would have heard by now. I haven't, so it wasn't]
He hasn't picked up the phone and talked with Sibel Edmonds? Rodreiguez? Gallup? Lindauer? Bollyn? Considered the FDNY audio transcripts. Indira Singh? Followed up on the 'art students' and 'Urban moving systems'? The anomalies and outright agnotological propaganda of NIST and KSM torture commission theory...the mysterious death[?] of Barry Jennings picking up where Mr. Avery's private investigator sat down. He lives right there.
What part of Pr. Harrit's paper producing evidence of active thermitic materials in 911 DUST samples WOULD'NT be of interest to investigative journalism? Why does this man think he knows?? If its that simple. If he is that sure. Instead to say that 911 isn't even in the top 100 of contemporary issues?

To not see 911 as the confluence of the hour glass, where every grain of sand must pass,
between the then and the now,
Is surely an act of hubris [overwhelming and Insolent pride or presumption leading to nemesis].

Correct, remo

You're getting sh%t hot recently :)

Journalists and reporters vs Architects and engineers

Matt Taibbi: "I wonder that none of you seem to notice that all of the country’s best reporters and best investigators equally think that 9/11 Truth is a joke — people like Seymour Hersh and Wayne Barrett and Lawrence Wright — while the leading writers in your movement all have histories writing, commercially, about other conspiracy theories."

I would have responded, "Well, what about the over 1,400 Architects and engineers who have signed the AE911Truth petition demanding a real investigation into 9/11. Why do you place your trust in journalists and reporters who are ignorant of basic facts regarding 9/11, over the architects/engineers who have actually investigated the issue?"

A lot of good points

in this long thread so I will not say much, just two points:

1. Members of the public differ in their interests and knowledge hence they respond to different things. A great many have responded to the fact that WTC7 looks like a controlled demolition, so the CD case is effective. A great many have responded to the fact that the air defence system failed that day, so the case for contrived system failure is also effective. These types of arguments should not be seen as in competition with one another - they are both valuable, and hence more members of the public will be persuaded if they are both used.

2. Any attack of supporters of one type of approach against supporters of the other type hurts the movement. We should each get on with doing whichever we do best.

That seems so glaringly obvious that it is painfull to feel the need to state it.

Perhaps there is a third point that we need to keep in mind regarding the CD theory: it is not the CD itself that is the powerful issue, it is the in-depth coverup generated by NIST. It is this which confirms the hand of American authority figures in 9/11. It is easy to show the NIST report is fatally flawed. This fact links the CD case with the "contrived system failure" case. They are just two parts of the same case that a new, honest investigation is required.

Very well said...

Very well said, Frank. Thanks.


Well said, Frank Legge

I support your statement.

In particular, I support your call for people to do what they do best. Everyone has different strengths, different knowledge, different passions.

From afar, the fighting between CD and other areas of research seems a waste of energy at times. Surely they are parrallel research areas?

'Divide and rule' = break things up and disrupt.

Having said that, 'the big tent' - which embraces all research, however spurious - is also not advisable.

It's a matter of using common sense and logic - which we all possess and should not underestimate .

It's important not to fall into the trap of wasting energy 'discussing things to death' - eg. anything related to the Pentagon - patently a dead end because the Pentagon holds all the cards and is, by definition, a non-transparent organisation.

From Matt Taibbi:"But if

From Matt Taibbi:

"But if you’re going to conflate holes in the official story with evidence of US involvement, that tells me you’re not an intellectually serious person, and I’ll pass. Of course we’ve been lied to about 9/11. Governments lie about everything. But that’s a long way from complicity in the attacks."

Jon why did you not give Matt Taibbi exactly what he was asking for, direct evidence, proof that the US government was complicit in the attacks on 9/11.

At this point, there is already a massive amount of information that proves this complicity, information that come directly from the US government’s own investigations of the attacks on 9/11. Of course this information is scattered over several thousand pages of reports and has to be carefully pieced carefully back together again, but even this effort has already been done.

So Jon please explain why you did not present this information to Taibbi, you had a golden, pardon the pun, opportunity and then blew it.

How many opportunities do you think you get before people like Taibbi are completely turned off by all of the BS?

Uh Jon did provide direct evidence so

What are you talking about ? You are being completely vague. Jon gave specific evidence. If you have some specific thing you are talking about go ahead. You are just insulting someone who did a good thing for 9/11 justice here. I think you should explain something specific before anyone has to explain anything to you.

re: I think you should explain something specific before anyone

"What are you talking about ? You are being completely vague. Jon gave specific evidence. If you have some specific thing you are talking about go ahead. You are just insulting someone who did a good thing for 9/11 justice here. I think you should explain something specific before anyone has to explain anything to you."

