9/11 Truth

recent Pilots for Truth activities

Over at the Pilots for 9/11 Truth forum which I'm part of, we are getting active. As just a few examples among many, in the Congress, Media contact info section - http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pilots_For_Truth/index.php?showforum=43 we are curently working on a project to get DVDs sent to all the Congressional Reps in Washington, DVDs which raise unanswered questions about the events of 9/11, such as 911 Mysteries, for example.

Our library of reading material http://z9.invisionfree.com/Pilots_For_Truth/index.php?showforum=26 which we have compiled and in some cases written is now quite substantial, covering (in some cases in significant quantities) about 80 topics both directly 9/11 related and looking at the larger world picture, listed alphabetically from Abu Ghraib through Zionism.

Pilotsfortruth.org, which created the Pilots for 9/11 truth forum but does not necessarily endorse everything posted within it, will be releasing chapter two in the Pandora's Black Box DVD series in a few days. Meanwhile, you can check out the trailer for it at the following link:

(Hip-Hop) Diabolic: The Masterplan (Feat. AKIR)

I've been meaning to post this forever because it's been out for a while. Diabolic also did the tune "Truth", here's one of his latest called "The Masterplan";

Listen Here

"Bin laden was a scapegoat to send the boys to battle// Now they avoiding shrapnel for a bunch of Oil barrels// We nuttin more then cattle for the slaughter// Got a daughter// Can’t afforded to see her fall in this New World Order" - Diabolic: The Masterplan (Feat. AKIR)

American Thinker says 9/11 skepticism "extremely dangerous"

Cross posted on http://TotallyFixed.blogspot.com

AmericanThinker.com's Michael Lopez-Calderon thinks that people who don't buy the government's line about 9/11 are "extremely dangerous" because they might "undermine our democratic nation's war against the theocratic forces of radical, Jihadi-driven Islam".


And here I was thinking I was being patriotic trying to expose the bald-faced lies and brazen evasions that have constituted the "official story" of 9/11 up to this point. After all, if the Bush administration and/or its cronies DID perpetrate or facilitate the crimes of that day, the central justification for the ongoing war(s) against our officially designated enemies would be undermined indeed.

But, that must surely be because I find comfort in conspiracy theories. As Mr. Lopez-Calderon put it, "Conspiracy theories offer explanatory models of complex events to large audiences of the unsophisticated and under-educated."

The "Spitzer Team" to take a fresh look at ...

...the Freedom Tower.

One of the points in the 12-16-2006 NY Times article located at:

NYS' "Governor-elect Eliot Spitzer’s choice to lead the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey said yesterday that the Spitzer team would take a “fresh look” at the Freedom Tower project at ground zero.

Mr. Spitzer cautioned that it was premature to say whether plans would change, but the new Port Authority leader, Anthony E. Shorris, said there was little flexibility to make a major overhaul.

The comments came at a news conference where Mr. Spitzer named Mr. Shorris to be executive director of the Port Authority and also tapped 11 others for top jobs in his administration. Half of the appointees are current or former members of Mr. Spitzer’s staff in the attorney general’s office...."

".... Mr. Shorris’s remarks about a top-to-bottom review of the Freedom Tower reflected private comments made recently by some Spitzer advisers. They have vowed to examine everything from the project’s cost and leasing viability to its height, which Gov. George E. Pataki helped set at 1,776 feet.

The Nation Magazine weekly trashes 9/11 skeptics

News and Commentary by David Caputo of Positronic Design

Cross posted on http://TotallyFixed.blogspot.com

The Nation Magazine, one of my all time favorites and the very model for my own news magazine from "back in the day", is all-kinda squishy-washy about 9/11, and what really happened that day. They constantly rip the Bush administration a new one for all manner of the dreadful things they do, but they seem largely incapable of even QUESTIONING the official government line on 9/11 facts and figures, even when they blatantly contradict themselves.

