Abby's blog

Cal State Long Beach Zine - Debunking 9/11 Truth

Cal State Long Beach's online zine,, recently featured an opinion piece that bashes 9/11 truth:

Feel free to join in the discussion to enlighten this fellow and his readers!

TheN3TWORK- Constitutional Rights

(video below the fold)

In the name of homeland security after 9/11, anti-terror legislation passed that granted sweeping authority to federal agencies to investigate all targets, foreign and domestic. The conclusion reached by many of our elected representatives, and echoed repeatedly by President Bush, was that the government needed this additional authority to protect America from future terrorist attacks. After a brief overview of the Founding Fathers’ intent in crafting the Constitution, theN3TWORK explores the current challenges to keeping our rights under mounting pressure to yield them to national security. We provide startling examples of how new and ambiguous pieces of legislation, like the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, have already curbed our civil liberties. Included in the episode is a breakdown of the MIAC report, along with very disturbing CSPAN footage from the introduction of the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Bill. A must see for every American citizen!

The N3TWORK- Big Media Exposed!

The N3TWORK- Your Truth- Big Media

I know I haven't posted here in a while, but it doesn't mean that I haven't been active :) I have switched gears and for the last eight months have been fully invested in our new online media company called the N3TWORK.

The N3TWORK is an independent media organization that explores issues not typically discussed by the mainstream because we are not swayed by corporate, political, or religious influences. Our only influence is the interest of the people. At the N3TWORK, we hope to generate inspiration and empowerment through awareness. Instead of assigning blame, we encourage individuals to become responsible and active citizens.

San Diego August 11th Visibility Action

We stood out in the most rich, conservative area of San Diego during afternoon rush hour today. Based on the reception I would say that the concept of 9/11 being an inside job was alien to most residents of the La Jolla. It was good we were out there, I'm sure it prompted a dinner conversation with each and every person who saw us.

SD 9/11 Truth at Obama rally

A couple days ago Obama was in San Diego at the La Raza convention. We stood toward the Obama supporters with our banners for a couple hours and proceeded to give them dvds and flyers. They were pissed and just kept shouting "TALK TO BUSH" & "OBAMA" to us.



San Diego July Visibility Action

Thanks to everyone who came out for July visibility! Since the 11th closely followed the fourth of July, we wanted to make this one extra patriotic, so we all brought flags and demonstrated in front of Liberty Station, less than 1/2 mile from San Diego's huge navy base. Mostly all the people around were military oriented, and we got SO much positive response from passerbyers. Some guy even came out and joined us halfway through saying he just moved to SD and didn't know there was a group out here! It was a great day.



This is the promo for project Dylan Avery, myself, and some other activists from San Diego are working on together. The N3TWORK is going to be an underground news media based on the internet that produces solutions rather than focus on problems. Although the clip isn't 9/11 truth related, the first few episodes will start with issues concerning San Diegans, then we are expanding it to cover the more serious problems in this country.

Be in's New DVD!

Participate in the Filming of Our New Updated DVD in San Rafael, CA!

Greetings Petition Signers, Sustaining Members, and other friends:

We are inviting you to be an in-studio participant in the professional video production of our new updated DVD.

We have given this challenging multi-media slide show presentation to packed audiences at dozens of locations in the U.S. and Canada over the last year. The results by show of hands before and after have been consistently very successful!

Since the original production last year, we have removed information that was disputable, unscientific, unnecessary, etc., and added very important info such as Dr. Jones' findings of unexploded thermite in the dust. And, as many of you know, Mr. Gage’s delivery has become much more powerful.

Join us in the production of the most powerful DVD yet on the "collapses" of the 3 WTC high-rise buildings on 9/11.

"9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction"
with Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

Sunday May 11th
5:30pm — Sharp!
Professional Video Studio in
San Rafael, CA

Griffin 5.6.2008 SDU lecture will be online as soon as possible

Watch Dr. David Ray Griffin Live Tonight at San Diego State University!!!

Dr. Griffin will be lecturing at San Diego State University tonight on his latest book 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press. He shows that the official story of what happened on 9/11 is riddled with internal contradictions. Since two contradictory statements cannot be true, it is clear that individuals and agencies articulating the official story of 9/11 have made many false statements. His new book simply lays out the fact that these contradictions exist.

Watch this lecture live VIA at 10pm EST/ 7pm PST

Truthstock 2008 Watch Live Today!

Watch 7 pst or 10 est live stream of truthstock from

9/11 Truthstock 2008 at San Diego State University is proud to host 9/11 Truthstock 2008 at Montezuma Hall on the San Diego State University campus, April 10th, FREE and ALL DAY from 9am until 10pm!

The day's events will include screenings of Terrorstorm, Improbable Collapse, Zeitgeist, two Loose Change Final Cut premieres, and speeches from physicist Dr. Steven Jones, and Richard Gage, AIA ( After the event there will be a panel with both speakers, Jesus Nieto, SDSU professor, Dylan Avery (creator of the loose change series), and Tony award winner Daniel Sunjata (star of the hit show Rescue Me), who will also be MCing throughout the day. The event is FREE and open to the public so bring family, friends to learn the facts that the 9/11 truth movement has uncovered in the wake of the September 11th attacks. This venue has 800+ seats so please help us spread the word!

100 San Diegans died on March 22, 2008.

On March 22, 2008, over 80 people from across San Diego County gathered downtown to perform a demonstration known as a "Die-In." We came in white T-shirt's and upon arrival had the number "15,703" printed on our chests. This number illustrates the number of deaths from the war each of us individually represented.

Official SDSU Truther Group!

This semester is the first semester that our San Diego State "Truther" group is official on campus! We will be tabling every Thursday and Friday from 10-3 to promote the group and hand out movies and flyers to students. If you live in San Diego join us!

Truther 1 - Click for image

Truther 2 - Click for image

And here is some beach blogging I did :D

Beach Blogging - Click for image

San Diego 9/11 Truth Confrontation of Michael Shermer

SD 9/11 Truth Meetup went to confront Shermer tonight. We handed out flyers that got around the room and to him before he even started speaking. After the Q and A we had many concerned citizens who wanted to talk to us because they saw how Shermer disregarded our issues. We handed out all our movies and received thanks from people who said they were glad to see the dissent. The Shermer adoring moderator later agreed that she too is skeptical of the official story, and that she is excited to watch final cut. We stuck around until the very last person had their book signed to continue the discourse. The more we pressed him the more we realized that he is very willfully ignorant. He agrees to debate the leaders of the movement.

9/11 Truth for Dummies~ Intellectuals Wanted

We modified our Truth for Dummies flier and revamped the back into an entirely new flier, "Intellectuals Wanted". We just ordered 10,000 glossy colored 1/4 page cards and they look great. Download & distribute!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket