Abby's blog

Media Roots Radio- Prop 19, Aafia Siddiqui, Freemasonry & the Founding Fathers

Media Roots Radio- Prop 19, Aafia Siddiqui, Freemasonry & the Founding Fathers by Media Roots

On the latest edition of Media Roots radio we discuss China's forced abortions, the unjust case of Aafia Siddiqui, Prop 19, Christine O'Donnell's embarrassing revelations of ignorance, and Free Masonry: the origin and evolution behind the organization and their political influence on America's formation and progression.

Media Roots Radio- Able Danger, Blowback, Iran

Media Roots Radio Episode 3- Able Danger, Blowback, Iran by Media Roots

On this week's episode of Media Roots radio we question why Fox news has been spearheading the Able Danger investigation and why the 'intellectual left' reinforces the myth of the War on Terror and Al Qaeda. We also discuss Jan Brewer's shocking public appearances and dispel popular talking points and myths about Iran by scrutinizing things like the mistranslated mantra 'Israel should be wiped off the map'.

The above timeline is interactive. Scroll through it to find out more about the show's musie links to resources mentioned during the broadcast.

Media Roots Radio

These are the first and second episodes of Media Roots radio with hosts Abby and Robbie Martin. We break through the left/ right paradigm and speak the truth about 9/11, Obama, the media, terrorism and pharmaceutical drugs. This radio show airs on shortwave radio Sundays at 6pm central time, following the Alex Jones show on frequency 9.350 MHz.

KPFK FM Interview

Media Roots- KPFK's Chris Burnett of Indy Media on air interviewed me about my website for his FM radio show last Monday to talk about politics, activism, and media justice. We talk about 9/11 truth quite a bit, starting at about 20:00.



12 Page 9/11 Truth Spread in Yesterday Magazine

Yesterday Magazine is a San Diego based music magazine that doesn't shy away from controversy. Their second issue just launched and it features a twelve page spread on 9/11 truth. The layout is an interview with four members of San Diego 9/11 Truth alongside David Dees illustrations and my artwork. They have an awesome, slick publication that interviews the best bands in San Diego and their publication is widely distributed throughout the city. I am sure this article will stir some dialogue...


Media Roots Interview & Call for Submissions

Oriana Saportas of KPFA radio conducts an interview with Abby Martin, creator of at Berkeley Community Media’s public access where they have a discussion about the creation and evolution of Media Roots, a grassroots media project created to help inform and connect the community.

Please send all art, music, video, writing materials and research submissions to

48 Concurrent Press Conferences around the Globe?!

The news that was heard around the world on February 19th- Over 1,000 Architects and Engineers Now Support a New 9/11 Investigation!

Can you think of the last time you heard news so big that 48 different press conferences took place all around the world to deliver it? On February 19th, 2010, AE911Truth signatories and supporters held press conferences in 48 different locations everywhere from San Francisco to Wellington, New Zealand to bring media attention to a momentous achievement- 1,000 architects and engineers are calling for a new, independent investigation into the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers on 9/11/01.

This historic press conference was conducted concurrently in 19 states, 6 countries, and 48 locations worldwide! Along with holding press conferences on that day, AE911Truth members also hand delivered the AE911Truth petition, signed by over 1,000 architects and engineers, to their local representatives. The day was an enormous success and had widespread coverage from both mainstream and independent media outlets. Here are just some of the highlights.

Short Videos on Critical Topics has been officially dissolved and all the videos disabled from the website. I edited down and uploaded every investigative report I did in the capacity of the organization to my own youtube channel. The video subjects range from 9/11 to gmo foods to media censorship- featuring videos with Peter Phillips and Cindy Sheehan.

Please help share this critical info!

Thanks for everything you all do.

The Bush Crime Syndicate

The Bush Administration MUST be investigated, prosecuted, & held accountable for their criminal activity. Find out the six major laws that the Bush administration violated after 9/11 in the exposé: The Bush Crime Syndicate

San Diego 9/11 Truth Represents

About forty people showed up for two hours of visibility on one of the busiest corners in San Diego, then we marched to a local firehouse for a vigil. Thanks to everyone who participated in an action this 11th.


Love & Respect
~SD 911 Truth

Media Roots Article- Do We Know the Truth About 9/11?

MEDIA ROOTS- The upcoming anniversary of September 11th brings little solace for the millions of citizens worldwide who have serious questions concerning the official account of what happened that day.

Usually when there is a monumental failure in our government’s ability to protect our nation, a complete investigation immediately ensues. Yet in the case of the 9/11 tragedy, Bush opposed any probe into the attacks for well over a year until mounting pressure from the victim’s family members forced him to address the issue.

Once the 9/11 Commission was finally formed, Philip Zelikow was put on as its executive director. Zelikow also penned the controversial Bush Doctrine, a policy which allowed preemptive invasion of any country in the world if potential for a future threat existed.

Chairman of the commission, Thomas Keane, later charged in a book that the commission was “set up to fail.” Furthermore, Bush and Cheney refused to testify to the Commission separately and under oath. Crucial witness testimony and evidence was also deliberately withheld from most of the commission members.

The Obama Administration Exposé

Robert Gates, Secretary of Defense Find out more damning facts about six other key appointees in Obama's administration. Who are these people and where will they take our country? Are they working for the people or for the military industrial complex?

Check out the other videos covering the people in Obama's cabinet at

War on Terror: Pathways to Peace

 YOURNETWORK exposes Obama's expansion of the war on terror and highlights organizations (WEARECHANGE, 9/11 TRUTH, CODEPINK, etc) that are working to bring accountability and social justice back into politics.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead

War on Terror: Foreign Policy


Could it be that our foreign policy decisions are determined by the most powerful corporations on the planet?


War on Terror: Expenditures


Coming to terms with a global war on terror is nearly impossible given the incalculable human and financial costs.