Their most recent piece on this subject, Christopher Hayes' "9/11: The Roots of Paranoia" was typical of the genre, although politer than most. I offer my thoughts and commentary because I thought such a weak overall analysis should not stand unchallenged, especially by a long-time fan of The Nation.


Dear Nation Editors,

Confirmation hearings blew it

As I see it, every person appointed for any position in the government should be asked the following question.

Do you believe that an airplane crashed into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001?

The Senate confirmed President George W. Bush's choice for Donald Rumsfeld's replacement as Secretary of Defense without asking that question.

I believe that they have confirmed just another soft spoken C.I.A. insider willing to play the game for a few more years. I believe that he is the only C.I.A. agent to have made it to the top. I wonder why ??? Was he recruited by this President's father ? What brought him out of retirement ? It can't be patriotism because he never brought up the subject either.

I am very disappointed, but not surprised, that none of the Senators that were on the Confirmation Committee dared ask that question. Especially the ones that have 2008 Presidential aspirations. I will be looking for someone to vote for who isn't afraid to speak the truth and ask the tough questions.

Maybe the new Democrat takeover of both houses of Congress isn't going to be as effective as we wanted it to be. We can still hope that when they open their first session that I will be proven wrong.

NYC Dec 3 Free Screening of Terrorstorm with special guest speaker

Big props to Luke and CHANGE for organizing this!

Come see TERRORSTORM and never before heard 9/11 victims family member speaking on false flag terrorism

Come see a groundbreaking expose that details the history of government sponsored terrorism, TERRORSTORM. Immediately following the film we will hear from someone who lost a loved one on 9/11. This person has chosen to remain silent until now and is risking a lot by coming forward for the pursuit of truth. This will be a powerful and defining moment for the 9/11 movement. After the event there will be a short strategy session because education is worthless unless we use it.


Sunday December 3rd , 6:30 pm


St. Marks Church, NYC

10th Street 2nd Ave

take the 6 train to Astor Place or R train to 8th Street.

FREE for the public

Presenter: Luke Rudkowski

Sponsored by CHANGE


"TerrorStorm is something that should be seen by everyone, no matter what their stance/affiliation/political bent. "

9/11 marketing strategies

Note, a podcast of various building 7 collapses available here. 

Dear 9/11 Friends and Activists


Can we, should we, all start referring to Bldg 7 as “The Smoking Gun”? (This concept may assist with propelling Bldg. 7 into the mainstream consciousness).

Can someone, or many, splice together all the various video clips of collapsing WTC 7 and post it online, allowing anyone to download it, thus allowing those with laptops to open them up in all kinds of locations and show “The Smoking Gun” to anyone within view. The video could be limited to less than 2-3 minutes, (everyone is in a rush) set up to replay continuously, have introductory video’s of other controlled demolitions. (Please let me know if someone has compiled this already – I’m anxious for it). Perhaps the same concept can be used for a separate video compilation of the Twin Towers.

How about we pool our money and purchase billboard signage, perhaps along the Interstate/Freeways/Highways. (Keep in mind, a billboard viewer has less than 8 seconds to grasp the sign's content) The sign might say:

New Congress intends on Enacting 9/11 Commission Recommendations

According to the Yahoo News http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061125/ap_on_go/democrats_iraq
The new Democrat Congress has set as one of their goals
"_Enacting the Sept. 11 Commission's security recommendations".

We all are aware that the Commission was faulty. I think that if the new Congress Enacts any legislation that resulted from the faulty investigation is a mistake. Politically for them, financially for us and we may lose more of our Constitutional Rights in the process.

The correct way would be for Congress to form their own independent investigation and arrive at their own recommendations (if any are necessary).

I think that by them releasing this information we are obligated to respond that we do not want any legislation that came out of the faulty Commission until they have an independent Congressional Committee with "Subpoena Power" and a multi million dollar budget to arrive at their own conclusions and recommendations, if any are really necessary.

Perhaps the funding can come from the insurance companies that failed to investigate the claims filed or did the insurance companies have a magic ball that showed that the investigation of the Commission would agree with cause on the claims that were filed and argued in Court before the end of 2001. How many billions of dollars did that cost us in higher insurance rates for the new Terrorism Risk product that the Bush Administration gave them to sell which covered the losses.

Video: WTC Survivor Janette MacKinlay on 9/11 Truth

Janette MacKinley lived across the street from the WTC complex and witnessed the destruction of the south tower. She spoke at the Lifting The Fog conference at UC Berkeley about 9/11 truth and the power of grassroots activism.

Aljazeera - English - Submission to "Your Views"

The Aljazeera English website located at the following
has a feature called "Your Views" http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/B84B85E3-7E69-4D79-8121-746EBEA7B304.htm

I have taken advantage of this access to millions of other citizens of the world and submitted something similar to the following. The reason I said similar was because the "Your Views" section limits the comments to 1000 characters an frequently erases the pages each time the website is updated. Similar to the way NFL.com updates the scores and play by play. So when I copied the original I noticed some obviouse typos and have corrected them here. The last I heard from the website was when I submitted the original and received a message the it would be reviewed and might be posted.

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to reach out to the citizens of the world and ask their assistance to bring to justice the people responsible for the 11 September, 2001 attacks.
I would like to inform you that the Security Council of the United Nations adopted Resolution 1368 on 12 September, 2001. Part of the Resolution "calls on all States to work together urgently to bring to justice the perpetrators, organizers and sponsors.."

Why is nothing being done?

I just got done watching the loose change 911 video and there is one thing I don't understand. WHY IS NOTHING BEING DONE?! Other than the word being spread, with this
OVERWHELMING amount of evidence why is NO ONE investigating, why is our government not being held accountable for and answering the questions that need to be answered?

And I really need to know, what can myself and everyone of us do to get our government to answer our questions?

9/11 TRUTH Branches Even In Rural English Market Towns!



Sunday, November 19, 2006
The 9/11 Truth Movement. Please take note!

....People are beginning, en masse, to realize the impossibilities, improbabilities, absurdities and bizarreness of the Bush Administration's wacko story, and not just in America, but all over the world. Even rural English market towns have their own 9/11 Truth branches!... The more digging that people do, the more convinced they become that the basic things that they learned from the mainstream media are not only very wanting, but also plainly bogus.

We are starting to circle the wagons. But there is one thing of paramount importance for anyone in the Truth Movement to be aware of, and this is as follows:....

[This story can be "buzzed" (voted for) at http://www.buzzflash.net ]

David Rockefeller, The NWO, and his "Boys" continue to feed off of the 9/11 tragedy...CASH ONLY

This is completely disgusting and outrageous!!


*(notice it's a DONATION drive to build the memorial....nevermind the billions upon billions of federal disaster relief and reconstruction funds that have disappeared since right after 9/11)


Board of Directors:
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg

(more after the break..)

Beware of disinformation in 911 "Truth" forums

A funny thing happened to me in my quest to seek the 9/11 Truth. I didn't start to look into the events of 9/11 until the lengthy litigation with a large national bank was settled in the fall of 2005.
Since I had extra time on my hands someone suggested that I watch "911: In Plane Site", so I did. One question led to another question, you know how it goes. I bought numerous DVD's that dealt with the subject and then went to find a website to learn more and to share what I had learned from others.
I thought I had found a home in 911 Pilots For Truth. I was very active asking questions and posting replys and sharing my information.
I am a firm believer that all 4 of the original "Flights" are still missing. I have listed some of the reasons below:
1 - There was no passenger aircraft wreckage nor passenger bodies recovered from Flight 77at the Pentagon and the damage to the building itself is not sufficient to uphold the theory that appears in the Official Story.
2 - The lack of wreckage of a passenger aircraft at the "crash site" in Shanksville PA.
3 - The obvious differences in appearance between the Flight 175 that took off and the POD oand other appearance differences of the "Flight 175" that crashed into the tower and the "flash" just prior to impact.