What I am talking about is the fact that Matt Taibbi was total unimpressed with "the government lied". He even said he thought the government lied but you need to provide me with credible evidence that the government was "complicit" in the attacks on 9/11. Jon did not do that, in case you missed the debate.

I have already done that many times in this forum so your comment that “I think you should explain something specific before anyone has to explain anything to you” is a bit strange.

Here is this information all over again.

There is now abundant proof that the CIA working with FBI HQ units and agents they had subjugated intentionally and deliberately withheld material information from the FBI criminal investigators on the Cole bombing numerous times from at least January 4, 2001, and perhaps even as early as November 2000. This was the information that Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi had taken part in the planning of the Cole bombing that took place at the Kuala Lumpur al Qaeda planning meeting on January 6-8, 2000.

This was not a simple “they did not share information” but out and out criminal obstruction of an ongoing criminal FBI investigation into the murder of 17 US sailors. The people involved in this criminal obstruction were the following:

Director of the CIA, George Tenet, CTC Director Cofer Black, Chief of the CIA Bin Laden unit and Chief of the CIA Rendition unit, Richard Blee, Director of Operations, John Gannon, the CIA Yemen Station, the CIA Pakistan station, the CIA Bin Laden unit, including Clark Shannon, and Tom Wilshire, the Director of the FBI Louis Freeh, and the FBI agent Dina Corsi.

On August 22, 2001 both Mihdhar and Hazmi were found to be inside of the US. This information was given to the former CIA officer Tom Wilshire who had been moved from his position as Deputy Chief of the CIA Bin Laden unit to be Deputy Chief of the ITOS unit, the one unit at the FBI HQ that controlled all investigations of terrorists in the world. and to FBI HQ Agent Dina Corsi. FBI Agent Margaret Gillespie who had been given this information by the INS had the CIA Bin Laden unit issue an alert that went to the CIA and the State Department, and FBI on August23, 2001.

So by August 22-23, 2001 the CIA, including Blee, Black and Tenet, and the FBI HQ including Tom Wilshire, Rod Middleton and Dina Corsi are all aware that Mihdhar and Hazmi are inside of the knew they are here in order to take part in a massive al Qaeda attack that will kill thousands of Americans.

Yet they all keep this information secret from FBI Agent Steve Bongardt and his team of Cole bombing investigators. This is in spite of the fact that Wilshire had known since mid-May 2001 and Corsi from August 22, 2001 that the CIA had been hiding the photo of Khallad, mastermind of the Cole bombing, from the FBI Cole bombing investigators so they would never have enough evidence to start any investigation for Mihdhar and Hazmi.

On August 28, 2001 Bongardt accidentally finds out that both Mihdhar and Hazmi are inside of the US. But when he calls Dina Corsi to request permission to start a criminal instigation for Mihdhar and Hazmi she tells him that it is illegal for him and his team to even have her EC since it has NSA material that is forbidden to be given to FBI criminal investigators without prior written permission from the NSA general counsel.

What she did not tell Bongardt is that she had already been given written permission the day before by the NSA to give this very information to him and his team. Almost 3000 people would be murdered because of this horrific treachery by Dina Corsi. When Bongardt requested that she get an opinion form the FBI HQ NSLU, the FBI in house lawyers, she tells Bongardt that the lawyer she consulted told her that Bongardt and his team could have no part in any investigation for Mihdhar and Hazmi. But according to the 9/11 Commission report, page 538, footnote 81, Sherry Sabol told the DOJ IG investigators that she had told Corsi that Bongardt could take part in any investigation for Mihdhar and Hazmi since the NSA information in her EC had no connection to any FISA warrant.

Corsi shuts down the FBI intelligence investigation on September 5, 2001 by refusing Robert Fuller, the inexperienced FBI agent assigned to find Mihdhar and Hazmi, permission to contact Saudi Arabian airlines to get Mihdhar’s credit card number even though Fuller had already told her that he was getting nowhere in the FBI data base without this number.

All of this information comes from the DOJ IG report, the Joint Inquiry Report the 9/11 Commission report, the account of FBI Agent Ali Soufan, the book State of Denial, by Bob Woodward, the documents entered into the Moussaoui trial, and the article in the January 2007 in Harpers magazine on Richard Blee.

All of the documents with exact page numbers are referenced for every point proving the conclusions that the CIA had deliberately allowed the attacks on 9/11 to take place.

I have copies on many of these documents already on a web site and they can be downloaded for free.

