
Bill Maher; am I the lunatic because I ask questions, demand answers, and I do the research on 9/11?

Maher; “How big a lunatic do you have to be to watch two giant airliners packed with jet fuel slam into buildings on live TV, igniting a massive inferno that burned for two hours, and then think ‘well’ if you believe that was the cause, stop asking me to raise this ridiculous topic on the show and start asking your doctor if Paxil is right for you.”

How did the impact of the airliners and burning jet fuel cause WTC 1 & 2 to explode? How did the impacts of the airliners and burning jet fuel cause WTC 1 & 2 to fall at ‘free-fall’ speeds? How did the concrete pulverize into dust? How did isolated (low-heat fires) cause a total collapse? What about all the eye-witness hearing (feeling) bombs going off? You don’t find it odd that most of the steel was removed and destroyed soon after the event (I’m sure you heard a bit about removing and destroying evidence from a crime scene)? Seriously, what about WTC 7? You cannot use the whole ‘airliners and burning jet fuel’ on this one. How do isolated fires cause a steel-famed building to collapse into its own foot-print at ‘free-fall’ speeds?
You got a lot of explaining to do, Bill.

I’m the tin-foiled hat wearing conspiracy ‘the government is out to get us’ nut?

I got a bit of information for the people who simply cannot believe that the US government is malevolent; thus cannot, will not evaluate the evidence of 9/11.
The EPA knowingly lied and supported falsified research on the toxicity of the air after 9/11; thus putting people in danger.
The US government ordered the EPA to give the public misleading information (relived in 2003).
Memos written by US and local government officials show that they knew about the situation (toxicity of the air and the misleading of the public).
Memos show that Whitman (EPA administrator at the time) conspired with the White House to falsely reassure the NY public that the air was safe.

So, am I really that insane to think that the government is out to get me?

Poll: US gov't knew about 9/11 attacks

A new poll indicates that some 43 percent of Americans believe that Washington knew about the 9/11 attacks but did nothing to stop them.

According to the Press TV-Zogby International poll, 42.5 percent of the respondents believed that the Bush Administration knew about the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center but did nothing to prevent the attacks.

Only 37.5 percent of the respondents strongly disagreed with the idea and 4.5 percent neither agreed nor disagreed with it.

"The Secret Government Reasons For 911" ..... or 'the inner workings of the neocon mind......'


The Secret Government Reasons For 911

Diary Entry by Dom Jermano

Did Bush orchestrate 911? If he did, what are the reasons for it? I think 911 could have been much worse!


The Secret Government Reasons For 911

It could have been worse!

WTC Fell To Strengthen America

The WTC was brought down by the imminient threat of Terrorists organizing in foreign countries to stop and destroy the United States. The problem is that Americans refuse to take it seriously. My analysis is that in Order for the United States to stop these killers, America had to committ some acts of terror upon itself in order to get the attention of

Where is this world heading?

I probably dont need to go into much detail as to how and why i have ended up here. Im sure most of us went through the same process of become your own personal investigator on events and collected evidence and drew your own conclusions based on what we personally found.
Like everyone i did my research. I have also tried my best to present the evidence to those who were uninformed and or misinformed. At that point i ran into something interesting.
I started to ask myself what now? I started searching for answers, for something to guide me further. I searched looking for some solutions that we informed people may have presented. This act alone shows that we have lost or dont use our abilities to create solutions....think for ourselves. This act justifies the governments position to believe that most americans are unable to live in a free society. We the people have chosen not to be involved in the governments decisions. We the people have stopped demanding to make the government accountable. We the people have become so wrapped up in out own lives that we have lost what our forefathers created for us.

All that being said i will present a theory of mine that supports what may be the real reason why the shadow government acts as they do.

V for Voice

Wanted: 99 Volunteers

November 14th In DC

It is now past Sunday evening. We trust many of you were able to watch the movie �V for Vendetta,� and that you agree with us that the movie presents a powerful concept for a large scale public demonstration that we might be able to make use of.

We intend to do so. A plan is in the works. This week we need to travel to DC to make certain arrangements. Later this week, upon our return, we will post an article with the details of the plan.

Here is what we are able to say today.

We have a volunteer who is willing to deliver a document to the leaders of the federal Executive and Legislative branches in Washington DC on or about November 6th, while masked and otherwise appearing like the figure pictured below. The purpose of the mask will be to give expression to the fact that America is rapidly turning into a police state, with too many of its politicians turning a blind eye to the Constitution and too many of its People now afraid of the government. Every move of this volunteer will be filmed by at least one camera crew and webcast over the Internet. There will be suitable publicity in advance of the day of the event.

Vote Now 9/11 Truthers! Need Your Help!

Please take 60 seconds and do this Fellow 9/11 Truthers.

Goto and sign up for an account. (Top right).Then go here and VOTE!


Sign up at and Vote on this story

Please Do this, Please take the 60 seconds and vote to help get this in google 100 by friday

Netscape Made #89 in Google Lets Push it to #1

Netscape Users....Help Make TerrorStorm Explode!!


And vote on it and Make comments to push it on the Homepage, and
then it will get 100k clicks and explode it to google #1

and when its in google #1 millions will see it!!

Cmon Start Voting....

The US Government's Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTC

The US Government's Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTC
By Ed Ward, MD

The factual evidence indicates that our government is using and has used 3rd or possibly 4th generation hydrogen bombs domestically and internationally. The evidence for international usage is not quite as strong as the domestic usage, but when domestic usage is considered, the international usage seems inescapable. The process of exclusion based on the known facts leaves only one viable option for the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings - a relatively pure hydrogen bomb.

more... (very well documented)

"Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught
in falsehoods school. And the one man that dares to tell the truth is
called at once a lunatic and fool"
-- Plato.