
A letter writing campaign: REAL ID

All levels of government officials (state and federal) have a duty to protect the privacy of American citizens.
I hope you will be very vocal and supportive of the following message.

I urge you to support the repeal of the REAL ID Act and stop any further implementation of it; I am an American who cares about individual privacy and real national security. The creation of the national ID system is illegal:
1 - The law that created the Department of Homeland Security prohibited a national identification system (thus by trying to implement REAL ID, DHS is breaking the law and violating the public trust).
The REAL ID has real problems:
2 – REAL ID will create a system without adequate privacy and security safeguards: it will make it too easy for identity thieves, stalkers, and corrupt government officials to get access to such personal information as a home address, age, and Social Security number.
3 - It will also make it more difficult for people to get driver's licenses.
4 - The regulations endanger the privacy of domestic violence survivors' personal information, exposing them to stalkers in all 50 states.
This is very important:

A letter writing campaign: Rep. Jane Harman

[] As 9/11 truth multiplies in numbers and as activism increases the government is going to begin introducing Bills/Acts that try to undermine the constitution [mainly the Bill of Rights]. I am calling all Americans to ask for the resignation of Rep. Jane Harman for introducing H.R. 1955 [Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007]. I have provided a sample letter and encourage people to copy and paste if needed, add to or create their own original letter. I would also encourage people to send this letter to their representatives. []

I want 10, no 1,000, no 10,000 Americans to write Rep. Jane Harman about H.R. 1955 [Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007]

Rep. Jane Harman

H.R. 1955 [Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007]

I would like to jog your memory: you swore an oath to uphold and protect the constitution which is why I am appalled that you would introduce H.R. 1955 [Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007].

This Act is not only unconstitutional but, undercuts our [American] fundamental rights.

Bill Maher; am I the lunatic because I ask questions, demand answers, and I do the research on 9/11?

Maher; “How big a lunatic do you have to be to watch two giant airliners packed with jet fuel slam into buildings on live TV, igniting a massive inferno that burned for two hours, and then think ‘well’ if you believe that was the cause, stop asking me to raise this ridiculous topic on the show and start asking your doctor if Paxil is right for you.”

How did the impact of the airliners and burning jet fuel cause WTC 1 & 2 to explode? How did the impacts of the airliners and burning jet fuel cause WTC 1 & 2 to fall at ‘free-fall’ speeds? How did the concrete pulverize into dust? How did isolated (low-heat fires) cause a total collapse? What about all the eye-witness hearing (feeling) bombs going off? You don’t find it odd that most of the steel was removed and destroyed soon after the event (I’m sure you heard a bit about removing and destroying evidence from a crime scene)? Seriously, what about WTC 7? You cannot use the whole ‘airliners and burning jet fuel’ on this one. How do isolated fires cause a steel-famed building to collapse into its own foot-print at ‘free-fall’ speeds?
You got a lot of explaining to do, Bill.

I’m the tin-foiled hat wearing conspiracy ‘the government is out to get us’ nut?

I got a bit of information for the people who simply cannot believe that the US government is malevolent; thus cannot, will not evaluate the evidence of 9/11.
The EPA knowingly lied and supported falsified research on the toxicity of the air after 9/11; thus putting people in danger.
The US government ordered the EPA to give the public misleading information (relived in 2003).
Memos written by US and local government officials show that they knew about the situation (toxicity of the air and the misleading of the public).
Memos show that Whitman (EPA administrator at the time) conspired with the White House to falsely reassure the NY public that the air was safe.

So, am I really that insane to think that the government is out to get me?