9/11 Truth

Review of the 9/11 film "Improbable Collapse" at NC film festival

I recently attended the showing of "Improbable Collapse" in Greensboro, NC for the NC film festival. Afterwards there was a Q & A session to discuss what we had seen in the film with the director and writers of the film. The film was really educational, and the dialogue after the film was very informative. But, I only have one complaint, and this is for the entire 9/11 truth movement. I found that most people that attended this film had very liberal ties and seemed to be searching for yet more things to bash Bush and blame his administration for. We in the truth movement have to be very cautious when meshing our political views and the tragedy of that day. I am a conservative, but I am not so blind in my faith that I can not see the forest for the trees. This administration is a corrupt administration, but it is no more corrupt than previous admins. This thing is much bigger than simple party lines. If the movement truly wants results, we can not start the conversation with Bush did this or Bush did that...keep political bias out of it, as hard as that may be. The movement should be based soley on a new investigation.

What 911 means

We so casually talk about the 911 conspiracy. Are we really aware of what this horror means?
This is the last in a long series of attempts at undermining the republic. More accurately, it's the
military/intelligence community showing itself in all its ultimate power. When this happens both parties
step back, as they did in the JFK assassination, and the people who are really running the show make
sure they're taken seriously again. Even the Left won't touch this. THEY'RE AFRAID OF DYING!
We need to get educated. Read the Smedley Darlington Butler story as told by Jules Archer in his book
THE PLOT TO SEIZE THE WHITE HOUSE. After 60 or so years of entrenchment, the
bankers/wall-streeters/military intelligence people know they CAN"T BE STOPPED. We've been dumbed down
so bad, people actually tolerate nitwits like Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly, morons who would have been
laughed off the air when I was a kid.
Want to change things, get some indictments, see some executions of the traitors who are now in office?
It's going to take 50 million people getting out into the streets. Fully 1/3 of the Spanish population went into

"That’s not the way the world really works anymore. We have a reality based community now."

I heard the following statement from a anonym 911 Truther and want to share that with you:

"Guys like Rumsfeld and Cheney were in what some call the “Iran-Contra-Team B” community, which can be defined as people who believe in the rule of fear and macciavellian lies over dumb people for their own agenda.
That’s not the way the world really works anymore.
We have a reality based community now, thanks to the Internet, it’s the biggest democrating force since the printing press.
And while our leaders are still spitting out their old cold-war propaganda drivel, all those lies were exposed immediately.
Think of 911- they were so light-headed and maybe frightened that they conducted such a visible Inside Job – hence this will demolish the good old hidden Problem-Reaction-Solution sceme.
That’s how things will sort out.
The Truthers are history’s actors, and all the powers that be will be hold accountable for the things that they had done."


In loving memory of the anonym aide who was lost in time...

The aide said that guys like me [i.e., reporters and commentators] were "in what we call the reality-based community,"

Its Official - 9/11 Truth is bigger than Elvis Presley

digg_url = 'http://digg.com/offbeat_news/Its_Official_9_11_Truth_is_bigger_than_Elvis_Presley';

Google currently says 9/11 Truth is bigger than Elvis Presley (5,000,000 against 4,330,000 results)

Whichever way you look at it, that is a staggering statistic. Everywhere you look there is progress for the movement. No longer is it a minority theory, it is bigger than. . . well. . . Elvis!

BBC Thrashes the 9/11 Truth Movement; Make a complaint

Let's not let them do this and just walk away.



And send them this for reference material, since they seem to have impaired sources;

740 links by story title

"We Were Also Killed On 9-11... Avenge Us." First Responders Speak Out

digg_url = 'http://digg.com/videos/people/We_Were_Also_Killed_On_9_11_Avenge_Us_First_Responders_Speak_Out';

New York City 9-11 Truth weekend (Sept. 8th-11th, 2006), 1st responders speak out about the sick and dying in NYC due to the toxic cloud that the EPA refused to warn about, saying the air was safe to breathe. They covered up the dangers as they covered up the rogue elements of our government being involved in the attacks of September 11 2001.

9/11 Truth Film Festival, February 9-11, 2007, Cambridge, MA

The text below is extracted from an email. The venue is The Democracy Center (map).

9/11 Truth Film Festival
February 9-11
The Democracy Center
45 Mt. Auburn St.
Cambridge, MA
Friday 6 PM to 12 AM
Saturday 12 PM to 12 AM
Sunday 12 PM to 8 PM
Free admission and popcorn

An evidence-based, scientifically-sound look into what really happened on 9/11.
26 hours of spellbinding documentaries about 9/11 and related topics.

Paula Zahn covers 9/11 truth on CNN!

Investigative journalist Christopher Bollyn is interviewed by Paula Zahn on CNN regarding 9/11 and anti-semitism. Bollyn claims not to be anti-Semitic just a critic of zionist polices. Note how they attempt to negate his statement and smear him.

Audio file of the entire interview:

Spreading some 9/11 Truth in Washington, D.C.

Not sure if anyone is interested, but here are a couple of videos from the anti-war demonstration in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, Jan. 27.

