
Calls For Domestic Probe Into 9/11


By Carlito Pablo

On August 29, Drew Noftle and about a dozen other Vancouver-based 9/11 truth seekers will set out east on board a private bus, holding rallies in different cities along the way to Montreal. There they will link up with other crusaders from across the country for a march to Ottawa that will culminate on the day the world marks the seventh anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in the U.S.

As laid out in the 2004 report of the bipartisan 9/11 Commission created by American congressional legislation, “19 young Arabs acting at the behest of Islamist extremists headquartered in distant Afghanistan” carried out the deadliest terrorist strike ever on the U.S. mainland.

But according to Noftle, a founding member of the Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society, there has never been an official Canadian investigation into 9/11, which the 28-year-old English teacher noted is the principal reason why Canada is at war in Afghanistan.

Canadian Truth Tour 2008: August 29th - September 15th: Vancouver to Ottawa

Truth Tour 2008

By: Drew Noftle

Vancouver BC – What started out as a simple petition, has turned into a lot more. The Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society is proud to announce the launch of the 2008 Truth Tour, set for August 29th – September 15th, 2008.

On August 29th, a busload of hard working and dedicated Vancouver 9/11 Truth activists will begin their trip across the country to meet up with their counterparts in Eastern Canada, and join them in Montreal for the March on Ottawa that will be commencing Sept 7th. During their 8 day trip across the country, they will be stopping in various cities along the way to give away free DVD’s, educate people about the flaws of the 9/11 Commission Report, continue to collect signatures and show the country that 9/11 Truth will not quit – not until this war is over, and not until Canadian troops are back home.

Canadian professors buck American government's 9-11 storyline

Rob O'Flanagan of the Guelph Mercury writes about two University of Guelph professors who offer a scathing critique of the American government's version of the events of 9-11.

Land of conspiracy?
Two professors from U of G are hosting forums, arguing the 9-11 attacks in New York were part of an American plot.
July 24, 2008
Rob O'Flanagan


A pair of University of Guelph professors have joined a growing number of academics and filmmakers who are writing and broadcasting their doubts about the official explanation behind the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001.

In a host of public forums, John McMurtry, professor emeritus of philosophy, and Michael Keefer, a professor in the School of English and Theatre Studies, have presented arguments alleging a plot on the part of the American government, business and military leaders related to the events of Sept. 11, 2001.

More than 2,700 people died.

Report from 'Canada Truth Day' - Maple Ridge, BC

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008 - Canada Truth Day in Maple Ridge, B.C.

U.S. deserter wins appeal

U.S. deserter wins appeal
Refugee board ordered to take another look at war dodger's failed asylum bid
'Officially condoned military misconduct falling well short of a war crime may support a claim to refugee protection,' judge writes
July 04, 2008
Colin Perkel

Canada's refugee board has been ordered to take another look at an American deserter's failed bid for asylum in an unprecedented court ruling that could affect scores of other U.S. soldiers who have refused to fight in Iraq.

In Friday's decision, which came as Americans celebrated Independence Day, the Federal Court found the Immigration and Refugee Board made mistakes in turning down Joshua Key's claim for asylum.

"It's quite a statement," Key, 30, told The Canadian Press from his home in Saskatchewan.

"It makes us feel good – probably everybody within this whole process."

A married father of four, Key served as a combat engineer for eight months in Iraq 2003. He said American soldiers committed savage acts against civilians and routinely killed innocent people.

"Canada Day" will be "Canada Truth Day" for Us

Tuesday, July 1st is Canada Day, and Canada needs 9/11 Truth!

Therefore, this will be a special day of action for Fraser Valley 9/11 Truth as we share what we know about 9/11 with our fellow citizens on the streets of Maple Ridge during the official Canada Day celebrations, and we need as many people out as possible to participate in this act of love for our country, fellow citizens and the world at large.

(Hit Piece) Sept. 11 conspiracy theories provide cheap entertainment: 'Truthers' avoid the difficult problem of making the world

hit pieces in and The Financial Times, books like Touching History and Firefight: Inside the Battle to Save the Pentagon, etc. all in advance of the NIST WTC7 report; is this what they call a "surge"? Usual tired ad hom/strawman BS, good points in the Brinkman quotes, though.

Sept. 11 conspiracy theories provide cheap entertainment: 'Truthers' avoid the difficult problem of making the world more secure
Todd Babiak, The Edmonton Journal Published: 2:04 am

The Wire, a complex and critically acclaimed HBO television series about the ways in which human systems are doomed to fail, never found a huge audience. By contrast, the Law & Order and CSI franchises, in which a simple conspiracy is at the base of every crime, are multibillion-dollar entertainment properties. The Da Vinci Code outsold every novel ever written about the problem of faith. In recent years, the controversy around who shot John F. Kennedy has overshadowed anything he said or accomplished during his presidency.

We have evolved into beings who prefer intelligent designs to the horror of chaos.

Nothing suspicious here.

It's like we're living inside a really badly written spy novel and the scariest part about it is that, not only the participants but the readers all believe it's reality.
Is there anything suspicious about the fact this guy was working for the Foreign Affairs Ministry? Is there not some sort of terrorist background screening going on here?
And what about the security levels at unprecedented levels?
This is badly written as the pathetic "Toronto 19" trial.
Scary times indeed.
Nothing suspicious here.
Oh, look a sports match and a celebrity sighting.
What were we talking about again? I'm suitably distracted.

