War, stemming from 9/11, is eroding our rights (letter to the editor)

Letter to the editor about the spineless/toady Congress giving immunity and broad, mostly unchecked powers to spy on Americans to the same public servants who ignored and failed to prevent the 9/11 terror attacks numerous advisors were warning them were going to happen.

first, a link about from

As far as I know, is better vetted for those "kookorspooks" in the truth movement, who may not be "patriots" at all.
Highly-Credible People Question 9/11

Here's the letter, pasted in full:

Among people who have examined the evidence of 9/11 thoroughly, there is little doubt the story created by the government for mass consumption is a gigantic fraud.

Scholars, engineers, architects, pilots and intelligence professionals have gone on the record exposing the lies, as seen at http://patriots

But that is not what this letter is about.

The US Government's Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTC

The US Government's Usage of Atomic Bombs - Domestic - WTC
By Ed Ward, MD

The factual evidence indicates that our government is using and has used 3rd or possibly 4th generation hydrogen bombs domestically and internationally. The evidence for international usage is not quite as strong as the domestic usage, but when domestic usage is considered, the international usage seems inescapable. The process of exclusion based on the known facts leaves only one viable option for the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings - a relatively pure hydrogen bomb.

more... (very well documented)

"Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught
in falsehoods school. And the one man that dares to tell the truth is
called at once a lunatic and fool"
-- Plato.