What else do you want to know?

I did provide him evidence...

I supplied him my facts piece, I supplied him with the new information supplied by the September Eleventh Advocates and Sibel Edmonds, I supplied him my "Official 9/11 Justice Start-Up kit," and I alluded to the CIA/ISI/GID/Al-Qaeda equation. Sorry it didn't meet your approval, but to act as though I didn't present anything to him is just dishonest.

re: to act as though I didn't present anything to him is just di

I didn't say that you didn't present him with your information.

What I said was he was not impressed with the information that you gave him.

I believe that if you can not impress Matt Taibbi, you will never be able to impress anyone. He seems to be articulate and bright and has a large following. Since he was clearly unimpressed with your information, why did you not give him the information I presented in my post.

This is all backed up with official US government documents. This information proves that CIA had intentionally allowed the attacks on 9/11 to take place. I cannot believe he would not have been impressed with just this one horrific fact!

Present you case in this forum just as I did with a one or two page narrative and I will see if I am impressed with your presentation. If not I would suggest you go back and give him the information that directly proves that the US government was complicit in the attacks on 9/11 and then show that this information can be found in publically available official US government reports, just as I have.

You could have said "the US government was complicit in the attacks on 9/11, and I have the iron clad proof of this that comes right out of official US government documents" .

Then go from there.

Jon, I am not trying to knock your presentation, just make it so it impresses a skeptic like a Matt Taibbi.

It really does not make any difference if it meets my approval, it you want to impress Taibbi, it has to meet his approval.

That is exactly the kind person you need to win over.

Um... he didn't...

Read/and or watch it.

"Since he was clearly

"Since he was clearly unimpressed with your information, why did you not give him the information I presented in my post."

You provided NO references or links. Just saying it's all referenced on your site somewhere and documents you allegedly have. That kind of comment frankly would have received no response from Taibbi cause you linked and referenced NOTHING. More vagueness, what's up with that? And again, Jon did provide solid evidence with links and references and Taibbi refused to read them. Jon's fact's piece well referenced unlike your scattered narrative with no references. So, I agree with Jon, no need to be dishonest.

"He even said he thought the government lied but you need to provide me with credible evidence that the government was "complicit" in the attacks on 9/11. Jon did not do that, in case you missed the debate."

How snide. In case you missed it, Jon's links to FACTS speak for themselves.

re: You provided NO references or links


"How snide. In case you missed it, Jon's links to FACTS speak for themselves."

Facts never speak for themselves. I repeat, "Facts never speak for themselves".

You must explain clearly, exactly how your facts prove the government was complicit in the attacks on 9/11 and show how your information is backed up by the US government’s own official documents on 9/11 to show that your information has credibility.

Giving someone links to a site without first explaining exactly what you have will never convince anyone like Taibbi, he won't waste his time as his response clearly showed.

Your goal is to convince some like Taibbi, of the correctness of your point of view, not turn them off.

If you have already convinced him, you have a point, but if you have not you need something different.

Philip Zelikow...

Tried to insert a false link between Iraq and Al-Qaeda into the 9/11 Report. That's quite clear to me. He was a Bush lackey trying to do something favorable for Bush. Facts do speak for themselves.

Why don't you contact Matt and see if you can get him to admit that "of course we've been lied to about 9/11."

re: Why don't you contact Matt and see if you can get him to adm

Jon, I totally agree with you that Zelikow was nothing but a Bush stooge and so was his assistant Al Felzenberg. I had had a fight over the phone with Felzenberg, just prior to attending the 9/11 Commission hearings on April 13, 14, 2004 over my giving testimony to the 9/11 Commission.

But knowing that will not convince Taibbi that the US government was complicit in the attacks on 9/11, just that the 9/11 Commission report was a complete and total fraud, and by now almost everyone is aware of this.

"Why don't you contact Matt and see if you can get him to admit that "of course we've been lied to about 9/11.""

I think he already knows this!

Taibbi is no Edward R. Murrow

He exaggerates and distorts to the point of dishonesty, when he talks about his experiences with the Tea Partiers. His writing is more like a Rush Limbaugh rant - and every bit as reliable and insightful - except directed at righties instead of lefties.