Part 2: "We do not talk about things that we do not have enough experts to tell us about"


In my post of a few days ago, I asked some questions of CBC and Maclean's pundit Andrew Coyne, about his answers to a 9/11 Truther after a television taping. I said I'd e-mail him a link to the article (did) and advertise it on a few sites, including his own (did). I think I'll stop waiting for him to reply. He's still welcome to, of course; the Comment link is below.

Again, let's give Coyne credit for sticking around to engage his interlocutor, rather than making like Elvis and leaving the building, as Gregg and Hébert did. Still, his responses were vapid, and characteristic of what's wrong with the mainstream journalistic approach to 9/11.

"We do not talk about things that we do not have enough experts to tell us about"


(Part 1 of 2)

While researching my next-to-last post (and did you realize that "blogging" and "research" are not necessarily mutually exclusive?), I came across the following video:

In it, a very earnest and nervous woman confronts Alan Gregg, Chantal Hébert, and Andrew Coyne after a taping of the CBC political panel "At Issue," with a question about the media's handling of the events of 9/11:

"Why has the media failed to investigate the most glaring anomalies of 9/11, like the freefall collapse of the third tower, Building 7, or interview any of the high-ranking dissenters of the official 9/11 conspiracy theories --"

Reality Check: More at stake than CBC's Hockey Night in Canada song

by Hal Sisson, Q.C.

The only thing that has recently sparked a nationwide uproar in the Canadian public is the threat by the CBC to drop the popular theme song to Hockey Night in Canada, a ditty played before each game for the last forty years; a threat to let this musical icon, this signature anthem beloved by testosterone-crazed professional hockey fans, slip into limbo.

Well, as W.O. Mitchell would have said, “Wouldn’t this just give a dog’s ass the heartburn!” Does Dunt-da-Dunt-da-dunt define Canada?

Last call for Doxa documentaries (Strong Sibel plug from Vancouver Sun)

Thank you Vancouver Sun, for doing so much to promote this film

Yvonne Zacharias, Vancouver Sun
Published: Saturday, May 31, 2008
There's still time to catch a flick or two at the Doxa Documentary Film Festival before it ends Sunday. Here are our picks.
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Filmmakers from two European countries have turned the lens on U.S. malfeasance, shining a light on some its darker corners. Both films track a hero who struggles valiantly to bring a little justice to this world:

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The United States portrays itself as the land of freedom, but the film Kill The Messenger by Mathieu Verboud and Jean-Robert Viallet casts serious doubt on that notion. The film from France documents the cold, crass efforts by the powers-that-be in the U.S. to bring down Sibel Edmonds, an American of Iranian and Turkish origin who was hired by the FBI as a translator in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001 tragedy. She spent months translating high-security clearance documents.

Sibel Edmonds' Kill The Messenger at DOXA festival (Lukery)

Short commentaries from Luke Ryland on the upcoming Sibel Edmonds film screening, clips from news coverage:

Kill The Messenger, the documentary about FBI translator & whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, will be screened at the DOXA film festival in Vancouver on Saturday evening.

The Vancouver Sun lists Kill The Messenger as one of their 'Best Bets' for the festival.


As some of you know, I've been traveling for the last few months and haven't posted anything on Sibel's case for a while - unfortunately not much has happened in the interim.

There are still tickets available for the screening of Kill The Messenger at the DOXA festival in Vancouver on Saturday night. You can get your tickets here.

You may have already seen some of my YouTubes about the film. The trailer is here. In this new 5 minute clip from Kill The Messenger, Sibel's ACLU lawyers discuss the case.

From the clip:

Ann Beeson: It’s really phenomenal to me that any court can look at her case and say: "No, it can’t go forward, proceed or win her claim."

Video: 9/11 and Canada - Civil Information Activism for 911 Truth

This short video outlines some of the problems with the "official story" of 9/11, why we are taking action, how and why. It includes stills and video clips from our most recent street actions. It also looks at the politics of 9/11 in Canada, all with some groovy Hip Hop beats.(Download high-res version below).

The main message is: BE the media and be the change! Stop waiting for the media to tell the truth, stop chasing politicians and gatekeepers, and stop waiting for orders from headquarters, just DO it. It is up to each of us. We may or may not get a new "official" investigation, but we can show that we are not buying their lies and dis-info, not going to live in fear, and we can create a new investigation in the minds of many who are open to it, without censorship or spin from the MSM.

Comments and ratings welcome at

Vancouver Sun: "Kill the Messenger" is 'Don't Miss' at DOXA May 31
DOXA best bets
Yvonne Zacharais and Kevin Griffin, Vancouver Sun
Published: Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Six films you don't want to miss at the 2008 DOXA Documentary Film Festival:

Kill the Messenger
This French film documents the cold, crass efforts by officials in the U.S. to bring down Sibel Edmonds, an American of Iranian and Turkish origin who was hired by the FBI as a translator after Sept. 11, 2001. Reporting the possible infiltration of Turkish spies turns her life upside down: she is interrogated, fired, and subjected to a relentless campaign of intimidation. Edmonds doesn't back down as she takes her fight to Congress, the 9/11 Commission, the media, and the Supreme Court. Saturday, May 31 at 9 p.m. at Pacific Cinémathèque.

Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Kill the Messenger
Saturday May 31 | 9:00 pm | Pacific Cinémathèque
Directors: Mathieu Verboud & Jean R. Viallet, 2006, France, 84 minutes