Two local 9/11 Truth activists from Pennsylvania passed out 100 DVD's from the 911 Truth DVD Project, http://911dvdproject.com/, and hundreds of fliers pertaining to the unanswered questions of 9/11.

They spoke logically to the anti-war demonstrators, including some skeptics, about different aspects of the Truth Movement.
They also handed out 9/11 DVD's to Congressman Dennis Kucinich and Oscar-winning actor Tim Robbins.

9/11 Truth vs. 9/11 Speculation

I liked this, so I thought i'd share it:

(Source: http://www.truthmove.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=250)

Author: truthmover

Two movements: The 9/11truth vs. 9/11speculation movements.

When I first got into this, I didn't know which websites to trust. The big challenge at the time was 911review.com vs 911review.org. I soon realized that I could look at the links on each page to see quite clearly who these projects had decided to endorse. The line was quite distinct between the two, and I knew one of them had to be a shady enterprise.

The same pattern can be seen today, and the two sides haven't changed much since then. Now we have 911research vs. 911researchers, and the Scholars for Truth vs the Scholars for Truth and Justice. Take a look at the two lists of web links below to get a sense of what I'm suggesting. (Notice that - scholarsfor911truth/911scholars.org/scholarsfor911truth.org - the Fetzer scholars website is three of the links in the second list, and going to that site you see that there is a new banner link to 911researchers, a Seigel/Haupt production.)

Please Help Out Vermonters For A Real 9/11 Investigation

We Need YOUR Help!

A movement is quickly growing in the small – yet influential – northeastern city of Burlington, Vermont. We have collected enough signatures to place an advisory question on the ballot asking our congressional delegation to “to demand a new, thorough, and truly independent forensic investigation that fully addresses the many questions surrounding the tragic events of September 11, 2001.”

We need to educate our fellow voters about the many unanswered questions surrounding September 11th.We will be talking to as many people as we can, registering new voters and pushing on this issue for discussion. But we need YOUR HELP!


One movement, one slogan, one party

This is all we need:

911 Truth

The rest will follow: troops out now, repeal of all laws and policies predicated on 911 lies, etc.

No controversy. No problematic theories. Just truth. Who can object, or fail to join us?

Simplicity is the key. Spread the word.

Guardian mentions 9/11 Truth on "Webcameron"

"Young Dave Fotherington-Cameron's terminally exciting webcameron, we're pleased to say, is fast becoming essential viewing for all those seeking to understand what's really driving the Tory renaissance. A novel new feature, Ask David, allows visitors to post a question they'd like the dear boy to answer and vote for a fortnightly top five, to be graced with a response from His Daveship. So what, we wonder, has been most exercising the minds of the New Model Conservatives this month? Iraq? The NHS? Tax reform? Racism on Celebrity Big Brother? Actually, it's what Dave feels about "the blatant and troubling discrepancies with the official narrative describing the 9/11 attacks" and the "unequivocal fact that we have been lied to". Inexplicably, he hasn't answered it yet."


Ms. Pelosi should offer President Bush this Deal.

I had drafted a Blog about how I think war is the maijn economy of Bagdad. After I finished it I had a thought that wouldn't it be nice if someone offered to give President Bush his 21,000 extra troops if he agreed to cooperate with a new independent 9/11/01 investigation.
Just a dream I guess.

Apparently, President Bush is more concerned pumping our money into the Iraqis economy than our own.

The Iraqis are playing President Bush like the fool he is. They know he won't take the troops out. It wouldn't surprise me if Bush told the Iraqi Prime Minister what he wanted to do and said it was the Iraqi's idea. The greedy Iraqi polititcians wouldn't have anybody to bribe them without the war. How can you have a Democracy like the Americans and their freedoms without bribery?

How may more unaccountable billions of US dollars are going to be part of the "millions comming from the Iraqi government"?

The dumb arrogant Americans are still buying the "we haven't been attacked here since 2001" line. They know 9/11 was a put up job. President Bush has lost his mind. He still thinks that American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon. They do have a memorial there don't they? He did lay a wreath there didn't he?

"911 Associate Is Sentenced in Germany to 15 Years" - NY Times

The article by Mark Lander is located at http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/09/world/europe/09germany.html.

On Monday a German court "sentenced a friend of the September 11 hijackers to 15 years in prison for being an accessory in the murders of 246 people aboard the commercial planes used in the attacks."

The article states "The sentencing of the man, a Moroccan named Mounire el-Motassadeq, is a potentially decisive milestone in a complex and politically delicate case that has wended its way through the German courts for 5 years."

Apparently, he went to Germany in 1993 to study engineering and fell in with a "radical Islamic group in Hamburg that included two of the hijackers, Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi, is one of only two people to be convicted in the 9/11 attacks. The other - Zacarias Moussaoui, a French citizen of Moroccan descent - is serving a life sentence in Colorado."

Mr. Motassadeq was first tried in 2003 and was found guilty of 3,066 counts of accessory to murder but that verdict was overturned on appeal and he was put on trial a second time.

It goes on to say that the German prosecutors struggled to make a case "in part because of what they said was a lack of cooperation from the United States in sharing evidence".