Here's a precious quote by Taibbi:

“The individuals in the Tea Party may come from very different walks of life, but most of them have a few things in common. After nearly a year of talking with Tea Party members from Nevada to New Jersey, I can count on one hand the key elements I expect to hear in nearly every interview. One: Every single one of them was that exceptional Republican who did protest the spending in the Bush years, and not one of them is the hypocrite who only took to the streets when a black Democratic president launched an emergency stimulus program. (“Not me — I was protesting!” is a common exclamation.) Two: Each and every one of them is the only person in America who has ever read the Constitution or watched Schoolhouse Rock. (Here they have guidance from Armey, who explains that the problem with “people who do not cherish America the way we do” is that “they did not read the Federalist Papers.”) Three: They are all furious at the implication that race is a factor in their political views — despite the fact that they blame the financial crisis on poor black homeowners, spend months on end engrossed by reports about how the New Black Panthers want to kill “cracker babies,” support politicians who think the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was an overreach of government power, tried to enact South African-style immigration laws in Arizona and obsess over Charlie Rangel, ACORN and Barack Obama’s birth certificate. Four: In fact, some of their best friends are black! (Reporters in Kentucky invented a game called “White Male Liberty Patriot Bingo,” checking off a box every time a Tea Partier mentions a black friend.) And five: Everyone who disagrees with them is a radical leftist who hates America.”

I discussed this further in the JREF thread on Taibbi, here.

The tea party movement is

The tea party movement is funded by wealthy elites who want to return to the Bush-era. It is not a spontaneous social movement, it is an industry funded by people looking to secure their wealth against the possibility of progressive reforms to the US government which could include higher tax rates on the wealthiest segment of society to fund vital social programs and social safety nets which they seek to dismantle. I agree with Taibbi's characterization of the tea party, in fact it may be even too generous.

I wouldn't brag about agreeing with Taibbi

"Wealthy elites", such as the Koch brothers, have indeed funded some of the Tea Party movement. That buys them influence, not total control. Hopefully, you understand the difference between the two.

One example of a lack of monolithic control is what happened in a northern state (don't recall which one) in 2010. There were a number of Tea Party candidates, supported by different Tea Party factions. They split their votes, and the mainstream GOP candidate won in the primary.

I read about them in an article that said that these factions had agreed to jointly support a compromise candidate in 2012. They learned from their experience, and consequently will beef up their political muscle accordingly.

If the Koch brothers and their ilk had monolithic control, they would never have supported competing factions who shot themselves in the foot.

When Medea Benjamin paid a visit to a Tea party event, she found out that she had many fans, there, and about 30% were anti-war. If the Koch brothers are pro-war, then they have admitted a huge anti-war faction, which puts the lie to any notion of monolithic control. And if the Koch brothers are anti-war, then their Tea Party lemmings are even more rogue.

Channeling Dr. Gonzo

Matt Taibbi is trying to channel Hunter S. Thompson -thus the flamboyant style. Hunter did it better. Matt is Gonzo without the charm.

Something Matt should read...

9/11 & Many Unanswered Questions: Again, many of our readers know how the powers have successfully turned this topic into a taboo equal (or more extreme!) than Ebola. Simply put, the motto on this issue has become: ‘Thou shall not mention 9/11 unless it is to advocate for bigger government and lesser liberties via fear mongering.’ All truth seekers, all critical thinkers, anyone who dares to point out major discrepancies has been placed in one bucket tagged as nut cases. Are there some really ‘way out there’ people with more ‘way out there’ theories on this major world-changing issue? You bet! I wish you could read some of the most absurd letters and e-mails I’ve received from people in this category. On the other hand, to place activist 9/11 family members who have been pushing for real investigations and answers, all the former and current government intelligence & law enforcement experts and witnesses who have raised their legitimate flags, all rational people who haven’t given up their critical thinking thus have been seeking ‘real’ answers … all in that same bucket? Well, as far as conspiracies go, that will make it to the top of the list: successfully implemented propaganda by the powers.

I have had e-mails and calls from well-known and well-respected people who criticize and warn me every time I write a piece, raise a question, or make a comment on this topic. They say: ‘you don’t want to marginalize yourself by touching this issue, Sibel.’ They say: ‘I am sorry I cannot grant an interview because you are known to be associated with the 9/11 issue.’ They ask: ‘Why do you risk your reputation and reduce the chances of having a successful site by touching this issue?!’

This website is not about 9/11 but many of the issues covered here are directly or indirectly relevant to what happened on September 11, 2001. How could they not be?! The event triggering senseless wars, the PATRIOT ACT, Illegal Eavesdropping, Imperialism via Expansion of Bases, the persecution (and prosecution!) of whistleblowers, Warrantless Body Searches & Groping … is the beginning, the core and the center of many issues we’ve been facing; not only here in the US but everywhere in the world. Period! This site is not a platform for every 9/11 activist out there, but then again, this site does not shy away from tackling and covering the issue when it is related or relevant. Again, period!


TWO!!! ;)